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Power Platform - 3 Jours de gouvernance - WorkshopEXPERTIMEMettre en place correctement la Power Platform pour une bonne gouvernance et sécurité de la donnée en 3 jours(environnements, licences, sécurité...).
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
1 out of 32
Power Platform Governance:1-Day workshopRoboranaPower Platform Governance workshop in a day
Applicable to:
Power Apps
2 out of 32
Power Apps Development: 4-Week ImplementationInfopulseInfopulse, as a Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Service Provider, can help your business create a custom mobile application for your on-premises system with the Microsoft Power Apps platform.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
3 out of 32
Transform your operations: 2 Days assessmentMinsaitIn this proposal, we demonstrate the differential value that Minsait offers in the implementation of Power Platform projects.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
4 out of 32
CoE Power Platform : 1 Day assessmentMinsaitIn this proposal, we demonstrate the differential value that Minsait offers in the implementation of Power Platform Center Of Excellence.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
5 out of 32
Power Apps-2Wk- ImplementationAxazureDedicate only two weeks to transform your business using Power Platform. Identify one business process, and we will transform it to improve your results and internal team performance.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
6 out of 32
PowerApps Portail Dossier : 2sem - implementationProjetlysSolution de portail web basé sur PowerApps Portal pour la gestion des dossiers et des procédures administratives
Applicable to:
Power Apps
7 out of 32
Innovation Masterclass- 5 Day Prototype App engagementEvrosGet started with PowerApps
Applicable to:
Power Apps
8 out of 32
Power Platform Governance: 1 Day WorkshopAppfieAssess the maturity level of the Power Platform within your organization. Next to getting an understanding of the capabilities, you will get insights in how you can maximize your platform investment.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
9 out of 32
FastStart Power Platform 6-Day WorkshopEXAKIS NELITE5 étapes pour apprivoiser la Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
10 out of 32
OptimizePro Strategy 1-Day AssessmentWortellWe help you building up Agile business processes based in line with your Strategy and with clear Added Values
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
11 out of 32
Power Platform : 1 formation - 3 hr atelierEXPERTIMEUne session de formation transverse pour vous faire découvrir Power Apps, Power Automate et les principales notions. Cela vous permettra d'avoir une meilleure compréhension de l'éco-système.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Apps
12 out of 32
PowerLab in 1 month - POC ApproachBusiness & Decision Benelux S.A.Increase your use productivity and experience with our PowerLab approach
Applicable to:
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
13 out of 32
Power Platform: 3-Day WorkshopSupremo Sp. z o.o.Overview of Microsoft PowerApps & PowerAutomate applications, including environmental analysis.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
14 out of 32
Power Engagements Governance: 3-Day ImplementationXpand ITPre-packaged Power Engagement targeting specific governance needs, helping you take advantage of all Power Platform components.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
15 out of 32
Power Apps : 1wk process implementationDevoteam FranceThe aim of this offer is to propose a tailor-made support to business users to digitize a process by using Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
16 out of 32
Agile App Pilot - 2 Wk Proof of ConceptCoexyaAccélérez sur vos cas d’usages métier grâce à Microsoft et la Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power Apps
17 out of 32
Mobile App Development: 1-Day ImplementationPEAKUPDream, Design, Develop with Microsoft Power Platform. Service include design workshops and development of line of business applications to get more out of business processes.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
18 out of 32
Power Platform : Pilot Phase - 4Wk PoCSAEGUSSetting up pilots before the Power Platform deployment
Applicable to:
Power Apps
19 out of 32
Power Platform : Rollout Phase - 10Wk ImpSAEGUSScale-up and rollout of the Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power Apps
20 out of 32
Empowering Business: 6 weeks ImplementationMICROPOLE SAEmpowering Business accelerates and optimize the digital transformation of business uses cases.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
21 out of 32
Power Apps : 1 journée d'atelierQWERIOTour d'horizon de Microsoft Power Apps, ses principaux composants techniques, les cas d'usage et ROI associés.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
22 out of 32
Power Apps : Preuve de concept 2 joursQWERIOPreuve de concept Power Apps. Identification d'un cas d'usage, workshop et atelier avec le métier, paramétrage avancé d'un démonstrateur: livraison, tests et validation par le métier.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
23 out of 32
Power Platform CoE Consulting& Implementation 10wkHappiest Minds Technologies LimitedPower Platform Center of Excellence (COE) framework helps enterprises to realize the ROI by enabling them with a strategy, approach and framework for adoption and governance.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
24 out of 32
PowerPlatform Governance 3 weeks workshopStellium SAPowerPlatform Governance, workshops to define strategy, policies & processes.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
25 out of 32
Power of 3 and COE 4-Wk ImplementationNeudesicBuild 3 Power Apps and Center of Excellence
Applicable to:
Power Apps
26 out of 32
Power Portals in-a-day -8 hr workshopMY SynergyYou need a web Portal with features? No programmers, coders, QA`s, beta testers and customer problems?
Applicable to:
Power Apps
27 out of 32
1 sprint Power Platform - 10 jours - ImplementationEXPERTIMENous vous proposons de vous accompagner pour cadrer un cas d’usage, le mettre en œuvre et vous rendre autonome pour la réalisation et maintenance de vos prochaines applications.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Apps
28 out of 32
Modernize your Applications with PowerApps: 2 weeks implementationArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaDesign a business process of your choice and build a basic PowerApp as a working solution that you can use to automate your process and showcase it within your organization.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
29 out of 32
Power Platform: 2-Day online workshopElitmind SPIntroduction to Microsoft Power Platform. You will learn how to build low-code applications, analyze real-time business dashboards, act on data insights, and automate your workflows.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
30 out of 32
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
31 out of 32
Business Process Automation: 2-Day WorkshopHa-Shem LimitedThe Purpose of our offer is to conduct a two-day free workshop session with organizations to help discover their business challenges and then propose the right solution using PowerApps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
32 out of 32