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Consulting services results for Government
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Dashboard in a Day: 1-Day WorkshopInviso CorporationThis immersive hands-on session is designed to guide you through the entire lifecycle of a Power BI report.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
1 out of 45
Migration to Power BI: 1-Day AssessmentInviso CorporationThis offering is designed to give you a cost/benefit analysis of migrating from a competitor/legacy reporting platform to Power BI.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
2 out of 45
Custom Teams App: 1-Hour BriefingPractical Solutions, IncA meeting to discuss your organization’s needs for a Custom Teams app that integrates with Microsoft's APIs.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
Teams Custom Solutions
3 out of 45
Microsoft Teams Meetings: 2-Day AssessmentPractical Solutions, IncUnderstand and experience the vision for Microsoft Teams Meetings and Meeting Rooms. Prepare your colleagues and employees to get the most out of Microsoft Teams Meeting and Meeting Rooms.
Applicable to:
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
4 out of 45
SharePoint QuickStart: 2-week ImplementationPractical Solutions, IncOur SharePoint QuickStart offers a straightforward and quick way to start your intranet, collaboration, and document management journey to the Microsoft cloud.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
5 out of 45
Workplace Analytics Services: 4-week AssessmentPractical Solutions, IncDiscover your organization's collaboration patterns, get analysis and actionable insights, and identify the biggest opportunity areas and how to tackle them.
Applicable to:
Workplace Analytics
6 out of 45
Microsoft Teams QuickStart: 2-week ImplementationPractical Solutions, IncOur Teams QuickStart offers a straightforward and quick way to start your document management, collaboration, and company communications journey in the Microsoft cloud.
Applicable to:
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
7 out of 45
Microsoft 365 - Threat Protection: 2-week workshopForteventoWorkshop aimed to identify threats, such as susceptibility to phishing attacks and risks of Shadow IT
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
8 out of 45
4-Day Security AssesmentHSO From firewall to zero trust. HSO Security Assessment identifies risks and advises recommendations.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
9 out of 45
Microsoft 365: 2-Week AssessmentPractical Solutions, IncEstablish a clear roadmap and change management plan for your journey to a modern workplace.
Prepare your organization for a secure and productive workplace by getting the most out of Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
10 out of 45
Dashboard Power BI: Taller de 2 medios díasGOVmsServicio de consultoría entregado como taller esta dirigido a cualquier persona de cualquier área de la empresa que desee aprender a utilizar Power Bi por medio de un taller práctico en 2 medios días
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
11 out of 45
Modern Workplace Assessment: 4-day AssessmentHSO Assess your business against Microsoft 365 products, the Power Platform and Azure-related services to understand where it is on it's User Journey towards a Modern Workplace.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Information Protection & Governance
Teamwork Deployment
12 out of 45
Power Apps consulting - 10 days implementationDEVSCOPEDevScope’s Power Apps consulting services help your organization tackle immediate needs in record-time while empowering your team to develop their own future solutions.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
13 out of 45
Power Apps: 4 weeks ImplementationDEVSCOPEDevScope’s Power Apps consulting services help your organization tackle immediate needs in record-time while empowering your team to develop their own future solutions.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
14 out of 45
Establishing PowerApps Roadmap: 2 Weeks WorkshopsAdvancya TechnologiesExperience PowerApps digital transformation with our professional consultancy services
Applicable to:
Power Apps
15 out of 45
Power Apps: 2-days WorkshopProge-Software S.r.l.Learn how to build an App with this training workshop by Proge-Software
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
16 out of 45
Portals & Collaboration - 10 days implementationDEVSCOPESuccessful organizations are driven by collaboration and information management. In a world where people can increasingly work from anywhere, office communications are more important than ever.
Applicable to:
Teamwork Deployment
Workplace Analytics
17 out of 45
Governance Power BI 4Wk- AssessmentGOVmsHabilitación y Diagnostico de Inicio de Governance Power BI - 4WK
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
18 out of 45
Microsoft 365 migration report: 5-Days Assessmentmscloud sp z o.o.Get ready to use Microsoft 365. Thanks to the report prepared by our specialists, you will significantly reduce the time and costs of switching to Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
Teamwork Deployment
19 out of 45
E-Suite Discovery Offerings - 2Wk Assessments EDOSynergy Advisors LLCIntroducing Synergy Advisors E-Suite - Microsoft E5 Better Together Quick Assessment -> Impactful Quick Results [Cybersecurity - Data Protection, Compliance and Secure Collaboration]
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
20 out of 45
Teams PhoneSystem: implementacion en 10-diasELECTRICOS Y COMUNICACIONES ELECTROCOM S A SDemostración gratuita sobre como usar servicio de telefonía en la nube integrado a Microsoft Teams por parte de un socio líder en la industria, capacitador y lideres de opinión.
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
21 out of 45
Customer Voice Analytics Sales 2 Day WorkshopDynamics EdgeDynamics 365 Customer Voice is an enterprise feedback management application you can use to easily keep track of the customer metrics that matter the most to your organization.
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
22 out of 45
MAF - Microsoft Teams: implementación 5 días.ELECTRICOS Y COMUNICACIONES ELECTROCOM S A SDemostración gratuita de como usar de informes de actividad en Microsoft Teams por parte de un socio líder en la industria, capacitador y lideres de opinión.
