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Apps results for Nonprofit & IGO
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1 out of 60
EDEGESCO APLICACIÓN ERPEDETANOS INFORMATICOS S.L.ERP gestión documental, facturación, cobros, pagos, contabilidad, contratos, expedientes, SII.
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2 out of 60
Journal Allocation ToolLighthouse Experts GroupAllocate journals and document lines based on dimensions or G/L Accounts.
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Business Central
3 out of 60
TŌGŌNTT DATA SPAIN SLUTŌGŌ a social digital workplace
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4 out of 60
BotCore - Enterprise Chatbot BuilderAcuvate Software LtdEnterprise Ready Chatbot builder Platform
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5 out of 60
Brain (Power BI Portal)IN4U & CompanyMicrosoft Power BI를 기반으로 하여 목적별 데이터 관리 및 운영, 예측 분석 등을 수행하는 통찰력 있는 Web BI 대시보드 서비스
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6 out of 60
HRLocker – HR softwareHRLockerLooking for HR Software that includes Absence Management, Timesheets, Annual Leave Tracking & more?
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7 out of 60
Avanade Grant Making Solution FY24Avanade, Inc.Comprehensive grant management over the entire grant lifecycle allowing grantmakers to save time.
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Power Apps
8 out of 60
Soapbox Engage for Fundraising and EngagementPICnetCreate beautiful and powerful online engagement pages.
9 out of 60
Operations Essentials for NonprofitsZimney & Co.The simplest way to manage your nonprofit's projects, awards, and workforce.
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Power Apps
10 out of 60
CAMP 365 FarPayComputerCamp A/SCAMP 365 FarPay is an integration between the CAMP 365 member system and FarPay.
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Business Central
11 out of 60
EngageRMEngageRMEngageRM CRM platform enabling fan, partner and community engagement
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Customer Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
12 out of 60
GiveLife 365Alphavima Technologies Inc.Volunteers | Donors | Memberships | Sponsorships | Grants | Campaigns | Analytics | Integrations
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Customer Service
Power Automate
Power Apps
13 out of 60
Neudesic Care Management PlatformNeudesicNeudesic Healthcare Case and Community Care management platform
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Power Automate
Power Apps
14 out of 60
unitop Chamber and AcademyGOB Software & Systeme GmbH & Co. KGunitop NPO Kammer und Akademie - optimieren Sie die Daten- und Prozessqualität Ihrer Organisation
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Business Central
15 out of 60
OmniFY Tax RebateOmni Logic SolutionsTax Rebates is used to calculate a percentage of taxes on purchases and post to a GL Account
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Business Central
16 out of 60
DoVE Donor/Donations Management for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdTrack relationship with Donor and manage donation activities.
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Customer Service
17 out of 60
DoVE Donor/Donations Mgmt for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdTrack relationship with Donor and manage donation activities.
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Power Apps
18 out of 60
9A Membership Management9altitudesKlaar voor de toekomst met een totaaloplossing waarmee leden en medewerkers optimaal worden bediend.
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Customer Service
Power Apps
19 out of 60
DoVE Volunteer Management for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdTrack relationship with Volunteer and volunteer activities.
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Customer Service
20 out of 60
DoVE Volunteer Mgmt for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdTrack relationship with Volunteer and volunteer activities.
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Power Apps
21 out of 60
DoVE Case/Beneficiary Management for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdManage and track Client and Beneficiary activities.
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Customer Service
22 out of 60
DoVE Case/Beneficiary Mgmt for NonprofitsCustomer Capital Consulting Pte LtdManage and track Client and Beneficiary activities.
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Power Apps
23 out of 60
Submittable CSR & Grants Management SoftwareSubmittable Holdings, Inc.Launch, Measure, and Manage Your Social Impact Programs
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24 out of 60
Avanade Nonprofit Grant Operations ManagementAvanade, Inc.A Data-driven solution to improve the way Nonprofits create and manage grants
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Project Operations
25 out of 60
Membership Fees Management for NGOIntelligent SystemsMembership Fees Management for NGO app for Dynamics 365 Sales
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26 out of 60
BX:EDUCATIONBatix Schweiz AGBX:EDUCATION is a comprehensive school management software.
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27 out of 60
AffableBPM SaaS SolutionAffableBPM CorporationAutomate Operational Business Processes to achieve efficiency and productivity
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28 out of 60
sowissowis GmbHDIE Softwarelösung für Einrichtungen und Komplexträger im sozialen Bereich!
