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Consulting services results for Professional Services
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Mobile Device Management Paket - 3 Tage Impl.aConTech GmbHMit dem Mobile Device Management Paket stellen wir für Sie innerhalb weniger Tage einen Geräte und standortunabhängigen Zugriff auf Ihre Unternehmensdaten sicher.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
1 out of 43
Modern Workplace Paket - 8 Tage Impl.aConTech GmbHMit dem Modern Workplace Paket erhalten Sie in wenigen Tagen eine moderne, wartungsarme und vernetzte Umgebung zum Zusammenarbeiten mit Office 365. Zielgenau auf Ihre Organisation zugeschnitten.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Mobile Device Management
2 out of 43
Conditional Access Paket - 3 Tage Implement.aConTech GmbHMit Conditional Access definieren wir Richtlinien, die beim Zugriff auf Ihre Cloudumgebung sowie Geräte erfüllt werden müssen. Für einen sicheren Zugriff auf Ihre Microsoft 365 Ressourcen.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
3 out of 43
Microsoft 365 Update Call - 3h BriefingaConTech GmbHMonatlicher Call zu allen Neuerungen in der Microsoft 365-Welt - mit strategischen Empfehlungen für Ihr Unternehmensumfeld.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
4 out of 43
Cloud Telefonie - 3 Tage ImplementierungaConTech GmbHRichten Sie Cloud Telefonie - Cloud PBX & PSTN Calling - mit Microsoft 365 Services ein.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
5 out of 43
YL Teams Room Solution (Android): 3 day AssessmentYealink Inc.Dedicated to offering Teams Room POC services, to help customer design, deloy and experience better!
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
6 out of 43
Construction Management: 1-Day AssessmentBIRLESIK UZMANLARConstruction and Project Management solution helps your organization to create realistic budget with key milestones and manage end-to-end construction processes.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
7 out of 43
Data Discovery for CX: 5 hours Workshopdiva-e NEXT GmbHDiva-e NEXT GmbH will determine with you the data quality and usage opportunities to put the customer first and always deliver the right message at the right time.
Applicable to:
8 out of 43
Insider Risk Management 5-Weeks ImplementationVenzo A/SLet VENZO empower your organization to manage risk, achieve compliance, and protect information.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
Insider Risk
9 out of 43
Dynamics365 Solution Backup-2 Week implementationLTIMindtree LimitedThis application helps end user to take backup of Dynamics365 solutions in manual and planned way. User have choice of taking backup of solution both managed and unmanaged at the same time.
Applicable to:
10 out of 43
MDM Service - Unified Endpoint Management: 1-Week ImplementationMobinergyWe are specialized for solution and services to enable End Point Management and provide Device Mgmt.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
11 out of 43
Modern Work Advisory 3-Weeks AssessmentVenzo A/SLet VENZO empower your organization to successfully adopt Modern and Hybrid Workplace solutions
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Information Protection & Governance
Workplace Analytics
12 out of 43
Project Manufacturing: 1-Day AssessmentCOSMO CONSULTSupports your daily handling of complex projects to achieve higher quality and transparency
Applicable to:
Business Central
13 out of 43
Neway Hosted Direct Routing - 1 week POCNeWay Technologies LtdLearn how to use direct routing phone system calling services on Microsoft Teams. The solution provides outbound and inbound calls from all Teams devices.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
14 out of 43
Mail Migration to Microsoft 365 2 wks implementCEICO ITT SA DE CVIt doesn’t matter where the email service is now, this service might be migrate to Microsoft platform completely or partially
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
15 out of 43
Subscription Mgmt for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ISV apps: 1-hour free implementationTheta Systems LimitedQuick start your use of the Subscription Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central app publishers with this 1 hour workshop session.
