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Consulting services results
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GG Creating Power Apps MVP: 4 weeksGarage GBS doo BeogradSolve your pressing business challenge in a short time with creating a low-code business application
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
1 out of 60
Power Platform's Center of Excellence: 5-days implementationDEVSCOPEImplement Microsoft Power Platform’s Center of Excellence and improve your organization’s governance
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
2 out of 60
Power Apps Government Model Three Days WorkshopNTT DATA EMEAL3 day Workshop: Definition of the Governance Model in the development of low code Applications with the Microsoft Power Apps family
Applicable to:
Power Apps
3 out of 60
proservicetest07312024-02Test PMC 2 PCsummary
Applicable to:
Power Apps
4 out of 60
Arineo Power Platform - Center of Excellence | 3-Days | WorkshopArineo GmbHThe Center of Excellence (CoE) is a collection of standard components to get started with governance, security and compliance for the Microsoft Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power Apps
5 out of 60
EQM 365 Supply Chain Management Envisioning Assesment SCMEQM¿Preparado para transformar la cadena de suministros? ¡Hazte ya con una sesión de evaluación!
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Power Apps
6 out of 60
Power Apps: 3-weeks implementationRadiante cloudHaving successfully executed numerous Power Apps projects, stands as a reliable ally in elevating your business operations.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
7 out of 60
Power Platform AssessmentreadymindEvaluacion de procesos automatizables
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
8 out of 60
Power Platform: 1 day Consultancy AssessmentAxapta MastersThe purpose of our 1-day Consultancy Assessment is to provide a focused and comprehensive evaluation of your organization's use of the Power Platform.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
9 out of 60
Power Platform: 4-Week ConsultingDEX ConsultingDEX consulting offers 4-week integrated Power Platform consulting services with three phases (Analysis, Solution Mapping, Roadmap).
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
10 out of 60
cswithl2_0801Azure MarketplaceConsultant Services w/ L2 (Dynamics)
Applicable to:
Power Apps
11 out of 60
Power Platform : Run - 4Wk ImplementationSAEGUSEnsure the run of the Power Platform after deployment.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
12 out of 60
Fleetman User Training: 4-hour WorkshopKonica Minolta IT Solutions Czech s.r.o.Facilitate Fleetman app adoption with practical user training
Applicable to:
Power Apps
13 out of 60
Power Platform Automation - Business Analysis & Use Case Briefing: 2-Wk AssessmentNETWORGIn the 2-week Power Platform Automation assessment, we aim to enhance your business processes by leveraging the capabilities of Power Platform for efficiency and automation.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
14 out of 60
Canvas Apps: 3-Hr BriefingNETWORGThis consultation will help you better understand the role of Canvas applications in addressing your business requirements.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
15 out of 60
GG Power Automate Piloting business scenario: 2 weeksGarage GBS doo BeogradWe designed this offer for our customers to understand how Microsoft Power Automate works and how RPA tools can be used to automate your business processes through piloting real business scenario
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
16 out of 60
Power Application In A Day: 8-Hr WorkshopMY SynergyPower Apps training In A Day - Explore the boundaries
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
17 out of 60
Copilot Power App KickstarterBCN Group Ltd.An 8-day program designed to introduce your business users to the capabilities of Generative AI by building a Custom Copilot within a Power App.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
18 out of 60
Power Platform Services: 4 Weeks Proof of ConceptArmis, Sistemas de Informação, LdaProvides customers on-demand capacity to automate your business processes, create applications and generate interactive reports.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
19 out of 60
Talent Ace : Talent Acquisition Solution - 5 Weeks ImplementationExult Global, Inc., USAThe Talent Ace system has been developed to optimize Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Management activities of an organization.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
20 out of 60
IBM Microsoft Power Platform CoE: 5 Weeks ImplementationIBM Consulting - EAIBM Microsoft Power Platform CoE enable clients to accelerate adoption of Power Platform, nurture organic growth, foster creativity and innovation.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
