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Consulting services results for Manufacturing & Mobility
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Microsoft VIVA Employee Experience Platform – 3 Wk Assessment and EnablementTech Mahindra LimitedWe help transform organization’s Employee Experience by analyzing the current state and then take part in the transformation journey till the end.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
Workplace Analytics
1 out of 9
Calling with Microsoft Teams: 5 weeks ImplementationVERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC.A bundle of Verizon network SBCaaS and service components priced in a per seat package that enables global calling from Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
2 out of 9
Direct to Consumer: 1 Week AssessmentArgano LLCBridge the gap between aspiration and implementation for direct-to-consumer selling
Applicable to:
Customer Service
3 out of 9
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
4 out of 9
Modern Workplace for Frontline Workers : 8 - Wk ImplementationData Market Bilgi Hizmetleri A.SModern Workplace for Frontline Workers offers is a professional consultancy service for frontline worker onboarding process and determining the business scenarios with business units.
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
5 out of 9
Endpoint Management and Windows Deployment: 2-days ImplementationCC Bilgi TeknolojileriMicrosoft Endpoint Manager helps deliver the modern workplace and modern management to keep your data secure, in the cloud and on-premises.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
6 out of 9
A#SCM365:6-Months ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.To cope with supply chain disruptions, companies must gain visibility into all parties’ processes, be resilient, and catch up more opportunities.
"Supply Chain is a revenue generating machine.“
Niel A
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
7 out of 9
A#EDISaleorder: 1-Month ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.A#EDI Sale Order & Forecast - Maximize automation, Minimize manual process. Integrating A#EDI with Dynamics 365 streamlines order management to response to customers faster and higher productivity.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
8 out of 9
Sharp 365 - 6 Weeks AssessmentLTIMindtree LimitedSHARP365 provides in-depth analysis of your SharePoint Products
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Power Platform for Teams
9 out of 9