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Consulting services results for Retail & Consumer Goods
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Migration from AX to D365: 1m assessmentColumbus GlobalThis is the last upgrade you will ever need. Move your on-premises Dynamics AX application to cloud with our no-charge Dynamics 365 Finance/Supply Chain Management migration assessment.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
1 out of 38
Microsoft Viva 8-Wk-Consulting and ImplementationMindWorksEnhance your modern employee experience with Microsoft Viva insights, connections, learning and topics
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
2 out of 38
Change Management 6-Months ImplementationSupremo Sp. z o.o.Bądź pewny, że zaangażowanie użytkowników i przyjęcie nowych rozwiązań przyczyni się do sukcesu wdrożenia, sukcesu całej organizacji.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Cloud Security
Knowledge & Insights
3 out of 38
Dynamics Commerce Power Briefing (4 h)Hitachi Solutions Germany GmbHIn diesem kostenlosen Briefing erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über das Microsoft Commerce Modul und die Integration in eine Omni Channel Lösungen wissen müssen.
Applicable to:
4 out of 38
Integration nopCommerce: 2-Month ImplementationICNETSolution integrates entities in Dynamics 365 with data objects in Open Source nopCommerce platform.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
5 out of 38
Microsoft Cloud for Retail - 2 Day AssessmentSunrise TechnologiesMicrosoft Cloud for Retail - Deploy an optimized end-to-end retail value chain - Free 2 Day Assessment by Sunrise Technologies
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
6 out of 38
Frontline Workers 2 Day WorkshopInTTrust S.A.Transform your organization with a universal hub for productivity and communication with Microsoft Teams by empowering your frontline workforce.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teamwork Deployment
7 out of 38
Power Platform für D365 F&SCM: 1-Hr Init. WorkshopBE-ternaSie wollen die Arbeitwelt von morgen gestalten und sind dafür auf der Suchen nach effektiven und effizienten Lösungen? Wir begleiten Sie auf dieser Reise und bieten Ihnen Know-How und Tools dafür.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Power Apps
8 out of 38
VIVA Learning: 5-Days ImplementationGLOBAL BRANDSLearn How to empower your employees with this center for learning in Microsoft 365. Help them discover and share professional training resources across your organization, and track their progress.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
9 out of 38
RPA Consulting: 4Hr WorkshopFuture WorkForceA structured workshop for understanding the Power Automate platform along with assessing and prioritising automation opportunities.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
10 out of 38
Workshop Microsoft 365 Frontline Workers (6 hrs)Integrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Microsoft
365 for Frontline Workers this workshop is dedicated to frontline employees The purpose of
this workshop is to support employees in better understanding Microsoft 365 services, in order to b
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
11 out of 38
Frontline Workers: 2-Week AssesmentTOKIOTADiscover howto improve Efficency for your Frontline workers
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
12 out of 38
Mobile App Development: 1-Day ImplementationPEAKUPDream, Design, Develop with Microsoft Power Platform. Service include design workshops and development of line of business applications to get more out of business processes.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
13 out of 38
Microsoft Shifts: 3 wk Proof of ConceptSulava OyPlanning and deploying the Microsoft Shifts Proof of Concept to customer
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
14 out of 38
PowerBI Basics: 6-Hr WorkshopInsideAx GmbHBei diesem Workshop lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Power BI kennen. Danach können Sie bereits selbst einfache Reports und Dashboards erstellen können.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
15 out of 38 Dynamics 365 Sales: 6-Wk ImplementationMODUS Consult GmbHFester Preis - Feste Laufzeit - Feste Leistung
Applicable to:
16 out of 38
Power Platform CoE Consulting& Implementation 10wkHappiest Minds Technologies LimitedPower Platform Center of Excellence (COE) framework helps enterprises to realize the ROI by enabling them with a strategy, approach and framework for adoption and governance.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
17 out of 38
Casino Awareness 1-wk Proof of ConceptSteepmeadow Solutions LLCEnvisioning Proof of Concept featuring quick wins for Casino Operations
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
18 out of 38
Modular Power BI Advanced 1-Day Assessmentscieneers GmbHRaise your Power BI level in a targeted manner by choosing from several training modules for advanced topics from scieneers
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
19 out of 38
Microsoft 365 Consulting & Services: 1-Hour Implementationinnobit agYou want to implement Microsoft 365 solutions or need support with optimization? Request Microsoft 365 Consulting now.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