21 out of 60
Eviden Cloud Application Transformation - Two Hours WorkshopEviden International France - SASThe Assessment Workshop is designed to engage with a customer who is seeking innovative cloud solutions for their applications using the Power Platform.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
22 out of 60
Power Apps Intermediate 4-day workshopLatinshareDotar a los participantes de habilidades avanzadas con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia y automatización de procesos dentro de sus organizaciones mediante aplicaciones de bajo código.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
Power Apps Scoping: 1-Wk WorkshopFractal Analytics Inc.An engagement that delivers a project plan for solving your complex problems with PowerApps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
24 out of 60
Intelligent Traffic Management - Gestión de tránsito Inteligente - Implementación en 6 mesesAW LatamSolución de gestión de tránsito ordenado
Applicable to:
Field Service
Power Automate
Power Apps
25 out of 60
Open AI: 4-week ConsultingDEX ConsultingDEX consulting offers 4-week OpenAI consulting service.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
26 out of 60
Low Code Migration: 2-3 Weeks AssessmentInfinion TechnologiesThis service assists organizations in assessing their low-code posture and facilitate the enhancement of their current state to effectively leverage available resources.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
27 out of 60
TravEase - Travel & Imprest App By SibasiSibasi LtdIn a world filled with complexities, TravEase emerges as a beacon of simplicity, transforming the tedious processes of travel requests, expense tracking, and reimbursement into seamless experiences.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
28 out of 60
4automate - Intelligent Automation with Microsoft Power platform4Sight HoldingsAccelerate Your Journey to Intelligent Automation with 4Sight
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
29 out of 60
Power Platform Maturity Assessment / RoadmapCistel Technology Inc.Provide an unbiased view of where your organization is in its Power Platform journey and develop a Roadmap tailored to the specific business needs, strategies and digital ambition of your organization
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
30 out of 60
Power Automate 5 Hours WorkshopQUANTIS TEKNOLOJILeverage the potential of intelligent automation with Power Automate. This workshop covers integrating Power Apps, Copilot Studio, and third-party products to streamline processes and drive innovation
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
31 out of 60
Process Optimization WorkshopAbakionIdentify and prioritize processes that can be optimized using Power Automate functionality
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
32 out of 60
Reembolso de Despesas: 2 semanas implementaçãoClass Comércio e Sistemas de Informática LtdaReembolso de Despesas em Power Apps: Agilize e Automatize os seus processos internos!
Applicable to:
Power Apps
33 out of 60
Artex Power Platform In-a-Day WorkshopARTEX informacni systemy spol. s r.o.Line-of-business specialists will learn how to easily build and deploy custom business apps with PowerApps, share data, automate and optimize processes and support data driven decision making.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
34 out of 60
COE and Governance EstablishmentSimplyai Pty LtdApply our intelligent automation COE & governance blueprint based on our in-depth operating model experience to tailor a CoE approach that meets your long-term needs
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
35 out of 60
Microsoft Power Platform CoE - 6 wks. ImplementationTCS - Digital WorkplaceEnd-to-end implementation of Microsoft Power Platform Governance includes analysis of platform tenant based on Governance guidelines and deployment of solution.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
36 out of 60
Power Platform: 1-Hour AssessmentMAQ SoftwareStruggling with manual processes? Discover efficiency with our 1-Hour Power Platform Assessment
Applicable to:
Power Apps
37 out of 60
PowerApps For Business: 3-Day Proof of ConceptClouds On MarsWe build a Microsoft PowerApp around a real business case or process of your choice.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
38 out of 60
Power Platform Center of Excellence: 6 week implementationAdvaiya Solutions Inc.We'll handle everything from analyzing your Power Platform Tenant according to Governance guidelines to implementing and deploying the Governance solution.
Applicable to:
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Apps
39 out of 60
Redoflow ERP-Requirements: 1-Wk assessmentRedocap OyAn assessment of the current ERP- or software environment aiming to give a clear picture of the requirements and needs.
