Security Workshop - 1 Day

BitHawk AG

Learn how to protect your business against threats with Microsoft 365 in our interactive Security Workshop.

Learn how to protect your company against threats with Microsoft 365 in our interactive security workshop. Microsoft 365 offers various solutions to actively protect against cyber threats such as Microsoft Defender, Advanced Threat Protection, Multifactorauthentification etc.

How do you secure data from your customers and business partners? How well can you track this data? Do you know who currently has access? Do you know your strengths and weaknesses in cyber security? How do you protect yourself against targeted attacks?

You are not alone with these questions. We invite you to our Digital Transformation Workshop with a focus on cyber security. With cyber security solutions, you promote the trust of your customers. We are sure that your company has already invested in cyber security. But how can you react correctly and quickly in an emergency? How do you protect yourself against unknown attack methods? These considerations are central to Microsoft's cyber security strategy.

Cyber-Security has become very important in many business areas and is not only a concern for IT. We are looking forward to participants from different disciplines and adapt the content according to your needs.

  1. introduction, current threats and challenges

  2. workplace security framework

  3. break & networking

  4. threats and possible measures with Microsoft 365 for the areas: Device and Basic Protection Identity, Information and Threat Protection Post-Breach Detection and Response

  5. actions to increase the Workplace Security maturity level with Microsoft 365

At a glance