Consolidated Shipping

by ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Manage Multiple Documents to the Same Destination

Currently supported localizations include the United States and Canada.

Includes Free 30-Day Trial.

Consolidated Shipping allows you to manage the shipping of multiple documents to the same destination under one document called the Master Shipping Order (MSO).

An MSO can be for Sales Orders, Purchase Returns, Transfer Orders, or a Miscellaneous MSO (manually send anything thats not on a normal document.

Standard Orders in Business Central only get linked to the MSO and are driven by the originating document for what is shipped (quantity to ship) from where you can create:
  • Bill of Lading
  • Commercial Invoices
  • HTS Commercial Invoices (Hazardous Materials)
  • Master Packing List
  • Master Checklist
  • Pallet and Package List and Labels
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Certificate of Compliance
  • Advance Shipping Notices

This is all done on the MSO without actually having to ship the sales, purchase, or transfer document. Once completed, the MSO can attach pictures of the shipment or attach any additional documents. You can also send out Advanced Shipment Notice Emails (ASNs) that include these documents with the click of a checkbox. Then you can ship the MSO and it will ship all the linked Sales, Purchase, and Transfer documents automatically.

MSO also allows for 3rd party Ship To (Freight Consolidator) and Blind Shipping (if drop shipping to your customers customer).

At a glance