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Business Central
29 out of 60
AffableBPM SaaS Workflow Solution for Business Process Management (BPM)AffableBPM CorporationAutomate Business Process Management (BPM) to improve efficiency and productivity using AI
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30 out of 60
VenueArcAl Rafay Consulting LLCVenue booking & event management software for performing arts centers
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31 out of 60
SmartGroups for groups, committees and volunteersSmartImpactOur smartgroups module takes away the admin overheads to enable our customers to manage group member
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Customer Service
Customer Voice
Power Automate
Power Apps
32 out of 60
BizLigo- Business Communities Matter (Powered by PamTen)PamTenCentralized digital community platform that efficiently connects organizations, workforce and tools
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33 out of 60
360MatchProDouble The Donation LLC360MatchPro is the industry-leading matching gift automation software.
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34 out of 60
pryme Fund Management on PGSprymeGrant and Fund management and accounting for nonprofit, charities and other fund-based organisations
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Business Central
35 out of 60
DiLeaP 365Mandarine AcademyDiLeaP 365 onine training platform : the Microsoft 365 learning solution for your users
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36 out of 60
Smart Industry Readiness IndexInternational Centre for Industrial Transformation LtdBoosting Industry 4.0 adoption with SIRI to drive transformation of global manufacturing.
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37 out of 60
unitop BasicsGOB Software & Systeme GmbH & Co. KGunitop ERP Basics – Starke Werkzeuge für digitale Prozesse
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Business Central
38 out of 60
SunbirdEdEKSTEP FOUNDATIONSunbird ED is a software leveraged to enable learning, capacity building, professional development
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39 out of 60
ClassyClassy, Inc.Classy’s integration provides a near real-time sync of fundraising data
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40 out of 60
Generative AI PilotANTARES INTERNATIONAL PTY LTDDevelop a high-level roadmap to onboard and adopt Open AI at scale
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41 out of 60
MazikCare Care PlannerQuisitiveMazikCare Care Planner streamlines the entire planning process for physicians and caregivers.
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Customer Service
Power Automate
Power Apps
42 out of 60
AffableBPM Express for SMBAffableBPM CorporationAutomate Operational Business Processes to achieve efficiency and productivity
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43 out of 60
AffableBPM Data Simplifyer Software as a ServiceAffableBPM CorporationStandarization of data coming from different data sources
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44 out of 60
HR & Payroll SamadhanSamadhanBio Metric Device Integration, Leave Management, Salary Processing, Human Resource,
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Business Central
45 out of 60
Kick not for ProfitKick ICT Group LtdKick Not for Profit for Dynamics revolutionizes the way you manage your financial operations.
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Business Central
46 out of 60
Kick Housing FinanceKick ICT Group LtdKick Housing Finance meets the unique finance and ERP demands of the housing management sector
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Business Central
47 out of 60
Anthology RaiseAnthology Inc.Put your data to work to raise engagement and giving with a next-generation advancement CRM.
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48 out of 60
hub4care jule365 rx-managementakquinet ristec GmbHLösung zur Kassenabrechnung im Gesundheitsbereich
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Business Central
49 out of 60
SpendBridge OfferBusiness Purchasing Solution dba SpendBridgeSpendBridge automates procurement to payment process
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50 out of 60
EarthWalletHANDPRINT TECH PTE. LTD.Build your own rewards program around high-quality, trackable impact projects loved by your users.
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51 out of 60
Blackbaud GrantmakingBlackbaudGrants management functionality enables impact realization on any device or browser
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52 out of 60
Dotdigital for Non-profit OrganizationsdotdigitalLeading customer experience and data platform for charities, IGOs and other non-profit organizations
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53 out of 60
Disease Management ProgramGLOBAL MEDICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.Manage a complex set of chronic illnesses through proactive monitoring and interventions
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54 out of 60
Vision2 Fundrasing for NonprofitsVision2Vision2's fundraising software helps nonprofits increase their impact
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55 out of 60
Tangicloud Fundamentals W1Tangicloud Technologies, Inc.True fund accounting for nonprofits & governments with advanced allocations & electronic approvals.
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Business Central
56 out of 60
Ansarada BoardAnsaradaSafeguard your reputation with the most secure and intuitive board software
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57 out of 60
Inovix CityStaff Assistant: An AI-driven tool for efficient, accurate municipal info retrieval and staff training, enhancing productivity and citizen serviceInovix AI Inc.Inovix CityStaff Assistant revolutionizes municipal operations with AI-driven efficiency.
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58 out of 60
TEAM Event ManagementInfinite Software Solutions, Inc.Association And Event Management, B2B Appointments, Virtual Events
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59 out of 60
Right Cause Grants AcceleratorBeyond Key SystemsA comprehensive Grant Management CRM Solution built on MS Dynamics 365.
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Power Automate
Power Apps
Power Pages
60 out of 60