RSM Retail Ecommerce Integration

by RSM Product Sales LLC

Integrate with a 3rd Party eCommerce Platform more efficiently and quickly

Integrations with 3 party applications can require a lot of time and technical resources. Using RSM’s Retail Ecommerce Integration, value can be delivered faster with less risk using pre-built integrations. Application roles and responsibilities can be determined faster leveraging tried and true process flows. Data Mapping can be completed faster between systems using pre-defined templates.

Leveraging existing integrations that plug into Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Commerce’s out of the box payment connectors reduces risk and complexity in a sensitive, customer facing area.

Pre-Built Integration Points from Microsoft Dynamics 365:

    • Prices
    • Coupons
    • Coupon Availability Service
    • Products
    • Inventory Availability (Incremental and Full Sync)
    • Sales Order History

Pre-Built Integration Points to Microsoft Dynamics 365:

    • Sales Orders with Payments
    • Catalog Requests

At a glance