LeBit Demand Query

by LeBit Software & Consult GmbH

Streamline internal demands with structured procurement and seamless purchase order integration.

Streamline your procurement process with structured internal demand management!
Managing internal demands efficiently is critical for smooth operations. Whether you’re handling departmental needs or service requirements, the LeBit Bedarfsanforderung app introduces a new document type —Demand Request (BANF)— to structure and simplify the process.

What do I get?

  • Centralized Demand Documentation: Create internal demand requests to record and manage needs across departments or service operations.
  • Enhanced Visibility for Buyers: Demand request lines provide a structured overview of all internal requirements for better procurement planning.
  • Direct Conversion: Seamlessly transfer demand requests into purchase orders, eliminating manual effort and ensuring process consistency.

Why would I want this?

LeBit Bedarfsanforderung simplifies the management of internal demands by adding a structured layer to your procurement workflow. It reduces manual effort, ensures clear communication between departments and purchasing, and helps avoid missed or delayed orders.

How will it help me?

By integrating demand requests into Business Central, the app saves time, minimizes errors, and enhances visibility across your internal procurement processes—all while maintaining a clear and intuitive user experience for your team.

Supported Editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Supported Languages:

German and English

At a glance