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Consulting services results for Manufacturing & Mobility
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Modern Workplace Management: 6-week WorkshopBeck et al. GmbHBeck et al. bietet ein praxisorientiertes Vorgehensmodell für Microsoft 365-Einführungen mit eine ganzheitliche Perspektive.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
1 out of 42
Master Planning: 4 week assessment and educationArgano LLCOptimize your supply chain with this foundational first step
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
2 out of 42
Communicator & Agreement - Implements in 4 WeeksKUMULUS SERVIÇOS EM CLOUD COMPUTING E DATABASE LTDA – ME.Novo canal de comunicação efetivo para divulgação de campanhas de endomarketing com notificações diretamente no Microsoft Teams!
Applicable to:
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
Workplace Analytics
3 out of 42
Digital Onboarding - Implements in 4 WeeksKUMULUS SERVIÇOS EM CLOUD COMPUTING E DATABASE LTDA – ME.Uma experiência integrada para acesso aos serviços corporativos através do Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
4 out of 42
Training Communicator - Implements in 4 WeeksKUMULUS SERVIÇOS EM CLOUD COMPUTING E DATABASE LTDA – ME.Comunicação e controle de previsão de eventos e treinamentos de colaboradores de forma efetiva e que os direciona para qualquer plataforma de treinamento que sua empresa já utiliza!
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
5 out of 42
Security & Compliance: 4-Week implementationPrisma Soluciones Tecnologicas SRLSecurity & Compliance for Microsoft 365 is designed to help organizations meet the needs of managing secure content and being compliant in the use of data with legal, regulatory and technical standard
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
6 out of 42
FastTrack for Microsoft 365: 8-Week implementationPrisma Soluciones Tecnologicas SRLFastTrack Ready Partner for Microsoft 365: implementation of collaborative environment for teamwork.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Device Deployment & Management
Frontline Workers
7 out of 42
Teamy Communicator: 1-Week implementationPrisma Soluciones Tecnologicas SRLTeamy Communicator is an internal communications manager that will help you better manage communications in your organization.
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
Teamwork Deployment
8 out of 42
Teamy Compliance: 1-Week implementationPrisma Soluciones Tecnologicas SRLImplementation of the solution in the Microsoft Teams environment that will allow you to have a better and more efficient security and compliance management.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Frontline Workers
Teams Custom Solutions
9 out of 42
Continuous consulting services: 4-Week assessment.Prisma Soluciones Tecnologicas SRLConsulting services will provide you with access to the Prisma Soluciones Tecnológicas consulting team and a specialist will be assigned as a point of contact to work on related technologies.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Device Deployment & Management
Knowledge & Insights
10 out of 42
Columbus IFRS16: 4-Wk ImplementationUAB OIXIOEnsure your financial reporting compliance with Columbus IFRS16 4-week implementation services consisting of diagnostic workshops, implementation and trainings
Applicable to:
Business Central
11 out of 42
Teams Rooms 2-weeks implementationNewTechTransform your rooms into inclusive real collaboration spaces with Newtech Teams Rooms, integrate your investments into the hybrid work scenarios with Microsoft Teams and our implementation services.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
12 out of 42
Business Central: 1 Hr. Overall AssessmentDSVC Business Solutions Co. Ltd.An hour Free evaluation of your business needs to determine how Dynamics 365 Business Central can help streamline your business operations.
Applicable to:
Business Central
13 out of 42
Dynamics 365 Field Service: free 2-h briefingproMX AGFree two-hour briefing about how to improve field service work with Dynamics 365 Field Service.