Applicable to:
Business Central
16 out of 43
SharePoint Online Initial Implementationknowmad moodThe goal of the service is to create a first SharePoint site for a designated pilot department
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
Viva Learnings Employee Experience 4Wks ImplementSahara Watira for Digital TransformationViva Learning part of Office 365 suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration applications help into the flow of work helps organizations drive up skilling and growth with a center for Learning
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
18 out of 43
Viva Insigh EXP 5Wks Implement offerSahara Watira for Digital TransformationViva Insight Implement as part of Office 365 suite of cloud-based productivity and collaboration applications helping employees and business thrive with data-driven, privacy-protected insights
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
19 out of 43
Explore Microsoft Viva in a day - 1 T. WorkshopaConTech GmbHLernen Sie die Grundlagen von Microsoft Viva und den Komponenten in einem Tag kennen und entdecken Sie die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten für Ihr Unternehmen.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
20 out of 43
Power of 3 and COE 4-Wk ImplementationNeudesicBuild 3 Power Apps and Center of Excellence
Applicable to:
Power Apps
21 out of 43
Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability: 2 T. WorkshopaConTech GmbHWir erarbieten Ihre individuelle Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie mit Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Cloud Security
Compliance Advisory Services
22 out of 43
Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms Analyse Workshop - 1 Tag WorkshopaConTech GmbHVorteile und Möglichkeiten der Lösung zeigen und einen individuellen Konzeptentwurf entwickeln
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
23 out of 43
Viva Connections Employee Experience: 1 month implementationCrayonDrive employee engagement with Microsoft Viva Connections by helping organizations build meaningful connections by enabling employees to easily discover relevant communications, communities and tools.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
24 out of 43
Implementation Microsoft Viva Connections - 1,5 Tage WorkshopaConTech GmbHLernen Sie Viva Connections kennen und implementieren Sie es gemeinsam mit uns.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
25 out of 43
Implementation Microsoft Viva Insights - 1 Tages WorkshopaConTech GmbHEntdecken Sie die Vorteile und den individuellen Nutzen von Viva Insights und implementieren Sie Personal Insights mit uns.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
26 out of 43
Microsoft Viva Topics - halber Tages WorkshopaConTech GmbHLernen Sie Viva Topics kennen und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die individuellen Vorteile für Ihr Unternehmen evaluieren.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
27 out of 43
Microsoft Viva Basic Discovery and Implementation - 4 Tage WorkshopaConTech GmbHIn diesem 4 tägigen Workshop lernen Sie die Basics von Viva kennen und implementieren diese gemeinsam mit uns.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
28 out of 43
Microsoft Viva Learning - 1,5 Tage WorkshopaConTech GmbHLernen Sie Microsoft Viva Learning und den individuellen Nutzen für Ihr Unternehmen kennen.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
29 out of 43
Windows 365 Pilot: 5 Days Proof of ConceptDelphi ConsultingDelphi Consulting will help you get started with Windows 365 Cloud-PC with its Pilot offering with the program running over 5 days.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
30 out of 43
Customer Insights für NPO and NGO: 4 Stunden WSReply DEEin Workshop gerichtet an Non-Profit-Organizations (NPO's) & Non-Governmental Organization (NGO's) rund um das Thema Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
31 out of 43
Viva Insights: 3 Days WorkshopDelphi ConsultingDiscover Microsoft Viva Insights that help individuals, managers, and leaders gain personalized insights and actionable recommendations that help everyone in the organization thrive with Delphi.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
32 out of 43
Implementation Modern Meetingplace (3 days)DataVision Deutschland GmbHMit unserem qualifizierten und zertifizierten Fachpersonal unterstützen wir Sie in jeder Phase Ihres
Unified Communication & Collaboration Projektes.
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
33 out of 43
Microsoft Endpoint Management (Intune): 8 Week ImplementationSIMPLICITY IT INC.Our 8 week Intune Implementation is designed to help customers with Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Enterprise E3 or E5 to fully utilize Intune that is INCLUDED in the licensing
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
34 out of 43
Microsoft 365 Change Strategy: 1 Tag WorkshopSVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbHIn unserem Change Strategy Workshop definieren wir die Kernpunkte, das Zielbild inkl. „Warum?“ Ihrer Change Strategie und die Umsetzungskonzeption inkl. Roadmap für die Microsoft 365 Cloud Services.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
35 out of 43
Road to Microsoft 365: 1 month ImplementationCrayonCrayon Microsoft 365 migration services brings best practices and expertise to assure seamless migration.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
36 out of 43
Modernize Communications Workshop - 3 DaysYork Telecom CorpMicrosoft funded consultancy workshop designed to showcase modern calling capabilities and build a plan to deploy and adopt Microsoft Teams Phone
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Calling for Microsoft Teams
37 out of 43
Crayon Empower iQ - User Adoption Service: 1 week implementationCrayonCrayon empower every employee via our Empower IQ change management and user adoption service.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
38 out of 43
Sales Excellence Envisioning: 1 Day WorkshopHitachi Solutions Germany GmbHDas Ziel dieses Workshops ist die Identifikation von Verbesserungspotential im Vertrieb. Durch gezielte Inspiration mir neuen Ansätzen wird aufgezeigt, wie dieses Potential gehoben werden kann.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
39 out of 43
Microsoft 365 Security Check-Up: 2 Tage WorkshopSVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbHIn unserem Security Check-Up Workshop erhalten Sie praxiserprobte Konzepte zu Zero-Trust-Ansätzen und eine Auswertung der aktuellen Sicherheitskonfiguration entlang der Sicherheitsstrategie.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
40 out of 43
Microsoft 365 Passwordless: 2 Tage WorkshopSVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbHIn unserem Passwordless Beratungsworkshop erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die Umsetzungsoptionen, entwickeln anhand Praxisbeispielen erste Umsetzungsideen und erste Maßnahmen sind definiert.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
41 out of 43
CRM Proof of Concept: 10 daysHitachi Solutions Germany GmbHSie haben einen spezifischen Anwendungsfall, welchen Sie mit einer CRM-Lösung erproben möchten? Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Erstellung & Bewertung eines CRM - Proof of Concepts (PoC)
Applicable to:
42 out of 43
CRM Roadmap Generation: 4 day workshopHitachi Solutions Germany GmbHIhre CRM-Einführung ist komplex, da Sie mehrere Projektphasen, Geschäftsbereiche und verschiedene Funktionalitäten beinhaltet? Wir bieten Ihnen eine klar priorisierte Roadmap für die Ihre CRM-Lösung.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
43 out of 43