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SmartCite for PapersDigital ScienceCite references and generate bibliographies automatically from your ReadCube Papers library!
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1 out of 60
Timeline BoxTheraTraq Visualize your events in a timeline view.
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Power BI visuals
2 out of 60
MindMap for Microsoft Teams - CollaborationSolutions2Share GmbHTransform Your Planning and Collaboration in Microsoft Teams with MindMap
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Cegid Quadra Connector pour OutlookCEGID SAConnectez votre solution Cegid Quadra à Microsoft Outlook et gagnez en productivité.
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4 out of 60
Risk Matrix / Heatmap - LeapLyticsLeapLytics GmbHRisk Matrix: Our Solution for Professionals
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Power BI visuals
5 out of 60
Advanced Line Chart (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comVisualize up to 8 measures with different styles of line on dual y axes
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Power BI visuals
6 out of 60
Mail MergeDigital InspirationSend personalized emails with Excel, create email drafts or schedule emails for sending later.
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7 out of 60
Drill Down Map PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsExplore location data with powerful on-chart filtering capabilities.
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Power BI visuals
8 out of 60
Summary TableFredrik HedenströmRenders a table with summary rows and make it possible to apply custom styles to any row and column.
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Power BI visuals
9 out of 60
Animated Bar Race ChartINOVISTA LIMITEDBars are plotted and sorted continuously as they progress through a range of periods.
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Power BI visuals
10 out of 60
Social Network GraphArthur Graus Training & ConsultancyVisualize social networks like facebook, linkedin or organization graphs.
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Kanban Task BoardStratadaThe Stratada Program Taskboard enables a Agile/Kanban view of tasks, and connects to many sources.
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
GPT ProWitivioThe Generative AI chatbot that enhances your team productivity, fully integrated in Microsoft Teams
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13 out of 60
Stacked Clustered ChartDEFTEAM SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITEDStacked Clustered Chart visualizes quick trends using multiple categories with drill downs
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Power BI visuals
14 out of 60
LLM ChatbotCreative DataLLM-powered Chatbot integrated into your report, maximizing productivity and efficiency.
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Power BI visuals
15 out of 60
Bar and line chart with tableKishore KadhirveluVisualize bar and line chart with table integrated for detailed analysis
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
XL-Connector 365XAPPEXSalesforce connector for Microsoft Office Online and Microsoft Office for Mac
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17 out of 60
Amazon ChimeAmazon.comThe Amazon Chime Add-In for Outlook allows users to include Chime meeting details in Outlook events.
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18 out of 60
Bionic Reading® for Microsoft WordBionic Reading®Your Bionic Reading® Add-In for Microsoft Word. Unique like you. For Windows and Mac.
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19 out of 60
Waterfall ChartVisioChartWaterfall chart can be used to see monthly income, expenses, revenues, and current account balances
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Power BI visuals
20 out of 60
Traffic Light - LeapLyticsLeapLytics GmbHTraffic Light Visual: Our Solution for Professionals
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Power BI visuals
21 out of 60
Advanced Donut and Pie Chart (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comVisualize the dominating or underperforming categories of the total
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Power BI visuals
22 out of 60
Power PDF FillerAppsense Inc.A powerful tool that automates the accurate filling of thousands of PDF forms within minutes.
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23 out of 60
officeatwork | Designer for OfficeofficeatworkEffortlessly Create Dynamic Templates and Assets.
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24 out of 60
HTML VizCreator Flex by BI SamuraiBI SamuraiThis visual can be used for nearly anything.
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Power BI visuals
25 out of 60
Answers by O'ReillyO'Reilly Media, Inc.The Answers by O’Reilly app finds quick solutions to challenging technical questions.
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26 out of 60
Fast People SearchPerspicuityFast People Search
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27 out of 60
ReformatCleveland RDAutomatically reformat Word documents to match your templates.
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28 out of 60
Image GallerypbiCraftImage Gallery visual allows for an easy and straightforward way to upload and display your image
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Power BI visuals
29 out of 60
Foxit PDF Editor Cloud for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPointFoxit Software Inc.Work with powerful online PDF tools integrated with your favorite Microsoft 365 apps.
