Advanced RMA / Case Management

by ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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The Easiest way to Manage Support Cases and RMAs in Business Central

This version supports the NA Localizations only. For Additional Localizations see Additional App Listings.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

  • Generate Return Material Authorization (RMA) from Posted Sales Invoice/Shipment (PSI) , or Posted Vendor Invoice/Shipment (PPI)
  • RMA can be used to track Return from Customer, Return to Vendor, or BOTH.
  • If RMA generated from PSI, then when it creates the RMA Lines, it will know all the base information (customer, sale date, sale price, cost, vendor info) and that will automatically be updated on the RMA.
  • User can manually override any of that data if it needs to be corrected without affecting original PSI/PPI.
  • RMA will have timeline of communication just like the CRM Contact timeline.
  • RMA will have document attachments just like CRM contact. (we can also add zetadocs factbox to save documents too)
  • Ability to track workflow (status) of RMA, from issuance to Customer, to receiving, to crediting customer, then rma from vendor, shipment to vendor, credit from vendor (this will help to keep things from falling thru the cracks especially on the vendor side).
  • Creation of Sales Return Order and Purchase Return Order from RMA, to facilitate the receiving and shipping.
  • Extended Sales Return Order and Purchase Return Order functions for taking pictures, and have it automatically added back to the RMA.
  • Email RMA form to client along with shipping labels if needed.
  • Email RMA request to vendor.
  • RMA Card will have the same log functions as CRM – so you will be able to log call, make call, send email, log email, log note.
  • Also will have our new “Drag and Drop” section on the RMA Card, so you can drag outlook emails onto the RMA and it will log into the timeline.

At a glance