Applicable to:
Business Central
Power BI apps
Power Apps
40 out of 60
HCL Biz Apps - True Connected Field Service: 1-Hr BriefingHCL Technologies Limited.An innovative, versatile service solution that moves with you.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Power Automate
Power Apps
41 out of 60
Model-driven App Consultation: 3-Hr BriefingNETWORGThis consultation will help you better understand the role of Model-driven applications in addressing your business requirements.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
42 out of 60
AI-driven low-code transformation: 4-Hour WorkshopproMX AGproMX Workshop: Accelerating Business Transformation with AI in Low-Code Environments
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
43 out of 60
Intelligent Automation Strategy: 1-Day WorkshopReveal GroupDeploy an intelligent automation strategy in your organization through a comprehensive program with Reveal Group’s Blueprint for Scale
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
44 out of 60
Digital Twins Enablement 2-Wk AssessmentSappienceThe “Digital Twins” concept and technology are more applicable than ever in the Asset Management domain
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
45 out of 60
Power Platform : Preparation Phase - 10Wk ImpSAEGUSPreparing a Power Platform Deployment - Security, Ideation and Scoping
Applicable to:
Power Apps
46 out of 60
Design Sprint :4 -Day WorkshopBillennium S.A.The offer is a 4-day workshop during which you define the need and solution in the operator of a Microsoft Power Platform
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
47 out of 60
Prozessdigitalisierung mit Power Platform und Microsoft 365: 1-Tages Update Workshop Digital ProcessesAppSphere AGInteraktiv und praxisnah zu ersten eigenen Ideen mit unserem „Update Workshop Digital Processes“. So gelingt es Ihnen, Prozesse effizient zu gestalten und digital zu transformieren.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
48 out of 60
HCL Biz Apps - Power Platform Capability - 1 hr assessmentHCL Technologies Limited.HCL has a wide range of experience and offerings to help customers realise the full potential of the Power Platform and how it can help them unlock true innovation.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
49 out of 60
Power Platform: 5-6 Weeks ImplementationG&P Projetos e SistemasG&P Power Platform Implementation & Services
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
50 out of 60
Business Automation with Power Platform. Discover your automation opportunities and improve productivityBaufestWe help our clients to drive efficiency in organizations by improving, optimizing, and automating key processes by leveraging Microsoft Power Platform and Azure
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
51 out of 60
CI Deployment Quick Start 4-wk ImplementationNeudesicUnify Customer Data with AI for Insights and Power Apps Driven Actions
Applicable to:
Customer Insights
Power BI apps
Power Apps
52 out of 60
Ideas With Value: 1-Week WorkshopUnipartner IT Services, S.A.Learn how to gather and harness ideas that address a challenge and achieve value for both your organization and your customers.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
53 out of 60
Fast-Track Power Apps: Rapid 2-Days Custom Application AssessmentGO-ERPOur Rapid Application Assessment service is designed to swiftly evaluate and enhance your business processes.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Apps
Power Pages
54 out of 60
Rapidly Build Apps-pilot -4 hrs briefingMY SynergyRapidly build your first apps with just few hours of proactive training
Applicable to:
Power Apps
55 out of 60
Business Power App: 3-weeks PoCData-DrivenCreate your own collaborative low-code application to solve a current business problem.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
56 out of 60
Immersive Experiences with MicrosoftCapgemini GroupBy bringing together traditional 2-D interfaces (flat UI), Microsoft and Capgemini can craft and deliver multisensory experiences that customers and employees will intuitively feel.
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
57 out of 60
Reporte Horas fácil y rápido: 3 Wk ImplementationEIGO MéxicoReporte de Horas fácil y rápido! Con My Timesheet by EIGO
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Automate
Power Apps
58 out of 60
Rapidly build apps in-a-day - 8hr WorkshopMY SynergyLear how to build your app in customer focused 8 hr workshop, dedicated to Power Apps creation for begginers
Applicable to:
Power Apps
59 out of 60
Sustainability Reporting: US SECLingaroUS SEC Reporting
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
Power Apps
60 out of 60