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Consulting services results for Hospitality & Travel
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Power Platform AssessmentCLICK2CLOUD INCClick2Cloud’s Power Platform Assessment enables you to understand the features & functionality of Power Platforms and provides insight into how they improve productivity and solve business challenges.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
1 out of 51
Dynamics 365 Business Central: 2-Hr Assessmenttrue org cloudDetermining if Microsoft 365 Business Central is the best fit for your organization
Applicable to:
Business Central
2 out of 51
Catalyst Envisioning: 1-Day WorkshopEnlighten Designs LtdBuild, plan and execute your business transformation with Microsoft Catalyst and Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
3 out of 51
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer & Customer Service Insights: 6 Week ImplementationCognizantEnvisioning, deployment, and support services for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Insights
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Customer Insights
4 out of 51
Cognizant's Frontline Worker with Store Operations AssistCognizantEmpower your retail workforce with information and tools that will will streamline operations and enable then to deliver a more personalised customer experience.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Mobile Device Management
5 out of 51
Visionet App In A Day: 4 Hour WorkshopVisionet Systems Inc.Learn from the experts on how to build PowerApps in a day without Coding
Applicable to:
Power Apps
6 out of 51
TCS Services for Microsoft Digital Contact Center : 3 week AssessmentTata Consultancy Services Ltd - DynamicsA brief assessment to assess the digital transformation of the contact center for a superior customer experience
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Customer Insights
Power Virtual Agents
7 out of 51
Modern Collaboration Quick Start: 6-wk implementation and adoption of SharePoint, OneDrive and Microsoft Teams.Algen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The goal of this service is to help you implement and adopt Microsoft 365 collaboration tools in your organization. We will enable collaboration and team communications scenarios.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Information Protection & Governance
Knowledge & Insights
8 out of 51
Data Quality Check: 2-Wk ImplementationClouds On MarsA Microsoft Power BI implementation of automated checks on your underlying data sources to report on their quality and alert you to possible issues.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
9 out of 51
Intelligent Customer Experiences with Azure Synapse and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights: 8 week POCCognizantTruly understand your customers needs and preferences to deliver intelligent customer experiences.
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
10 out of 51
Pronto Apps for Power Platform: 6-Wk ImplementationAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The goal is to help your business get into and experience the benefits of Microsoft’s Power Platform and Low Code Development.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
11 out of 51
Workshop of Power Platform : 1 Day workshopMinsaitIn this workshop we demonstrate the flexibility and agility creating solutions with Power Platform and the differential value that Minsait offers in the implementation of this type of projects.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
12 out of 51
Cognizant's services for Dynamics 365 SalesCognizantSales Solutions envisioning, deployment and support services for Dynamics 365 Sales
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
13 out of 51
Power Virtual Agent In A DayHa-Shem LimitedPower Virtual Agents in a Day is an entry-level course created for everyone to learn how to use conversational chatbots that can have intelligent conversations with your consumers and staff at scale
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
14 out of 51
MTaaS - 3 weeks assessmentLTIMindtree LimitedOur MTaaS based on Microsoft Teams provides a customer centric, Cloud first strategy delivery model. Our one-stop persona driven catalog based on “Cloud Adoption Framework”
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
15 out of 51
Power BI Report Server for Hospitality & Travel: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Report Server can help your organization improve business performance. You can apply governance on your own terms and build your BI environment On-Premises.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
16 out of 51
Sysco Leasing Software: 1hr AssessmentSYSCO SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD.Sysco Leasing Software is a full-featured aircraft leasing software and management platform built upon Dynamics 365.
Applicable to:
Business Central
17 out of 51
Implementation services for LS Central for hotelsLS RetailAchieve a successful implementation of LS Central for hotels on Dynamics 365 Business Central with the expert guidance of LS Retail Consulting services.
Applicable to:
Business Central
18 out of 51
KPMG Employee Experience enabled by Microsoft VivaKPMGKPMG & Microsoft Viva Employee Experience collaboration ( Design and implementation)
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
19 out of 51
Unisys Frontline Worker Enablement 90-Day Proof of ConceptUnisys Corp / Blue BellEmpower your frontline workforce to become more agile and responsive to change with the use of Microsoft 365, Teams and Power Platform.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
20 out of 51
Port Visualization Digital Twin: 1-Hr AssessmentEnlighten Designs LtdDisplay your data in a new dimension with a digital twin and powerful data storytelling through Power BI
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
21 out of 51
Power BI Embedded for Hospitality & Travel: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Embedded can help your organization improve business performance. Designed to let you embed your Power BI items in a web application or in a website.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
22 out of 51
Custom Power BI Visuals: 1-Hour BriefingMAQ SoftwareStruggling with Power BI reporting? Understand how you can elevate the presentation with custom visuals.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
23 out of 51
Catalyst Envisioning: 1-Hr AssessmentEnlighten Designs LtdDiscover how you could build, plan and execute your business transformation with Microsoft Catalyst and Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
24 out of 51
Smart Rollout for Copilot for Microsoft 365: 12-Wk ImplementationAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The goal of the offer is to help customers adopt securely their Copilot for Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
25 out of 51
Smart Rollout for Power Platform: 3-Wk Governance and ImplementationAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The objective of Smart Rollout is to help organizations that are interested in adopting Power Platform with the right first steps on their journey.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
26 out of 51
Microsoft Defender for Business Deployment: 6-Wk ImplementationAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.We will provide you with a suite of security features that can help protect devices and data, reduce the burden on IT staff and meet regulation compliance requirements with Microsoft Defender.
