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Consulting services results for Manufacturing & Mobility
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Dedicated Power BI training: 2-Day WorkshopEBIS SP. Z.O.O.2-Day Dedicated Workshop. Don't know what can be done with Power BI and how to increase profit by proper analysis - we will show you what is inside your data!
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
1 out of 60
'Veni,vidi,vici' package: 10-Day Proof of Concept EBIS SP. Z.O.O.10-Day 'veni, vidi, vici' package to conquer Power BI and improve your data experience!
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
2 out of 60
SOFT4 IFRS 16/ AASB 16 MINI: 3-Day ImplementationSOFT416 hours of SOFT4Lessee set-up services for lease compliance in accordance with to IFRS16/ AASB16 requirements.
Applicable to:
Business Central
3 out of 60
Dynamics Business Central-1H-EvaluationProdware SAEchangez à notre expert Microsoft pour évaluez les bénéfices de la solution Dynamics Business Central pour votre organisation.
Applicable to:
Business Central
4 out of 60
Microsoft Dynamics 365 MVP: 1-Hr AssessmentAP CommerceAn assessment for your business with a Microsoft Dynamics MVP focusing on Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
5 out of 60
ManufacturingOne for D365 CE : 2-Days AssessmentORBIS FRANCEManufacturingONE pour les industries manufacturières discrètes, de production et de services.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
6 out of 60
Power Platform: Solution Assessment 1 weekBusiness ElementsQuantify the value of your business transformation with an executive-ready proposal
Applicable to:
Power Apps
7 out of 60
Rackspace Secure Remote WorkshopRackspace EMEAYour journey with Rackspace to keep your business running securely with M365 technologies.
Applicable to:
Information Protection & Governance
Insider Risk
Teamwork Deployment
8 out of 60
Birlasoft Office 365 Adoption: 3 Weeks workshopBIRLASOFT LIMITEDA workshop to uncover collaboration & employee productivity scenarios, assess the maturity of existing apps, and enable you to organize and automate these scenarios using Office 365 & Power Platform.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Power Platform for Teams
9 out of 60
Customer Insight for Agri-Food Industry: 4-wks POCSWORDExplorer et exploiter vos données de l’agroalimentaire afin de les valoriser
Mise en œuvre avec Dynamics Customer Insight et la Power Platform
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
10 out of 60
"Smart Consulting" with an Expert: 2-Hours Brefing by Cluster ReplyReplyCluster Reply, thanks to its strong skills in the manufacturing sector, can help companies to strengthen the relationship with their customers, through the Smart Consulting Solution
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Power Apps
11 out of 60
ORBIS Security&Governance Coaching: 1-Day-WorkshopORBIS SEManaging Security and Governance with the Power Platform can be challenging? Not with the ORBIS Power Platform coaching’s. Learn the basics and best practices from our power platform experts.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
12 out of 60
Power Platform: 4 weeks of Governance workshopBusiness ElementsEnsure buy-in across your organization with visual assets and immersive experiences
Applicable to:
Power Apps
13 out of 60
Microsoft Dynamics NAV: 2 Day Business AssessmentsaglobalMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Business Central makes it easier for organizations to achieve accelerated growth with a modern business management solution. Schedule an assessment with our expert today.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Intelligent Workplace for Sales-Implementierung 8WDIGITALL Nature Germany GmbHGestalten Sie Ihren Vertrieb digital & intelligent, um langfristig erfolgreichere Kundenbeziehungen zu führen, Kosten zu sparen & Umsätze zu optimieren.
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
Power Apps
15 out of 60
Microsoft 365 : Conformité 10-Day AssessmentEXAKIS NELITEMicrosoft 365 : Conseil & Expertise pour votre conformité. Une vision 360° de la conformité pour Microsoft 365 avec les enjeux métier, conformité, services et produits.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
16 out of 60
Graphical Planboard - 10 Day ImplementationdelawareImprove your production efficiency and machine occupation, lower work in progress and avoid backorders by a more transparent production planning.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
17 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Automotive: 1-Hr. BriefingORBIS SE"Vision in Action": Start the journey of fulfilling your Companies VISION!
