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Apps results for Financial Services
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Pagero E-invoicingPagero ABE-invoice smoothly and compliantly in several countries with real-time statuses.
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Business Central
1 out of 60
WorthMeetingQuantumRhinoAn Outlook extension to calculate a company's cost of a meeting using average hourly rate
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2 out of 60
VIES API - EU VAT ValidationNETCAT Systemy InformatyczneAutomatic checking and downloading company data from VAT Information and Exchange System (VIES)
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3 out of 60
AskHR Employee Support ChatbotAudsebProvide self-service HR support to employees using AI
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4 out of 60
Zabbix WebhookZabbixReact faster to monitoring alerts by integrating Zabbix with Microsoft Teams
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5 out of 60
KPI Dashboard &Predictive Analytics for Business- Decision pulseOffice SolutionSales KPI Dashboard &Predictive Analytics for BusinessPrescriptive analytics
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6 out of 60
ParaTimeLineParadigm BIParaTimeLine is an intuitive filter designed for filtering data with dates
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Power BI visuals
7 out of 60
Celebrations for SharePointDalikoo Inc.Celebrations: A SharePoint web part to celebrate your teammates' Birthdays and Anniversaries.
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8 out of 60
The Original RapidStart CRMForceworksThis was the First, and is still the Best Power Platform CRM! Simple-to-Use, Rapid to Deploy.
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Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Customer Voice
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
9 out of 60
Social AdvocacyOktopostEnhance internal communication and streamline employee advocacy.
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10 out of 60
Control ChartNova SilvaThe most useful way to see true signals of change in your KPI is to use a ControlChart (XmR chart)
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Custom Functions in ExcelBetter Solutions LimitedThis add-in provides additional worksheet functions that will increase your productivity
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12 out of 60
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Power BI visuals
iFinD 365杭州同花顺数据开发有限公司iFinD 365 是iFinD金融终端 基于office 365 开发的EXCEL数据接口,覆盖股票、债券、基金、期货、外汇等各金融品种,包括基础数据指标、丰富的经济数据指标和国内外市场行情数据。
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14 out of 60
Drill Down TimeSeries PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsExplore time-based data down to each millisecond with interactive drilldown and scrolling.
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Power BI visuals
15 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Clerk SMSClerk ChatSend and receive text messages (SMS / MMS) and WhatsApp in Microsoft Teams
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