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NNIT - Mixed Reality - Booster Program - Remote Assist: 5Wk, ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Booster Program is a fast and secure way to explore the benefits of Mixed Reality within your organization.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
1 out of 12
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
2 out of 12
NNIT - Mixed Reality - Booster Program - Remote Assist: 5Wk, ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Booster Program is a fast and secure way to explore the benefits of Mixed Reality within your organization.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
3 out of 12
PowerWorker for AssetMaintainers-6M ImplementationVelradaA new approach to getting value from Digitised Asset Management
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
4 out of 12
Remotely Assisting workers w/Mixed Reality-3Wk POCVelradaEnable and enhance your front line staff with Velrada's Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and Mixed Reality POC
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
5 out of 12
Mixed Reality As a Service: 1-mth Proof of ConceptNNIT A/SRent a secure and fully managed Microsoft HoloLens for testing Proof of Concepts
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
6 out of 12
NNIT - Mixed Reality - Booster Program - Dynamics 365 Guides: 12Wk, ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Booster Program is a fast and secure way to explore the benefits of Mixed Reality within your organization.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
7 out of 12
Scale Mixed Reality with Center of Excellence: 12MTH ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Scale Program, helps your organization establish and govern the new ways of working through controlled processes and well executed organizational change management
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
8 out of 12
D365MR Remote Audit & Inspection: 2WK ImplementNNIT A/SNNIT’s Remote Audit & Inspection Service enables your organization to audit and inspect production facilities with a proven and secure setup.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
9 out of 12
NNIT - Mixed Reality - Booster Program - Dynamics 365 Guides: 12Wk, ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Booster Program is a fast and secure way to explore the benefits of Mixed Reality within your organization.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
10 out of 12
Scale Mixed Reality with Center of Excellence: 12MTH ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Scale Program, helps your organization establish and govern the new ways of working through controlled processes and well executed organizational change management
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
11 out of 12
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
12 out of 12