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DYCE Record History & FavoritesSinghammer IT Consulting AGStore any record as a favorite and access last used records with one simple click.
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Business Central
1 out of 60
OfficeSpace for OutlookOfficeSpace Software Inc.See which locations other attendees are working from and the available room options in each location
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2 out of 60
Culture Cloud for OutlookO.C.TannerThe Culture Cloud add-on for Microsoft Outlook lets you send recognition right from your email.
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3 out of 60
BeyondSchedulerBEYONDIT GmbHManage your events inside Business Central easily by drag and drop
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Business Central
4 out of 60
JamboJamboJambo for Outlook saves time by enabling fast and easy creation of new communication records
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5 out of 60
VerbumOneMeta IncUnlock real-time multilingual translation for your meetings in 120+ languages.
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6 out of 60
BitRecover for Visio ConverterBitRecoverThis is the best tool to convert Visio file to JPG, convert Visio files to PDF and many other files
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7 out of 60
Public Contract ManagementGestisoft Inc.Effortless Contract Management for Enhanced Visibility and Compliance
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Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Power Apps
8 out of 60
CT - MinerCelebal Technologies Private LimitedAn automated knowledge mining tool for RFPs, Contract Managment, Legal, Audit and Fraud.
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9 out of 60
Covideo - Video & Screen RecorderCovideo, LLCRecord, send, and track personalized video messages and screen captures right from your inbox.
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10 out of 60
Word RhymewandyezjQuickly find rhymes for English words. Unlock your creative potential and unleash your inner poet!
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11 out of 60
Fellowmind AnonymizationCRM Partners MembersLifeAnonymize customer data or scramble your test database (GDPR/other privacy legislation)
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Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
12 out of 60
Malbek for OutlookMalbekMalbek CLM is a cloud-based contract lifecycle management solution.
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13 out of 60
CAPEX & OPEX Authorization for ExpenditurePerseptaAccelerate and manage your expenditure approval process with standardized workflows
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14 out of 60
Gantt Chart Maker with Microsoft LicensingUniform Software LimitedEasily generates beautiful Gantt chart from a task list in Excel.
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15 out of 60
Ticker viewere-deasThis add-in display animated content when scrolling text from one end to the other
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16 out of 60
Synack's Security Testing Bundle for AI/LLM ChatbotsSynack, inc.Use Synack to test deployed AI/LLMs & Chat Bots, using the skills of the Synack Red Team.
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17 out of 60
PDF4meYnoox GmbHPDF4me delivers an intelligent and efficient solutions for all your PDFs.
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Office app
18 out of 60
KrispCall For Dynamics 365KrispCall Pte. Ltd.Streamline sales and customer support operations with KrispCall and Dynamics 365 Integration.
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Customer Service
19 out of 60
AutismCareChorus Software SolutionsEHR built on Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare to empower Behavioral Health organizations
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Customer Service
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
20 out of 60
People SegmentationTENSORGO TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDReal time detection and segmentation of the people in the image or video
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21 out of 60
JustCall for Microsoft TeamsSaas Labs Us, Inc.Streamline your customer communications with real-time Call & SMS notifications
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22 out of 60
Vitals AI: Health screening solutionHelfie Group Pty LimitedA camera based solution to remotely extract the vital signs of an individual through video.
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23 out of 60
Financials - SharePoint & ExcelRYCO Insight ASComplete overview of financial output maintained by connecting to Excel in SharePoint
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Power BI apps
24 out of 60
Thomson Reuters HighQThomson ReutersA cloud-based platform for secure document sharing, project management, and workflow automation.
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25 out of 60
Delayed SendAppfluence IncSchedule your messages to be sent in the future to any private or group chat.
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26 out of 60
My Business CalendarBhanu SinghA compact calendar to display all events from your calendar list.
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27 out of 60
BioCatch for FSI CloudBioCatchBioCatch for FSI Cloud
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28 out of 60
Base license for NewCommunicator株式会社コミュニティオLicense type : Base license to start operation of NewCommunicator
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29 out of 60
SEOByAI - Free AI SEORiskAssessmentAI, Inc.Kickstart your marketing efforts for free. Rank higher, get more traffic, and increase your revenue.
