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Consulting services results for Manufacturing & Mobility
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Power BI Enablement 1-Day TrainingMHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbHEnablement Training für Power BI Anfänger
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
1 out of 60
MHP Power BI Professional Circle: 4 Stunden WorkshopMHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbHErweitern Sie Ihr Power BI Wissen mit externen Tools und best practices
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
2 out of 60
MHP Power BI Tool Assessment: 1 Woche WorkshopMHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbHWorkshop zur Prüfung Ihrer Power BI Readiness
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
3 out of 60
Reduce Cost and Downtime of your Assets with Advanced Maintenance Capabilities: 1-Day Workshop for ManufacturingColumbus GlobalLearn how to reduce cost and downtime of your assets with advanced maintenance capabilities considering industry best practices and your business requirements
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
4 out of 60
D365 Fraud Protection: 4-Hr WorkshopSunrise TechnologiesHelp Safeguard Your Customer's Accounts with Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection
Applicable to:
5 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Manufacturing Implementation Accelerator: 4-Wk AssessmentBusiness Engagement Group Sweden ABLeverage Engage Group’s proven project methodology, infused by industry accelerators for manufacturing companies, and built on Microsoft Success by Design to ensure value-driven outcomes.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Project Operations
6 out of 60
Copliot For Analytics - Free 1 Hour Consulting WorkshopC3IT Software SolutionsEmpower teams to harness data insights through hands-on training in Copilot for Analytics
Applicable to:
Power Virtual Agents
7 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Customer Insights: 2h assessmentproMX AGCustomer Insights lets you collect and analyze customer data, create a unified customer profile and deliver personal experiences to build long-term trust.
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
8 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Threat Protection Workshop + 5 DayCyberwise Siber Güvenlik TIC. AS.Is your Microsoft 365 environment secure? Do you wonder about your current security maturity? We will assist you with a full-fledged workshop on how to deploy and implement Microsoft 365 Security.
Applicable to:
Threat Protection
9 out of 60
Modern Work and Collaboration: 6-Hr WorkshopIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Modern Work and Collaboration workshop is dedicated to all Customers who need to choose a proper strategy connected with digital transformation especially in the collaboration and communication area.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
10 out of 60
Data Discovery for CX: 5 hours Workshopdiva-e NEXT GmbHDiva-e NEXT GmbH will determine with you the data quality and usage opportunities to put the customer first and always deliver the right message at the right time.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
IB BUILDING 365: Evaluación 3 horasIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIANA través de este servicio de consultoría descubra como IB Building 365 ofrece en una plataforma de Construcción 4.0 que integra todos los datos para gestionar el ciclo de vida de una Obra.
Applicable to:
Business Central
12 out of 60
Finance Essential Training 2-Day Briefingakquinet GmbHDie 3-tägige Einweisung bietet professionelle und verständliche Beratung für Dynamics 365 Business Central und weist den Anwender in die Standardprozesse der Finanzbuchhaltung von Business Central ein
Applicable to:
Business Central
13 out of 60
Enable Servitization in Machinery Manufacturing: 1-Day WorkshopColumbus GlobalLearn how to enable new opportunities that servitized business model can bring to your manufacturing business
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
14 out of 60
Digitale Transformation Inspire: 2-Hr Assessmentakquinet GmbHIn einem Web-Meeting diskutieren wir die Chancen, die sich durch Business Central eröffnen. Wir blicken hinter die Grenzen der ERP Software und inspirieren Sie durch den Einsatz von Cloud-Services.
