SharePoint Intranet Quick Start 4 Week Implementation

Compass365, a division of General Networks

Our SharePoint Intranet Quick Start helps small to mid-sized companies quickly deploy a modern SharePoint intranet. It includes hands-on sessions, governance workshops, custom web parts, and ongoing s

Leverage our SharePoint Intranet Quick Start for proven success

Our SharePoint Intranet Quick Start package is ideal for small to mid-size companies looking to quickly deploy a SharePoint intranet. The package was put together using our extensive experience and industry best practices to help you avoid pitfalls, deliver a modern SharePoint intranet, and provide the training and support to ensure your success.

Teach You How to Fish

Throughout the process we actively encourage you to learn and participate. By the end of the engagement, your team will be able to manage the basics without outside assistance.

Hands-On Sessions

During our working sessions, we’re designing and building your intranet together. This real-time approach provides hands-on experience, and the sessions are recorded and provided for your reference.

Prepare for the Future

Three workshops are included that cover intranet governance, content strategy, and security. These highlight important components for long-term intranet success that you may not be ready to immediately address.

Provide Value

We provide access to our custom webparts library. Developed while working with our clients, our custom webparts add features that are frequently requested but not available out-of-the-box.

Ongoing Support

We make getting help easy. Our support agreements provide peace of mind – there are no obligations or minimum usage requirements, you only pay for what you use.

Continuous Improvement

We aim to develop long-term relationships with all our clients and can partner with you on high value activities like developing new use cases or features and advising on increasing user adoption and satisfaction.

Our Process

Compass365 has been delivering SharePoint and Akumina intranets and portals since 2007. Our proven program is designed to help you get your intranet up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Phase 1: Define Requirements and Design the Intranet Portal
  • Work with your IT and business stakeholders to define the requirements and information architecture
  • Prepare prototypes and wireframes of the site branding, global and local navigation, home page content, role-based permissions and content page templates for use by content owners for review and feedback
  • Review out-of-the-box features and configurations, and recommend 3rd party add-ons and customizations to meet your unique requirements
  • Finalize design and deliver design specification
Phase 2: Implement the Intranet Portal
  • Build a pilot site for IT and business stakeholders to test and provide feedback and learn how to create and manage content
  • Prepare targeted user and testing documentation
  • Support testing and provide intranet administrator training
  • Deploy site and support users and IT for first weeks of production use
  • Contact us today to get started!

At a glance