20 out of 38
Security Anywhere:6Hour WorkshopIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Workshop is dedicated for security stakeholders to help develop a comprehensive strategic plan based on Microsoft's most effective practices for for protecting IT environments
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
21 out of 38
Teams Calling: 2-Hours Workshop deutsches FestnetzWorkSimple GmbHIm Rahmen des Workshop erarbeiten wir gemeinsam mit dem Kunden die bestmögliche Lösung zur Einbindung des Teams Telefonie in das deutsche Festnetz.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Calling for Microsoft Teams
22 out of 38
Empower your frontline workforce: 1-Month ImplementationCelebal Technologies Private LimitedGet ready to achieve more with Modern Work frontline solutions.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teamwork Deployment
23 out of 38
Frontline Needs - 1 day AssessmentC3IT Software SolutionsThis is a free one day assessment of the current set of tools being used by your firstline and recommendations on how Microsoft 365 can help enhance their productivity and collaboration
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
24 out of 38
Microsoft 365 Einführung: 2-Tages AssessmentOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGZiel des Assessments ist die Analyse der gegenwärtigen IT-Umgebung, die Dokumentation technischer Veränderungen und Entwicklung einer Roadmap für die Einführung von Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Identity & Access Management
Knowledge & Insights
25 out of 38
Viva Connect: 3-Wk Proof Of ConceptC3IT Software SolutionsDrive employee engagement with Microsoft Viva Connections by helping organizations build meaningful connections by enabling employees to easily discover relevant communications, communities and tools.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
26 out of 38
Viva Insights: 3 Days WorkshopDelphi ConsultingDiscover Microsoft Viva Insights that help individuals, managers, and leaders gain personalized insights and actionable recommendations that help everyone in the organization thrive with Delphi.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
27 out of 38
Modern Workplace for Frontline Workers : 8 - Wk ImplementationData Market Bilgi Hizmetleri A.SModern Workplace for Frontline Workers offers is a professional consultancy service for frontline worker onboarding process and determining the business scenarios with business units.
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
28 out of 38
Security Check-up - wie kann man sich mit Microsoft Produkten gut aufstellen? - 1-hr AssessmentACP IT SolutionsMit dem ACP Security Check-up helfen wir Ihnen bei der Ermittlung des Security Niveaus Ihres Unternehmens.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
29 out of 38
NP Retail Discount Coupons: 4-Hr WorkshopNaviPartnerEducation in dynamic retail discount coupons.
Applicable to:
Business Central
NP Finance Starter: 4-Hr WorkshopNaviPartnerBasic education enabling new users to handle everyday financial tasks.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Endpoint Management and Windows Deployment: 2-days ImplementationCC Bilgi TeknolojileriMicrosoft Endpoint Manager helps deliver the modern workplace and modern management to keep your data secure, in the cloud and on-premises.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
32 out of 38
Microsoft Teams: 1-Tag Beratungsworkshop und GrobkonzeptOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGMicrosoft Teams: die Komplettlösung für die moderne Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
33 out of 38
Teams Enterprise Voice: Beratung und Grobkonzept: 1-Tag WorkshopOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGQualifizierte Unterstützung bei der Einführung und Umsetzung von Microsoft Teams Telefonie
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
34 out of 38
A#SCM365:6-Months ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.To cope with supply chain disruptions, companies must gain visibility into all parties’ processes, be resilient, and catch up more opportunities.
"Supply Chain is a revenue generating machine.“
Niel A
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
35 out of 38
OEDIV Cloud Web Proxy: Beratung und Proof of Concept: 3-Wochen-ProjektOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGSicherer und direkter Internetzugriff – Grundlage für Ihre Digitalisierung
Applicable to:
Information Protection & Governance
36 out of 38
Microsoft 365 / Office 365 Cloud Backup: 1-Tag Beratung und Proof of ConceptOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGDatensicherungslösung für Microsoft 365-Dienste für höhere Schutzbedarfsanforderungen.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
37 out of 38
CRM Proof of Concept: 10 daysHitachi Solutions Germany GmbHSie haben einen spezifischen Anwendungsfall, welchen Sie mit einer CRM-Lösung erproben möchten? Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Erstellung & Bewertung eines CRM - Proof of Concepts (PoC)
Applicable to:
38 out of 38