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Consulting services results for Government
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Microsoft Security Solution Strategy - 3 Hour workshopINFOTECHTIONLearn the best way to operate Microsoft Purview Data Security Features and build a high-level adoption strategy.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
Insider Risk
1 out of 50
4-Day Security AssesmentHSO From firewall to zero trust. HSO Security Assessment identifies risks and advises recommendations.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
2 out of 50
Ø Bureau - Réservations de bureauxSolutions Victrix Inc, lesApplication de réservations de bureaux basée sur Power Apps pour Teams.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
3 out of 50
Cloudforwork Viva Connections - 6 Weeks implementationCloud for WorkThe goal of this offer is to provide you with all services that you need around Microsoft Viva Connections to Keep everyone connected, Make it easy for people to contribute and Unite your firm
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
4 out of 50
Migration Exchange Online - Implémentation de 3 semainesNOWTEAMMigration simple et sécurisé de serveur de messagerie local ou cloud vers Exchange, spécialement conçu pour les PME/PMI. Optimisez votre organisation avec une solution clé en main rapide et éprouvée
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teamwork Deployment
5 out of 50
Digital Transformation CopilotSahara Watira for Digital TransformationHelping businesses test and implement Microsoft Copilot
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
6 out of 50
Viva Learning Services: 6-Weeks ImplementationCloud for WorkThe goal of this offer is to provide you with all services that you need around Microsoft Viva Learning to make learning a natural part of the day and available in one place
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
7 out of 50
Grant Accounting Business Central: 1-Hr AssessmentNew Technology ResearchAdd Grant Accounting to Dynamics 365 Business Central. Talk to our experts
Applicable to:
Business Central
8 out of 50
Microsoft Intune - 5-day ImplementationSCC FRANCEDonner une portée cloud à votre gestion de parc
Unifier vos terminaux Windows 10, Android, iOS et MacOS
Déployer et Sécuriser tous vos terminaux en Zero-Touch via Autopilot, ABM et Android Enterprise
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Frontline Workers
Mobile Device Management
9 out of 50
Power BI Premium: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Premium can help your organization address the challenges of large enterprise deployments and workloads without needing to license each user individually
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power BI Report Server for Government: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Report Server can help your organization improve business performance. You can apply governance on your own terms and build your BI environment On-Premises.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
11 out of 50
Microsoft Viva 4 hrs WorkshopIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.The purpose of this workshop is to show the integration of the Microsoft VIVA various services with your current Microsoft 365 environment and in particular Microsoft Teams as a central communicat Hub
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
12 out of 50
Microsoft 365 Security - 5-Day ImplementationSCC FRANCEDefine and Deploy all MIcrosoft 365 features
Azure AD Premium, MFA et Accès conditionnel
Defender for Office 365
Microsoft Intune
Defender for Endpoint
Information Protection
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
13 out of 50
Azure AD Premium - 5-day - ImplementationSCC FRANCEConfiguration et sécurisation d'un Tenant Azure AD. Mise en place des bonnes pratiques de synchronisation, d'authentification et de sécurisation via Azure AD Premium.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
14 out of 50
Protect devices : 4 days assessmentSopra Steria France4 days of assessment focused on device / EDR protection.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
15 out of 50
Protect Identity : 4 days assessmentSopra Steria France4 days of assessment focused on identity protection in Azure & Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
16 out of 50
Microsoft Purview Records Management Assessment & Strategy for Government - 9 Week AssessmentProtivitiProtiviti assists government departments and agencies with defining and documenting a strategy and roadmap to accomplish records management within Microsoft 365 leveraging Microsoft Purview.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
17 out of 50
Employee Experience Envision Workshop by SoftwareOneSoftwareOneAccelerate your employee experience with Microsoft Viva Insights
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
18 out of 50
Eviden Compliance Assessment (CSAT) zur Einhaltung der europäischen NIS-2-RichtlinieEviden International France - SASUnternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, die europäische NIS2-Richtlinie bis zur nationalen Umsetzungsfrist im Oktober 2024 umzusetzen.
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
19 out of 50
Proactive Security Monitoring - Consulting Service listingCloudWay Services ASTake the first and most important step in securing Microsoft 365: getting an overview over what you have in your environment.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Knowledge & Insights
Mobile Device Management
20 out of 50
Introductory and Briefing to the Microsoft Copilots by Comtrade - 1 dayComtrade System IntegrationThis workshop is perfect for those looking for a complete guide to Microsoft Copilots (yes, all of them); You will gain all the knowledge you need to decide what Copilot is right for you and why.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
21 out of 50
Symity 5 Day Teams Premium PilotSYMITY, part of Charterhouse Voice & Data LtdMicrosoft Teams Premium elevates your meeting experience. This pilot explains the key features of Microsoft Teams Premium and provides you with hands on experience with a 30 day trial.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
OnActuate Deployment Streamliner Toolkit: 3-Wk ImplementationOnactuate Consulting IncStreamline your code deployment process and ensure code integrity.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
23 out of 50
OnActuate Test Automation Toolkit: 6-Wk ImplementationOnactuate Consulting IncRemain competitive by delivering AI-powered visual test automation, ensuring quality and speed across your Microsoft environment in just six weeks.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
24 out of 50
RPA Discovery & DeliveryCiklumAutomate key business processes using Microsoft Power Automate, to reduce manual overheads and improve productivity.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
25 out of 50
Power Automate Intermediate: 4-day workshopLatinshareDotar a los participantes de habilidades avanzadas con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia y automatización de procesos dentro de sus organizaciones.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
OnActuate Performance Testing Toolkit: 6-Wk ImplementationOnactuate Consulting IncReduce risks and enhance system quality and reliability in just 6 weeks.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
27 out of 50
OnActuate Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Accelerator: 2-Week Implementation (Basic Package)Onactuate Consulting IncSimplify and accelerate your sales transformation with OnActuate's basic, fast-tracked Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales implementation, perfect for small teams ready to scale.