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
Threat Protection
27 out of 51
GroceryGenius – 6-12 Weeks ImplementationOptimus Business Transformation LLCGroceryGenius optimizes grocery management with real-time data and efficient POS. Manage procurement, inventory, labels, and offers securely in the cloud or hybrid, replacing obsolete tech.
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 51
Unisys Frontline Worker Enablement WorkshopUnisys Corp / Blue BellUnisys Consulting works with clients to identify business pain points, goals and develop an actionable roadmap to tailor Microsoft Frontline Worker to your enterprise's needs and workforce.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
29 out of 51
HPT Nextgen Windows Experience_02 days workshopHPT Vietnam CorporationNextGen Windows 2 days workshop provides insights how to leverage Cloud PCs, manage virtual endpoints, leverage Windows 11 to enable hybrid work, and implement best practices for endpoint management
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
30 out of 51
LS Central performance tuningLS RetailLS Retail offers performance tuning for LS Central using our MARK approach: Measure, Ascertain, Revise, and Keep Going.
Applicable to:
Business Central
31 out of 51
Accessibility as a Service: 5-Wk ImplementationAtos International SASOffering Accessibility as a Service and effectively leveraging solutions will maximizes client investment while ensuring employees can participate to the best of their abilities.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Compliance Advisory Services
Teamwork Deployment
32 out of 51
Viva 1-day WorkshopSteepmeadow Solutions LLCArt of the Possible / Envisioning Workshop featuring quick wins with Microsoft Viva
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Workplace Analytics
33 out of 51
Security Firts Steps: 3-Wk remediation and configuration of security for Microsoft 365Algen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The goal is to strengthen security (protection against threats and better security management) and implement security policies that help reduce the risk of cyberattacks and vulnerabilities
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Information Protection & Governance
Knowledge & Insights
34 out of 51
PowerApps (App an einem Tag): 1-tägiger WorkshopORAYLIS GmbHLernen Sie an nur einem Tag, wie Sie mit der Microsoft Power Platform Ihre eigenen Business-Apps erstellen!
Applicable to:
Power Apps
35 out of 51
Drinks Industry ERP: Free 1-Hr Bevica ConsultationTvision Technology LtdOverview of using drinks industry ERP software – Bevica for finance & reporting, stock & duty management, distribution.
Applicable to:
Business Central
36 out of 51
PowerApps For Business: 3-Day Proof of ConceptClouds On MarsWe build a Microsoft PowerApp around a real business case or process of your choice.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
37 out of 51
HPT Frontline Worker Solution_02 days WorkshopHPT Vietnam CorporationTransform your organization with a universal hub for productivity and communication with Microsoft Teams by empowering your frontline workforce
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Knowledge & Insights
38 out of 51
Modern Collaboration Assessment: 3-Day Assessment for Microsoft 365Algen Solutions S.A. de C.V.To help you understand your company’s current environment in order to perform a high-level analysis of your Cloud Collaboration Maturity.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Information Protection & Governance
Knowledge & Insights
39 out of 51
Modern Collaboration Governance: 12-Wk Implementation plan for Microsoft 365Algen Solutions S.A. de C.V.We'll help you plan for functionality, environment security, business features, work capabilities, and user experience to successfully implement Teams, Exchange Online, SharePoint, and Office 365.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
40 out of 51
Secure Smart Work: 6 Month implementation for Microsoft 365Algen Solutions S.A. de C.V.We'll help you plan for functionality, environment security, business features, work capabilities, and user experience to successfully implement Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
41 out of 51
Power BI Premium for Hospitality & Travel: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Premium can help your organization address the challenges of large enterprise deployments and workloads without needing to license each user individually .
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Microsoft 365 Security and Adoption Assessment: 2-hour workshopAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.Review of the Secure Score and Adoption Score to identify gaps and create your Microsoft roadmap sheet.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
43 out of 51
Dynamics 365: 3-Month ImplementationPublicis.Sapient USAImplementation of Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Customer Insights
44 out of 51
app-in-a-dayHa-Shem LimitedWith this workshop you'll understand how to
Make work more accessible and paperless by digitizing your manual business procedures.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
45 out of 51
Copilot for Microsoft 365 Workshop: 2-Wk Assessment & Plan Definition for RolloutAlgen Solutions S.A. de C.V.The objective is to jointly create an actionable implementation plan of the prioritized Copilot for Microsoft 365 scenarios
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
46 out of 51
Data Protection and Governance with Microsoft PurviewAVASOFTConfident in your data governance security? With Microsoft Purview, we ensure data safety with encryption, access controls, and automated governance, safeguarding your business and compliance.
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
47 out of 51
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights: 1 Week WorkshopCognizantIn a week, you can have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights providing you actionable information about your customers from a variety of different data sources.
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
48 out of 51
VinoTEC Enoturismo | 2-Hr BriefingTécnicas Informática Pro.Serv. y Ases,SLEn 2 horas exploraremos cómo VinoTEC Enoturismo administra con agilidad grupos de visitas, reservas, calendarios, recursos, aforos, servicios de ocio y comunicaciones con clientes y colaboradores.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Customer Service
Power Apps
49 out of 51
Front Line Workers: 4-Week WorkshopENCAMINA S.L.Desde ENCAMINA diseñamos un plan de Adopción, Capacitación y Uso especialmente pensado para tus trabajadores de primera línea (personal de tienda, hostelería, repartidores, mantenimiento...)
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teamwork Deployment
50 out of 51
Casino Awareness 1-wk Proof of ConceptSteepmeadow Solutions LLCEnvisioning Proof of Concept featuring quick wins for Casino Operations
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
51 out of 51