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Manufacturing: 1-Hr. BriefingORBIS SE"Vision in Action": Start the journey of fulfilling your Companies VISION!
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Manufacturing: 1-Day WorkshopORBIS SE"Vision in Action": Start the journey of fulfilling your Companies VISION!
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Automotive: 1-Day WorkshopORBIS SE"Vision in Action": Start the journey of fulfilling your Companies VISION!
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
D365 Implementation Manufacturing: 1-hr BriefingenVista Enterprise Solutions, LLC (EES) - MBSInteractive, 1-hour briefing focused on understanding your challenges and growth plans to ensure Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the right fit for your manufacturing business.
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
Change management : 2 days workshopGLOBAL INFOLes solution de collaboration et leur gouvernance avec Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
23 out of 60
Modern Workplace Management: 6-week WorkshopBeck et al. GmbHBeck et al. bietet ein praxisorientiertes Vorgehensmodell für Microsoft 365-Einführungen mit eine ganzheitliche Perspektive.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
24 out of 60
Master Planning: 4 week assessment and educationArgano LLCOptimize your supply chain with this foundational first step
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
25 out of 60
FR D365 PROJECT OPERATION: 5 JOURS POCProdware SADécouvrez comment améliorer la visibilité sur l’ensemble de vos projets, optimiser la gestion des ressources, standardiser vos processus et assurer votre rentabilité !
Applicable to:
Project Operations
26 out of 60
FR D365 PROJECT OPERATION: 2 JOURS ASSESSMENTProdware SADécouvrez comment améliorer la visibilité sur l’ensemble de vos projets, optimiser la gestion des ressources, standardiser vos processus et assurer votre rentabilité avec D365 Project Operations !
Applicable to:
Project Operations
27 out of 60
Sécurité applicative D365 BC: 5-Day ImplementationisatechSécurisez les accès à vos données et définissez vos flux de travail dans votre ERP Dynamics Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 60
ORBIS Change Management Readiness: 4-days-WorkshopORBIS SEEvaluate the readiness of your organization to change
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
29 out of 60
PowerApps Cooptation RH : 2sem - implementationProjetlysEnsemble de services Microsoft 365 accompagnant la cooptation dans une organisation
Applicable to:
Power Apps
30 out of 60
Migration messagerie Microsoft: 3-Wk ImpProjetlysMigration vers Microsoft Exchange Online
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
31 out of 60
Columbus IFRS16: 4-Wk ImplementationUAB OIXIOEnsure your financial reporting compliance with Columbus IFRS16 4-week implementation services consisting of diagnostic workshops, implementation and trainings
Applicable to:
Business Central
32 out of 60
Sensibilisation Cybersécurité :4sem-implementationProjetlysUne démarche pour sensibiliser les utilisateurs à la cybersécurité
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
33 out of 60
Adoption Microsoft Teams: 4-Wk ImplementationProjetlysNotre approche pour une adoption continue sur Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Power Platform for Teams
34 out of 60
Adoption Réunions Microsoft Teams -10days ImplemProjetlysAccompagner les utilisateurs sur les réunions Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
35 out of 60
Power Apps Development: 4-Week ImplementationInfopulseInfopulse, as a Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Service Provider, can help your business create a custom mobile application for your on-premises system with the Microsoft Power Apps platform.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
36 out of 60
Gestion d'une crise alimentaire: 5-Day AssessmentisatechDétecter le début de la crise. Etre à l'écoute des consommateurs. Traçabilité et non-conformité
Applicable to:
Customer Service
37 out of 60
D365 CE for Food & CPG: 10-Day ImplementationisatechRépondre aux demandes des consommateurs. Contrôle de l'inventaire et des coûts. Promouvoir et prendre en charge de nouveaux canaux de distributions. Meilleure gestion des prix et des promotions.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
38 out of 60
Discrete manufacturing: 1-day workshop9altitudesLearn how our ready to benefit approach for discrete manufacturing enables your organisation to go live faster and with guaranteed quality for the most important discrete manufacturing flows
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
39 out of 60
Project Manufacturing: 1-day workshop9altitudesEnvision what your future in project based manufacturing looks like
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Field Service
40 out of 60
CRM for Manufacturing - 2H Workshop9altitudesIdeate together with 9altitudes' experts a Customer Engagement platform for your Manufacturing company. We will envision you a future-proof business solution based on Industry Best Practices.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
41 out of 60
Business Central: 1 Hr. Overall AssessmentDSVC Business Solutions Co. Ltd.An hour Free evaluation of your business needs to determine how Dynamics 365 Business Central can help streamline your business operations.