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
23 out of 45
Wolkvox - Microsoft Teams: implementación 10 díasELECTRICOS Y COMUNICACIONES ELECTROCOM S A SDemostración gratuita sobre como usar servicio de telefonía integrado a Microsoft Teams y Contact Center Wolkvox por parte de socios líderes en la industria, capacitador y lideres de opinión.
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
24 out of 45
Wragby BT - Catalyst: 2-weeks Envision WorkshopWragby Business Solutions & Technologies LimitedWragby Business Transformation Workshop leverages the Microsoft Catalyst framework to transform businesses using business process automation applications. The workshop is delivered in 2 weeks.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
25 out of 45
Customer Voice Customer Service- 2Day WorkshopDynamics EdgeSurvey Analytics Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for Customer Service : 2 Day Workshop
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
26 out of 45
Customer Voice Field Service- 2 day WorkshopDynamics EdgeSurvey Analytics Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for Field Service : 2 Day Workshop
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
27 out of 45
Customer Voice -1 Hour AssessmentDynamics EdgeDynamics 365 Customer Voice Free 1 hour Assessment
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
28 out of 45
Customer Voice Customers Feedback-1 Day WorkshopDynamics EdgeCustomer Voice Feedback from Customers
SharePoint 2016 Intermediate
1 Day Workshop
$275 per Individual
Discount for Groups available
Live, Virtual or In-Person
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
Catalyst Envisioning: 1-Day WorkshopEnlighten Designs LtdBuild, plan and execute your business transformation with Microsoft Catalyst and Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
30 out of 45
Advice and Consultancy: 4-days AssessmentThe Best Experience in Technology S.A.Evaluación y estimación para generar procesos internos automatizados
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
31 out of 45
Catalyst Envisioning: 1-Hr AssessmentEnlighten Designs LtdDiscover how you could build, plan and execute your business transformation with Microsoft Catalyst and Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
32 out of 45
Modern Work Foundation: 4-Wk ImplementationEnlighten Designs LtdBuild a solid foundation for your Modern Workplace in just 30 days
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Workplace Analytics
33 out of 45
Modernize Business Apps: 4-Week ImplementationEnlighten Designs LtdModernize your business apps and reduce your workplace administration
Applicable to:
Power Apps
34 out of 45
3CX Microsoft Teams: implementación en 10-diasELECTRICOS Y COMUNICACIONES ELECTROCOM S A SDemostración gratuita sobre servicio de telefonía en la nube 3CX integrado de forma nativa con Microsoft Teams por parte de un socio líder en la industria, capacitados y lideres de opinión.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
35 out of 45
Microsoft Endpoint Management - 2 Days Workshopmscloud sp z o.o.Microsoft Endpoint in conjunction with Samsung phones. We deliver and configure a ready solution in the field of security and management of Samsung mobile devices.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
Teamwork Deployment
36 out of 45
Power Apps in a Day: 1-Day WorkshopEnlighten Designs LtdQuickly build custom business apps to solve your business challenges
Applicable to:
Power Apps
37 out of 45
Microsft Teams Room System: implementación 5-diasELECTRICOS Y COMUNICACIONES ELECTROCOM S A SDemostración gratuita sobre servicio de Salas de Microsoft Teams integrado a Direct Routing por parte de un socio líder en la industria, capacitados y lideres de opinión.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
38 out of 45
Adoption Services: 4-Weeks ImplementationSoluciones Tecnológicas Overcast S.A.P.I. de CVWith Technological Adoption, we guide your company towards digital transformation by enhancing collaborative work, making the most of Microsoft 365 solutions.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
39 out of 45
Secure Remote Work: 3 Days Intro and Plan WorkshopLiveRoute FZ-LLCEngagement to introduce benefits (of working from anywhere, anytime but securely for your productive workforce), assessment and establish a plan for enabling modern Secure Remote Work workplace.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
40 out of 45
VIVA Connections Offer Overcast- 4 weeks implementationSoluciones Tecnológicas Overcast S.A.P.I. de CVInform, engage and empower your organization with Overcast´s VIVA Connections Offer
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Power Platform for Teams
41 out of 45
VIVA Learning Offer with Overcast- 4 weeks implementationSoluciones Tecnológicas Overcast S.A.P.I. de CVMake learning pad part of your day with Overcast´s Viva Learning Services
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
42 out of 45
Business Process Automation: 2-Day WorkshopHa-Shem LimitedThe Purpose of our offer is to conduct a two-day free workshop session with organizations to help discover their business challenges and then propose the right solution using PowerApps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
43 out of 45
Frontline Offer Overcast - 4 weeks implementationSoluciones Tecnológicas Overcast S.A.P.I. de CVAn Microsoft 365 Adoption Consulting Service for the frontline workers in your organization
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Power Platform for Teams
44 out of 45
Live Events Offer - 1 week AsessementSoluciones Tecnológicas Overcast S.A.P.I. de CVTake advantage of Overcast´s production of a Live event with Microsoft Teams and make your meetings more dynamic
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Microsoft 365 Live Events
Power Platform for Teams
45 out of 45