Applicable to:
30 out of 60
Continia Payment Management (NO)Continia SoftwareHandle your payments securely from one payment journal in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Business Central
31 out of 60
ZoomInfo ChatInsentConversational platform for B2B GTM teams
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32 out of 60
Bigtincan Hub for Outlookbigtincan mobileAttach automatically recommended Hub content to your outgoing emails.
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33 out of 60
Core Strengths RQCore StrengthsImprove interactions with communication tips tailored to others' styles.
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34 out of 60
Modern WorkplaceEY GlobalA sustainable, integrated, secure, easy-to-deploy workforce collaboration solution
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35 out of 60
NAVEKSA ShopFloor 365NAVEKSAShop Floor - Efficiency for production planners and operators in manufacturing.
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Business Central
ProE-SCM 365 EDIYAVEON AGSimple and complete Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
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Business Central
37 out of 60
PacvuePacvueEnables sellers, vendors and agencies to access and modify their eCommerce data on Amazon & Walmart.
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38 out of 60
officeatwork | Slide Chooser for OfficeofficeatworkEasily Find, Use, and Organize PowerPoint Slides Across Your Organization.
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39 out of 60
Progressus (US)Plumbline Consulting LLCProgressus for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Turn Your Projects into Profits
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Business Central
40 out of 60
Pimics - Vendor CatalogAlliumVendor Catalog focuses on the purchase part of data processing and effectively takes over data
Applicable to:
Business Central
41 out of 60
Created-by on DocumentsAbakionKeep track of who created the documents
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Business Central
42 out of 60
Riptide: Email Tracking and Analytics for OutlookSwaysEast LimitedRiptide tracks when and where your emails are opened so you'd know if and when your email was read.
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43 out of 60
Icertis Contract Intelligence CopilotsIcertis IncIntroducing the first generative AI Copilots built for enterprise contracting.
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44 out of 60
Knowee SignaturesKnowee CardsProfessionalize your emails in Outlook by integrating dynamic digital signatures and business cards.
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45 out of 60
Sapiens DecisionSapiensManaging same-day rule changes using intuitive no-code tools to speed time to market.
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46 out of 60
Earth KnowledgeEarth Knowledge, Inc.Earth Knowledge: integrated ESG, climate & nature solutions for Government & Private Sector
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47 out of 60
Power HubProjectum ApsPower Hub – real-time Dataverse sync to Azure SQL DB with full change history
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48 out of 60
Support Pack for LucidchartLucid Software IncCollaborate on Lucidchart diagrams in Teams. This app is for
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49 out of 60
aworkawork GmbHawork is the smart Microsoft Teams assistant to manage your projects
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50 out of 60
Flintfox Intelligent Pricing for Microsoft Dynamics 365Flintfox International LimitedSupply Chain Revenue Management for manufacturing, distribution & retail with Microsoft Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
51 out of 60
Visual Transact TesterNETRONIC Software GmbHTest and validate the AppSource transact capability for Business Central
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Business Central
52 out of 60
SmartRecruitersSmartRecruitersBoost hiring teamwork with SmartRecruiters on Microsoft Teams!
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53 out of 60
Acrolinx for Microsoft 365 OfficeAcrolinx GmbHBring enterprise writing standards, AI guardrails, and assistance to Word and PowerPoint
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54 out of 60
eformity | Signature Managereformity document solutionsEasily manage signatures and building blocks for Outlook.
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55 out of 60
Infosys EquinoxInfosys LtdInfosys Equinox is a headless, human-centric & omnichannel digital commerce platform
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56 out of 60
Advanced Price ManagementBRICKLEADWorking with retailers? Want to handle complex and alternative pricing / discount calculations?
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Business Central
57 out of 60
MiracleTimeEque2 Ltd.MiracleTime allows you to control employee time and attendance data
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Business Central
58 out of 60, Inc.Deliver conversational support for patients, providers, members, and employees with our IVA
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59 out of 60
SP LS Central Fiscalization for LithuaniaStrongPointFiscal receipt printing solution compliant with the requirements of the Lithuanian Tax Authority
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Business Central
60 out of 60