Applicable to:
Field Service
14 out of 42
Innovation Masterclass- 5 Day Prototype App engagementEvrosGet started with PowerApps
Applicable to:
Power Apps
15 out of 42
Dynamics 365 F&O: 4-Wk Design AssessmentDMR DANIŞMANLIK YAZ. VE EĞT HİZM. SAN TİC LTD. ŞTİAssessment to evaluate your current Microsoft Dynamics AX or Dynamics 365 deployment to validate if it meets your business requirements or not.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
16 out of 42
Migration from AX to D365: 1m assessmentColumbus GlobalThis is the last upgrade you will ever need. Move your on-premises Dynamics AX application to cloud with our no-charge Dynamics 365 Finance/Supply Chain Management migration assessment.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
17 out of 42
Get Started with Viva Insights: 3 Day WorkshopCognizantThis workshop will provide details about what Viva Insights brings to the table for an Enhanced Employee Experience
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
Workplace Analytics
18 out of 42
Microsoft Viva 8-Wk-Consulting and ImplementationMindWorksEnhance your modern employee experience with Microsoft Viva insights, connections, learning and topics
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
19 out of 42
Migración email - implementación duración 15 diasCEICO ITT SA DE CVNo importa donde se encuentre el servicio de correo electrónico actualmente, este servicio se puede migrar a los servicios de Microsoft total o parcialmente
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Teamwork Deployment
20 out of 42
VIVA Learning: 5-Days ImplementationGLOBAL BRANDSLearn How to empower your employees with this center for learning in Microsoft 365. Help them discover and share professional training resources across your organization, and track their progress.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
21 out of 42
Workshop Microsoft 365 Frontline Workers (6 hrs)Integrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Microsoft
365 for Frontline Workers this workshop is dedicated to frontline employees The purpose of
this workshop is to support employees in better understanding Microsoft 365 services, in order to b
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
22 out of 42
Frontline Workers: 2-Week AssesmentTOKIOTADiscover howto improve Efficency for your Frontline workers
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
23 out of 42
Mobile App Development: 1-Day ImplementationPEAKUPDream, Design, Develop with Microsoft Power Platform. Service include design workshops and development of line of business applications to get more out of business processes.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
24 out of 42
Business Productivity: 3 days assessmentThree Systems s.r.o.BUSINESS & SECURITY ADVISORY goal is to identify suitable scenarios for the use of modern technologies for communication, collaboration, information sharing, teamwork, key processes and applications.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
25 out of 42
Microsoft Viva - 1 Day WorkshopBamboo Technologies LimitedTo make the employee experience your competitive advantage with Modern Work solutions, Bamboo offers a one-day workshop to provides an overview of Viva suite and see how Viva helps your organization.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
26 out of 42
Microsoft Viva Connections Consultancy - 1 Day PoCCC Bilgi TeknolojileriCompany-branded experience that brings together relevant news, conversations, and resources in the apps and devices you use every day.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
27 out of 42
Microsoft Viva Insights Consultancy -1 Day PoCCC Bilgi TeknolojileriDiscover how Microsoft Viva, an integrated platform built on top of Microsoft Teams, will help your people to be their best, to thrive in the new reality.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
28 out of 42
Powerapps: 3Wk ImplementationSoftline TradeWe provide full-cycle service for Power App: develop customized application in 3 weeks, provide POCs, trainings and documentation, managed service, technical support and consulting
Applicable to:
Power Apps
29 out of 42
Viva Topics Employee Experience Engagement: 1Month Proof of ConceptCelebal Technologies Private LimitedPut Knowledge to work with Microsoft Viva Topics - harness the collective knowledge and expertise within your organization and bring knowledge to users seamlessly.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
30 out of 42
Microsoft Viva Learning Implementation: 2-Wk ImplementationSignal Alliance Technology HoldingDiscover how Microsoft Viva Learning helps organizations drive upskilling and growth with a center for Learning in Teams and Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
31 out of 42
Dynamics 365 Finance Implementation Project: 12-WkBIRLESIK UZMANLARImplementation of Dynamics 365 Finance
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
32 out of 42
Empower your frontline workforce: 1-Month ImplementationCelebal Technologies Private LimitedGet ready to achieve more with Modern Work frontline solutions.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Frontline Workers
Teamwork Deployment
33 out of 42
Microsoft VIVA Employee Experience Platform – 3 Wk Assessment and EnablementTech Mahindra LimitedWe help transform organization’s Employee Experience by analyzing the current state and then take part in the transformation journey till the end.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
Workplace Analytics
34 out of 42
Calling with Microsoft Teams: 5 weeks ImplementationVERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC.A bundle of Verizon network SBCaaS and service components priced in a per seat package that enables global calling from Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
35 out of 42
Direct to Consumer: 1 Week AssessmentArgano LLCBridge the gap between aspiration and implementation for direct-to-consumer selling
Applicable to:
Customer Service
36 out of 42
Dynamics-365-Mixed-Reality Guides GxP Framework- 6WK ImplementNNIT A/SOur GxP approved framework for Dynamics-365-Guides allows companies in regulated industries to be in full control of their created content in all phases from the creation, validation to publication.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Automate
Power Apps
37 out of 42
Modern Workplace for Frontline Workers : 8 - Wk ImplementationData Market Bilgi Hizmetleri A.SModern Workplace for Frontline Workers offers is a professional consultancy service for frontline worker onboarding process and determining the business scenarios with business units.
Applicable to:
Frontline Workers
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
38 out of 42
Endpoint Management and Windows Deployment: 2-days ImplementationCC Bilgi TeknolojileriMicrosoft Endpoint Manager helps deliver the modern workplace and modern management to keep your data secure, in the cloud and on-premises.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
39 out of 42
A#SCM365:6-Months ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.To cope with supply chain disruptions, companies must gain visibility into all parties’ processes, be resilient, and catch up more opportunities.
"Supply Chain is a revenue generating machine.“
Niel A
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
40 out of 42
A#EDISaleorder: 1-Month ImplementBhatara Progress Co., Ltd.A#EDI Sale Order & Forecast - Maximize automation, Minimize manual process. Integrating A#EDI with Dynamics 365 streamlines order management to response to customers faster and higher productivity.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Business Central
41 out of 42
Sharp 365 - 6 Weeks AssessmentLTIMindtree LimitedSHARP365 provides in-depth analysis of your SharePoint Products
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Power Platform for Teams
42 out of 42