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Rapidly build apps in-a-day - 8hr WorkshopMY SynergyLear how to build your app in customer focused 8 hr workshop, dedicated to Power Apps creation for begginers
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Power Apps
1 out of 10
Power Portals in-a-day -8 hr workshopMY SynergyYou need a web Portal with features? No programmers, coders, QA`s, beta testers and customer problems?
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Power Apps
2 out of 10
Power Platform: 2-Wk Proof of ConceptDXCThe Power Platform proof-of-concept aims to rapidly demonstrate the power the power platform by creating a low code solution based on business scenario that is discovered during a discovery workshop.
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Power Apps
3 out of 10
Modernize your Applications with PowerApps: 2 weeks implementationArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaDesign a business process of your choice and build a basic PowerApp as a working solution that you can use to automate your process and showcase it within your organization.
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Power Apps
4 out of 10
Power Apps QuickStart: 10 Day ImplementationHikari Data Solutions Ltd.Hikari offers a simple starter solution for businesses looking to better understand Power Apps capabilities and to create their first app.
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Power Apps
5 out of 10
Power Platform: 2-Day online workshopElitmind SPIntroduction to Microsoft Power Platform. You will learn how to build low-code applications, analyze real-time business dashboards, act on data insights, and automate your workflows.
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Power Apps
6 out of 10
Power Apps 2 hr Assessment from CloudAssistAdaptive Business Communications Ltd t/a CloudAssistThis is a business use case assessment for Power Apps to establish the potential ROI of adopting this low-code, no-code application development for Business Process Automation
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Power Apps
7 out of 10
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
8 out of 10
Business Process Automation: 2-Day WorkshopHa-Shem LimitedThe Purpose of our offer is to conduct a two-day free workshop session with organizations to help discover their business challenges and then propose the right solution using PowerApps.
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Power Apps
9 out of 10
Virtusa Low Code App & Business Process Assessment: 8-Week AssessmentVIRTUSA LTDA business process and application digitalization assessment by Virtusa to provide realistic roadmap for transformation of legacy applications and processes by addressing and mitigating the challenges
Applicable to:
Power Apps
10 out of 10