Applicable to:
Business Central
15 out of 60
SharePoint Online Initial Implementationknowmad moodThe goal of the service is to create a first SharePoint site for a designated pilot department
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
PMO Enablement for Large Enterprises: Proventures' SolutionsProventures Education & Consulting Services PvtLtdOur PMO enablement services enhance project management for large enterprises by providing advanced training, expert consultancy, and cutting-edge technology to boost efficiency and drive success
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
17 out of 60
N24 Power Apps for Manufacturing: App in a DayNav24 Sp. z o.o.Our offer is to deliver a hands-on workshop that creates a tailored Proof of Concept application using Power Apps, addressing your specific manufacturing needs to enhance production efficiency.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
Dynamics 365 für Software-Häuser: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEin kostenloses Briefing für Software-Häuser, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 ihre eigenen Prozesse optimieren und das Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
19 out of 60
agilesWorkflow 2 Tage WorkshopApteanDiese zweitägige Einweisung durch unsere erfahrenen Berater unterstützt Sie bei der Einrichtung der Grundeinstellungen der agilesWorkflow App für Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
20 out of 60
Egyptian Data Protection Law: 2 Days WorkshopGLOBAL BRANDSEgyptian Data Protection Law offer aims to give you a brief description of the following:
Data Privacy Basics
The Egyptian Data Protection Law main highlights
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Compliance Advisory Services
Insider Risk
21 out of 60
Field Service-Smart Technician - 2 Hr WorkshopHexaware TechnologiesHexaware’s Field360 Smart Technician, built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service, is a modular service offering designed to boost field technicians’ productivity to deliver significant improvements
Applicable to:
Field Service
22 out of 60
Power BI Embedded for Automotive: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Embedded can help your organization improve business performance. Designed to let you embed your Power BI items in a web application or in a website.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
23 out of 60
4-Day Security AssesmentHSO From firewall to zero trust. HSO Security Assessment identifies risks and advises recommendations.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
24 out of 60
Power Platform Governance Starterworkshop: 1-TagAll for One Group SEIn 3 Schritten zur erfolgreichen Governance. Ein kontrollierter Start vermeidet nachhaltig den späteren Wildwuchs und reduziert Risiken im Compliance und Datenschutz
Applicable to:
Power Apps
25 out of 60
Marketing Quick-Start: 3-tägiger WorkshopFellowmind Germany GmbHMit Hilfe des Fellowmind Marketing Quick-Starts haben Sie zukünftig ein professionelles und voll automatisiertes E-Mail Marketing. Unsere Zusatzpakete bieten weitere Vorteile für Ihr Business.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
26 out of 60
2 Tages-Workshop: Zwei Tage im Leben eines Vertriebsmitarbeiters (m/w/d)Fellowmind Germany GmbHInnerhalb von zwei Tagen zeigen wir Ihnen die Sales-Welt vom Microsoft CRM und erstellen einen ersten Sales-Prototypen für Ihre Sales Prozesse.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
27 out of 60
Govern your Power Platform with a 5-day Proof of ConceptDelegate A/SWe setup up the basic Power Platform Governance package (Center of Excellence) and take you through the does and don’ts of a solid governance process.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
28 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Modern Work: 2-Hours BriefingSVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbHEin erstes kostenloses Fachgespräch mit unseren Experten, um Ihre Anforderungen zu verstehen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Microsoft 365 im Themenbereichen Modern Work sowie Hybrid Work zu besprechen.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
29 out of 60
"Cloud Readiness Check: 3-day Assessment Azure and Dynamics 365 Financials"GWS mbHDas Fundament für Ihr zukunftsfähiges IT-Konzept bildet der Cloud Readiness Check (CRC) für Azure. Minimierung finanzieller Risiken durch Migration mit Dynamics 365 for Financials in die Cloud.
Applicable to:
Business Central
30 out of 60
Viva Insights Workshop: 3-Tage WorkshopNTT Germany AG & Co. KGIn diesem Workshop behandeln Sie Employee Experience Insights, und wie Sie diese mit Microsoft Viva Insights umsetzen können (3 TageWorkshop)
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
31 out of 60
Viva Topics Workshop: 1 Tag WorkshopNTT Germany AG & Co. KGDieser Workshop behandelt Wissensszenarien, die durch Microsoft Viva Topics und SharePoint Syntex ermöglicht werden.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Information Protection & Governance
Knowledge & Insights
32 out of 60
A#QR: 2-Months ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.To maximize efficiency, to minimum wastage, the A#QR will enhance the seamless entire process from receiving, picking, shipping to consumers. It offers a ZERO human error and traceability.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
33 out of 60
Managed Security Operations Center: 1 Month ImplementationnovaCapta GmbHWir bieten einen professionellen 24/7-Sicherheitsbetrieb Ihrer Umgebung mit unserem zertifizierten deutschen SOC-Team
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
34 out of 60
Asset Productivity in Food Manufacturing: 1-Day WorkshopColumbus GlobalLearn how to maximize assets performance and uptime considering industry best practices and your business requirements
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
35 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Consulting & Support: 2-Tages WorkshopOEDIV Oetker Daten- und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KGWir unterstützen die Mittelständische Unternehmen auf ihrem Weg der Digitalisierung mit Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
36 out of 60
Power BI Premium: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Premium can help your organization address the challenges of large enterprise deployments and workloads without needing to license each user individually