Applicable to:
Business Central
42 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Field Service: free 2-h briefingproMX AGFree two-hour briefing about how to improve field service work with Dynamics 365 Field Service.
Applicable to:
Field Service
43 out of 60
Protection des applications -4-Week ImplementationEXAKIS NELITEUne vision de tous les usages d’applications Cloud réalisée par ses utilisateurs afin de mettre en place des règles de sécurité et de contrôle pour empêcher des comportements comme le Shadow IT.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
44 out of 60
plys modern management assessment 1semProjetlysCadrage initial pour déterminer la stratégie de mise en œuvre d'une gestion moderne du poste de travail
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
45 out of 60
Business Central for ETO Companies : 1-Hr BriefingABSYS CYBORGReview ETO - Engineer To Order in Microsoft Business Central. Get a free briefing.
Applicable to:
Business Central
46 out of 60
Innovation Masterclass- 5 Day Prototype App engagementEvrosGet started with PowerApps
Applicable to:
Power Apps
47 out of 60
Dynamics 365 F&O: 4-Wk Design AssessmentDMR DANIŞMANLIK YAZ. VE EĞT HİZM. SAN TİC LTD. ŞTİAssessment to evaluate your current Microsoft Dynamics AX or Dynamics 365 deployment to validate if it meets your business requirements or not.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
48 out of 60
FastStart Power Platform 6-Day WorkshopEXAKIS NELITE5 étapes pour apprivoiser la Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
49 out of 60
Get Started with Viva Insights: 3 Day WorkshopCognizantThis workshop will provide details about what Viva Insights brings to the table for an Enhanced Employee Experience
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
Workplace Analytics
50 out of 60
Microsoft Viva 8-Wk-Consulting and ImplementationMindWorksEnhance your modern employee experience with Microsoft Viva insights, connections, learning and topics
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
51 out of 60
D365 for Fin for Food & CPG: 4-Wk AssessmentisatechModernisez vos activités commerciales dans les secteurs de la finance, la fabrication et la logistique pour stimuler votre croissance.
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
Client Services-Cloud Backup 365 - Briefing (2h)Iver Sverige ABCloud Backup 365 is the Supplier’s service for backing up and recovering the Customer’s data in the Office 365 cloud service.
Applicable to:
Information Protection & Governance
53 out of 60
Consulting PVA : 5 Days - WorkshopInetum (HO)Etre acccompagné rapidement sur les problématiques d'agent conversationnel PVA (information et service)
Applicable to:
Power Virtual Agents
54 out of 60
VIVA Learning: 5-Days ImplementationGLOBAL BRANDSLearn How to empower your employees with this center for learning in Microsoft 365. Help them discover and share professional training resources across your organization, and track their progress.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
55 out of 60
Workshop Microsoft 365 Frontline Workers (6 hrs)Integrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Microsoft
365 for Frontline Workers this workshop is dedicated to frontline employees The purpose of
this workshop is to support employees in better understanding Microsoft 365 services, in order to b
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
56 out of 60
Frontline Workers: 2-Week AssesmentTOKIOTADiscover howto improve Efficency for your Frontline workers
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
57 out of 60
Mobile App Development: 1-Day ImplementationPEAKUPDream, Design, Develop with Microsoft Power Platform. Service include design workshops and development of line of business applications to get more out of business processes.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
58 out of 60
Business Productivity: 3 days assessmentThree Systems s.r.o.BUSINESS & SECURITY ADVISORY goal is to identify suitable scenarios for the use of modern technologies for communication, collaboration, information sharing, teamwork, key processes and applications.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
59 out of 60
Microsoft Viva - 1 Day WorkshopBamboo Technologies LimitedTo make the employee experience your competitive advantage with Modern Work solutions, Bamboo offers a one-day workshop to provides an overview of Viva suite and see how Viva helps your organization.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
60 out of 60