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30 out of 60
MiroMiroCreate, embed, pin, search and get notifications for Miro Boards
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31 out of 60
Count Down TimerMicrosoft CorporationBasic timer that continuously counts down to a specified date and time
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Power BI visuals
32 out of 60
PictureThisApps for Power BI A picture is worth a thousand words, why not use more images in your report?
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Power BI visuals
33 out of 60
Radial chart by Devlup FunnelsDevlup FunnelsRadial bar charts provide a visually engaging depiction of categorical data through their circular l
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Power BI visuals
34 out of 60
Kutools for WordExtendOffice LtdAdvanced AI tools to streamline document editing and boost productivity.
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35 out of 60
Custom tree view with bar chartOffice SolutionChart with the combination of Bar and Tree map in which width and height of column can be managed
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Power BI visuals
36 out of 60
Gantt Chart ProWitivioGantt Chart Pro for Microsoft Teams illustrates a project schedule on a bar chart.
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37 out of 60
To-do Checklist for TeamHEROCODERS SP Z O OAdvanced checklists to manage tasks, QA, Agile processes, and other workflows.
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38 out of 60
Stacked Bar Chart with Line by JTAJTA The Data ScientistsClustered bar chart with the possibility to stack one of the bars
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Power BI visuals
39 out of 60
AppSheetappsheetThe app platform for everyone. Give true mobile power to your Excel sheets and business data.
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40 out of 60
MindManagerCorelCo-edit maps, manage team dashboards, create flowcharts, and keep projects in view all within Teams.
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41 out of 60
Spreadsheet SyncIntuit - QuickbooksIt syncs your QBO Adv data directly with Excel, enabling businesses to build customized reports
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42 out of 60
Fish Bone Chart for Power BIOffice SolutionA Fishbone chart identifies causes of a problem, categorized into branches, for root cause analysis.
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Power BI visuals
43 out of 60
Event Table ViewerPro2Future GmbHComparison of event sequence, categorical, and numerical data in an interactive tabular layout.
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Power BI visuals
44 out of 60
AI Perfect Assistant for OutlookOOO RD17The ULTIMATE AI Assistant for Outlook
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45 out of 60
Learn365Zensai International ApsBring training right where your learners are in their daily workflow with Learn365 (formerly LMS365)
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Office app
46 out of 60
Asset Management 365Apps 365 & HR365Asset Management 365 - Smart and modern way to track the asset's lifetime history, location, own
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47 out of 60
Presentations AIinfographfx technologiesThe Ultimate Tool for Fast, Effortless, and Collaborative Presentation Creation
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Office app
48 out of 60
Drill Down Donut PRO (Pin) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsEnjoy interactive drilldowns, user friendly navigation and beautiful design.
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Power BI visuals
49 out of 60
ProjectMicrosoft CorporationStay organized, focused, and in charge with Microsoft Project
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50 out of 60
JSON to Excelhe.yang@wtsolutions.cnSave JSON as Excel directly inside Excel, including nested JSON
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51 out of 60
QR code for emailSMALLPDF KENYAQR Code Generator add-on lets you easily create QR codes from link in outlook
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52 out of 60
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53 out of 60
AI Presenters from D-IDDe Identification LTDAdd a talking head to every slide at the click of a button
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54 out of 60
Procore for OutlookProcore Technologies Inc.Interact with your construction project directly in Outlook
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55 out of 60
Microsoft ClarityMicrosoft CorporationClarity is a free behavioral analytics, easy-to-use tool that captures how real people use your site
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56 out of 60
Dual KPIMicrosoft CorporationEfficiently visualizes two measures over time, showing their trend on a joint timeline
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Power BI visuals
57 out of 60
Pickit | Make impactful presentations in minutesPickitUnlimited access to licensed photos, clipart and your company’s images in PowerPoint.
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58 out of 60
MyEducator Add-inMyEducatorThe MyEducator Add-in is a tool used when doing office-based assignments on
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59 out of 60
flashbi fantailFlashBIFanTail - Interactive sunburst reflecting data hierarchies, relationships and relative values.
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Power BI visuals
60 out of 60