Pink Elephant Copilot Modern Work as a Service

Pink Elephant

Offering that takes organizations to an evergreen path to AI-aided modern work with Microsoft 365 Copilot. Huge productivity and innovation leap for organization, for all employees.

AI aided innovation and taking advantage of the productivity leap AI will provide for all employees is a necessity. All organization needs to be included to make the most out of the productivity leap. This AI-driven offering takes organizations to an evergreen path to AI-aided modern work with Microsoft 365 Copilot and helps organizations to navigate the Copilot deployment, from data management to algorithm optimization and compliance. The fixed-monthly-fee service with one month’s notice time is a comprehensive package that spans three meticulously crafted phases. Each phase incorporates expertise in security, governance, ethics, and legal considerations that come with adopting AI-enabled solutions. Training services and support are of course included in all the phases. The offer is subscription based, and price presented is one month subscription. Contact us to hear more and we’ll find out together what is the best level of service for you. Phases:

  1. Preparation, technical readiness and pilot • Upskilling program focused on AI-based work processes. • Ensuring technical readiness. • Analyse for information protection, compliance, and ethics. • Identify and build AI use-case scenarios.

  2. Copilot deployment • Optimize use cases • Establish a role-based champion network for internal support for employees • Create your first set of Copilot plugins

  3. Continuous Development • The third phase is about scalability and refinement. • We roll out Copilot to more user groups, and create increasingly advanced use cases. • Environment is kept evergreen.

At a glance