Applicable to:
28 out of 50
Data Security EngagementSignal Alliance Technology HoldingAs your company data expands and generative AI is being deployed rapidly, having an integrated approach that can help quickly identify, triage, and act on data security risks is super important.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
Insider Risk
29 out of 50
Enable your Remote Workforce-10 day implementationVelradaSupporting remotework in challenging times
Applicable to:
Power Apps
30 out of 50
Tester et Suivre: 1h - BriefingHitachi Solutions Europe (Paris)Soutenir les autorités locales face à la COVID-19
Applicable to:
Customer Service
31 out of 50
Application Vulnérabilité : 2 Jours DéploiementHitachi Solutions Europe (Paris)L’application ‘Vulnérabilité ’ permet de mettre rapidement en place des processus et des procédures pour gérer et soutenir les personnes les plus vulnérables identifiées par les autorités locales.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
32 out of 50
Microsoft Teams Meetings: 2-Day AssessmentPractical Solutions, IncUnderstand and experience the vision for Microsoft Teams Meetings and Meeting Rooms. Prepare your colleagues and employees to get the most out of Microsoft Teams Meeting and Meeting Rooms.
Applicable to:
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
33 out of 50
Microsoft 365 - Threat Protection: 2-week workshopForteventoWorkshop aimed to identify threats, such as susceptibility to phishing attacks and risks of Shadow IT
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
34 out of 50
Microsoft 365: 2-Week AssessmentPractical Solutions, IncEstablish a clear roadmap and change management plan for your journey to a modern workplace.
Prepare your organization for a secure and productive workplace by getting the most out of Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
35 out of 50
Plan stratégique de sécurisation Workshop 1 dayGLOBAL INFOConstruire ma réponse aux menaces avec Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
36 out of 50
Azure AD Implentation in 8 weeksArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaPorovide a design and build capability that enables organisations to secure, control and simplify employee access to company data and sensitive resources resources from wherever they are.
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
37 out of 50
Power Apps: 4 weeks ImplementationDEVSCOPEDevScope’s Power Apps consulting services help your organization tackle immediate needs in record-time while empowering your team to develop their own future solutions.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
38 out of 50
Collaboration Phone System-5D-WorkshopAISDeploy a simple and integrated solution for collaboration and Phone System with Microsoft Teams, easy to use on any device for any workload. 5Days service delivery with drafting of architectural doc.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
39 out of 50
Migration MSG vers Office 365,10J d'implémentationBSDVous souhaitez migrer depuis Lotus Domino/Gmail/Exchange vers Office 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
40 out of 50
Power BI ‘Accelerator’: 1-Hour BriefRISUAL LTDFree 1-Hour assessment on how to use Power BI by industry leading partner, trainer, and thought leaders.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
41 out of 50
Wragby BT - Catalyst: 2-weeks Envision WorkshopWragby Business Solutions & Technologies LimitedWragby Business Transformation Workshop leverages the Microsoft Catalyst framework to transform businesses using business process automation applications. The workshop is delivered in 2 weeks.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
42 out of 50
Microsoft 365 Tools Adoption: 4-Weeks Workshopilem SAMicrosoft 365: Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, Power-Platform, Viva...
EN: We help you drive adoption and support the change.
FR: Nous vous aidons à favoriser l'adoption et à accompagner le changement.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Power Platform for Teams
Teamwork Deployment
43 out of 50
Client Services-Cloud Backup 365 - Briefing (2h)Iver Sverige ABCloud Backup 365 is the Supplier’s service for backing up and recovering the Customer’s data in the Office 365 cloud service.
Applicable to:
Information Protection & Governance
44 out of 50
Consulting PVA : 5 Days - WorkshopInetum (HO)Etre acccompagné rapidement sur les problématiques d'agent conversationnel PVA (information et service)
Applicable to:
Power Virtual Agents
45 out of 50
FONDATION ZERO TRUST - 2 Days AtelierGLOBAL INFOConstruire les fondations du modèle de sécurité « Zero Trust » avec la sécurité des identités
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
46 out of 50
Microsoft Cloud App Security: 2 Week ImplementationArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaKeep your employees productive and secure on their favorite apps and devices with Cloud App Security. Bring the security of your on-premises systems to your cloud applications.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
47 out of 50
Modernize your Applications with PowerApps: 2 weeks implementationArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaDesign a business process of your choice and build a basic PowerApp as a working solution that you can use to automate your process and showcase it within your organization.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
48 out of 50
Business Process Automation: 2-Day WorkshopHa-Shem LimitedThe Purpose of our offer is to conduct a two-day free workshop session with organizations to help discover their business challenges and then propose the right solution using PowerApps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
49 out of 50
CLOUD PC - 3 Days - AtelierGLOBAL INFOOffrez à vos employés l'accès à une expérience de bureau sécurisée, où qu'ils soient
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
50 out of 50