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Automated Testing: 2 Week AssessmentColumbus GlobalLearn how to reduce risk, lower costs and boost productivity with automated testing of Dynamics 365. Sign up for our 2-week assessment.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
38 out of 60
Power App Basics: 8hr WorkshopAONIC GmbHLearn the basic skills for working with Power Apps within one day - in a very practical way using a sample app.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
39 out of 60
Skaylink NextGen Windows Experience: 1-Day WorkshopSkaylink GmbHHybrid work and transformational end user computing experiences with Skaylink NextGen Windows Experience: 1-Day Workshop
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Cloud Security
Device Deployment & Management
40 out of 60
SmartStash für Microsoft 365 - 3 monatige Quick-Start ImplementationFellowmind Germany GmbHMit dem SmartStash Einführungsmodell EDIAL sorgen wir dafür, dass Ihr neues Wissensmanagementsystem schnell und unter enger Betreuung an den Start geht.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
41 out of 60
Sustainability Workshop | 1 Tag Workshopadesso SEVierstufiger Workshop für die Erarbeitung einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie und Definition einer Roadmap 1.0
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
42 out of 60
Primary Pack : 12-Month ImplementationPHOENIX ALLIANCEManagement of your Microsoft 365 environment in a package. Is includes tenant creation, domain registration, licensing and realisation. Also includes support, tenant administration and reporting
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
43 out of 60
Create a resilient and intelligent supply chain with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management: 1-Day WorkshopColumbus GlobalLearn how to build a resilient and intelligent supply chain considering global best practices and your business requirements
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
44 out of 60
Optimize financial operations and maximize growth with Dynamics 365 Finance: 1-Day WorkshopColumbus GlobalLearn how to optimize your financial operations and overcome bottlenecks with the help of Dynamics 365 Finance
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
Endpoints Security Pack : 12-Months ImplementationPHOENIX ALLIANCEMeet the Modern Devices Management, by Microsoft, for Microsoft, Apple and Android. Deploy Intune and Autopilot for Windows 10/11, macOS, Android, and iOS devices.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
46 out of 60
Messaging Security Pack : 12-Months ImplementationPHOENIX ALLIANCEFully secure your messaging system by providing best-in class customization and monitoring of your existing Microsoft 365 components
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
47 out of 60
PlanB. Cybersecurity Assessment (5 Tage*)PlanB. GmbHErhalten Sie einen individuellen Assessment Report sowie optional detaillierte und priorisierte Handlungsempfehlungen zur Steigerung Ihrer Cybersicherheit mit Microsoft 365.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Compliance Advisory Services
Information Protection & Governance
48 out of 60
Frontline PowerApps Solution 3 weeks Implementation of Guidance and conceptGLOBAL BRANDSCall to action allows department administrators to compile multiple sets of quick response procedures in cases where immediate attention is required
Applicable to:
Power Apps
49 out of 60
Visions-Werkstatt Manufacturing: 4-tägige ImplementierungFellowmind Germany GmbHVerkürzen Sie den Erstellungsprozess von Business-Lösungen um ein Vielfaches mit Hilfe der Fellowmind Visions-Werkstatt und dem bewährten Catalyst Ansatz.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
50 out of 60
Orientierung Omnichannel for Customer Service: 5-tätige ImplementierungFellowmind Germany GmbHVergrößern Sie in unserem Workshop die Reichweite Ihres Kundenservice mit neuen Kanälen.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
51 out of 60
Intranet & Data Optimization: 4 Hours WorkshopACS Data SystemsWorkshop di introduzione pratica alle potenzialità della soluzione SharePoint di Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Identity & Access Management
Teamwork Deployment
52 out of 60
Teams Enterprice Voice: 1 Hours BriefingACS Data SystemsBriefing di presentazione della soluzione Teams per la telefonia aziendale
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Frontline Workers
53 out of 60
Teamwork 360° 4-Days Assessmentq.beyond AGWie eine 360° Lösung mit Microsoft Teams in einem Unternehmen konkret umgesetzt werden kann, wird Schritt für Schritt in diesem Assessment erarbeitet.
Applicable to:
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
54 out of 60
Microsoft Teams Phone System 2-Days Workshopq.beyond AGIntelligente Kommunikationslösungen mit Microsoft-Teams bieten völlig neue Benutzeroberflächen für eine perfekte und einfache Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Device Deployment & Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
55 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Advanced Security 360°: 6-Wk Impl. (datac)q.beyond AGDieses Offering bietet ein Komplettpaket um schnelle Mehrwerte für den Einsatz von Microsoft 365 E5 Security zu generieren
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Information Protection & Governance
Threat Protection
56 out of 60
NNIT - Mixed Reality - Booster Program - Dynamics 365 Guides: 12Wk, ImplementationNNIT A/SNNIT's Mixed Reality Booster Program is a fast and secure way to explore the benefits of Mixed Reality within your organization.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
57 out of 60
Modern Secure Workplace: 10-days ImplementationAbtis GmbHOne-Stop-Offering: 24/7/365 Managed Security Service für den Mittelstand mit M365 Defender und Microsoft Sentinel.
Zero Trust, Security Monitoring, SIEM/SOC, XDR, Threat Detection, Incident Response.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
58 out of 60
Power BI Embedded for Manufacturing: 1-Hr BriefingPBI Lab IncAn overview of how Power BI Embedded can help your organization improve business performance. Designed to let you embed your Power BI items in a web application or in a website.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
59 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Sales: 1 Tag Analyse, Bewertung, Planung | Arvato SystemsArvato SystemsDynamics 365 Sales | Analyse, Bewertung, Planung
Applicable to:
60 out of 60