Smart Job Queue Control

by BE-terna

Set of advanced functionalities for Job Queue Entries

How many times did you ask yourself if set-up Job Queues have performed correctly and without errors?

In the meantime, Job Queue has stopped working and you have not received any notification or warning about it. Consequently, the part of the job that was supposed to be done automatically in the system remained unfinished because Job Queue ended up in Error status. To avoid such situations with Smart Job Queue Control, use this app to manage Job Queues better.


With this app Dynamics 365 Business Central is improved with additional functionalities for controlling standard Job Queue Entries such as:
  • Control Job Queue Entries
  • Error Handling
  • E-mail notification sending

Functionalities and detailed description

Control Job Queue

Control job queue functionality enables creating a special type of job-on-Job Queue Entry Page that cannot end with a status Error. His purpose is to control one or more other recurrent jobs (e.g., download exchange rate list every day) which need to continually run even if they end with a status Error.

Error Handling

Error handling functionality enables setting the Control job queue to any recurring job which will manage his execution status. If an error status occurs, the control job will handle the error and return them to status Ready again. As part of this functionality, we can set which job controls the current job and which action will be taken on status Error.

E-mail notification sending

The functionality enables sending an e-mail with notifications about log entries and job status. It is also possible to set frequency, e-mail receiver, CC E-mail address. This functionality also enables notifying multiple responsible persons if employees work in shifts. (e.g., create as many recurrent jobs as shifts you have and control all of them with the same control job.

Supported editions:

This extension supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Contact information:

General Overview:

Supported country:
Croatia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, United States, Austria, Czechia, Finland, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Ireland and United Kingdom. Please ask for additional countries.

Supported Languages:

This app is available in English (ENU), German (DEU), Croatia, Slovenia, Serbian. Please ask for additional languages.

At a glance