
by VanRoey

TrackBot automates your in- and outbound item tracking assignments.

Introducing TrackBot: Your Ultimate Business Central AppSource App for Effortless Tracking Management!

Are you tired of the never-ending maze of manual tracking code assignments in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system? Say goodbye to the complexity and hello to simplicity with TrackBot, the revolutionary automation solution you've been waiting for!

✅ Effortless Automation: TrackBot empowers you to automate item tracking code assignments effortlessly, saving you time and reducing human errors. No more manual data entry or tedious repetitive tasks!

✅ Versatile Compatibility: Whether you're dealing with lot numbers, serial numbers, package numbers, or any combination of the three, TrackBot has you covered. It seamlessly integrates with your inbound and outbound transactions, ensuring your tracking is always accurate and up to date.

✅ Boost Efficiency: Experience a significant boost in your team's productivity as TrackBot takes the reins of your item tracking code assignments. Free up valuable resources to focus on strategic tasks that drive your business forward.

✅ Seamless Integration: With a seamless integration into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, TrackBot becomes an integral part of your operations. No need for extensive training.

Supported Editions

This app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported Countries


Supported Languages

Dutch and English

At a glance