Nova AI咨询服务提供定制化AI解决方案,优化 业务决策和效率,并通过工具如NovaChat和Microsoft 365 Copilot支持企业数字化转型。 1-Day workshop to customize AI solutions to optimize decision-making and efficiency, and support digital transformation.
诺未AI咨询服务通过深度调研与分析,提供定制化AI解决方案。服务覆盖产品、IT、财务等多个业务域,专注于客户实际需求,通过NovaChat、Microsoft 365 Copilot等工具,提升业务效率,优化决策过程。团队专家为各部门提供培训与支持,确保AI技术顺利落地,助力企业数字化转型。 Nova AI consulting services provide customized AI solutions through in-depth research and analysis. The service covers multiple business domains such as product, IT, and finance, focusing on the actual needs of customers, and improving business efficiency and optimizing the decision-making process through tools such as NovaChat and Microsoft 365 Copilot. The team of experts provides training and support to various departments to ensure the smooth implementation of AI technology and facilitate the digital transformation of enterprises. 企业在做AI和数字化转型之前需要做全面的AI解决方案调研,旨在了解和满足客户各个部门的真实需求,从而提供更优化的产品和服务,以及制定未来的发展路线,这对于AI方案的落地执行至关重要,也是保障AI转型成功的必要条件。主要包含但并不限于以下步骤: Before doing AI and digital transformation, enterprises need to conduct a comprehensive AI solution research to understand and meet the real needs of various departments of customers, so as to provide more optimized products and services, and formulate a future development roadmap, which is crucial for the implementation of AI solutions and a necessary condition to ensure the success of AI transformation. It mainly includes, but is not limited to, the following steps: