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Apps results for Energy & Resources
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Brain in GrindingBrainiallReal-time optimization of grinding industrial process
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1 out of 60
CreditBPO: AI-Powered Financial & Vendor Risk AnalysisCREDIT BPO TECH INC.CreditBPO delivers AI-driven financial ratings, benchmarking, and vendor accreditation insights
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2 out of 60
CX Transport ConcreteCONNAMIX GmbH & Co.KGTransport and Shipment of Concrete. Automatic Prices with Freight
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Business Central
3 out of 60
InSkill Copilot Platform for Equipment OEMsInSkillThe best and most scalable way to CREATE, USE, and PUBLISH Industrial Copilots
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4 out of 60
InSkill Copilot Platform for Factories and PlantsInSkillThe best and most scalable way to CREATE, USE, and PUBLISH Industrial Copilots
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5 out of 60
CX EstimationCONNAMIX GmbH & Co.KGCalculation App – for construction companies, crafts and project service providers.
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Business Central
6 out of 60
OptivisAxelsson Cloud Consulting ABEnergy optimization for facilities and industrial buildings enabled through Azure IoT and AI/ML
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7 out of 60
AI-Powered Risk Intelligence for Resilient Supply ChainsResilinc CorporationProactively mitigate disruptions, ensure compliance, and optimize supply chain resilience
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8 out of 60
Fluid Eye® - Lubricants Emission ReportingFluid Intelligence OyFluid Eye® Lubricants Emission Reporting automates CO2 tracking, ensuring compliance and visibility.
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9 out of 60
Triaster Process LibraryTriasterA process-based management system to reduce mistakes, introduce change easily and get through audits
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10 out of 60
Uptale Immersive Learning platformUptaleUpskill your employees at scale and reduce training time with Virtual Reality
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11 out of 60
DeviceTone Suite - Ready to Run IoTCloud of Things - IoT Corp.Securely connect any set of devices, with a full-stack IoT solution on Azure IoT
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12 out of 60
ModernFlow - A Cloud Business Process Automation4Sight HoldingsGet your company a robust workflow engine to automate and integrate any business process.
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13 out of 60
Predictive MaintenanceFractal Analytics Inc.Reduce production downtime, improve productivity and increase quality with this solution.
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14 out of 60
Rescale - Full-Stack Cloud HPC Platform on AzureRescaleRescale partners with Microsoft to provide a full-stack HPC platform for Modern R&D and IT Control
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15 out of 60
Nerve SaaSTTTech Computertechnik AGReduces your hardware costs, increases machine efficiency and introduces new software-based services
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16 out of 60
HxGN SDx2Hexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligenceTransform how industrial enterprises engineer, monitor and optimize global assets & operations.
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17 out of 60
BHC3 AI SuiteBaker Hughes C3End-to-end platform for Enterprise AI development and operations in the Energy Industry
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18 out of 60
HxGN j5 Operations Management SolutionHexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligenceDigitalize Your Plant Operations
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19 out of 60
Schlumberger Agora Surveillance for ESPsSLBEnable remote operation for electric submersible pumps to minimize downtime associated with failures
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20 out of 60
Reekoh Industrial Integration CloudReekohReekoh provides agile enterprise integration of all physical and digital assets
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21 out of 60
Canvass AICanvass Analytics Inc.Industrial AI Solution Software empowers engineers for timely and confident decision making.
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22 out of 60
ioTORQ - Advanced Utility Management and Process Optimization PlatformPanevoWhy use ioTORQ? Maximize cost savings, avoid losses, reduce risk & improve environmental compliance
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23 out of 60
4insight®4SubseaKey Decision Support to Oil & Gas and Offshore Wind Operators Delivered as a service on
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24 out of 60
Predica Cargo ManagementPredicaDigital Transformation of the logistics industry! Lower costs & ship your cargo more efficiently!
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25 out of 60
EHS Management SoftwareSafety Software LimitedEHS Management Software
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26 out of 60
Anzyz TechnologiesAnzyz Technologies ASAI-driven Text Analytics for Enterprises and Public authorities
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27 out of 60
Energy Studio Pro®BaxEnergy GmbHEnergy Studio Pro®
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28 out of 60
BmxCloudBemira MX, S.A. de C.V.BmxCloud es un software en línea orientado a facilitar y mejorar los procesos de las empresas.
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29 out of 60
SpringBoard for Industrial IoT Genset ManagementBright WolfA customizable Azure IoT solution for industrial genset monitoring and control
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30 out of 60
GearBox Edge for Industrial IoT GatewaysBright WolfA customizable industrial Azure IoT edge gateway solution for optimizing manufacturing equipment
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31 out of 60
SpringBoard Industrial IoT System for AzureBright WolfA customizable solution accelerator for industrial IoT and connected products
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32 out of 60 - Modern BI, ML & AI for SaaS ApplicationsConvergytics Solutions Pvt. - The BI, AI and ML platform of choice for 100s of SaaS based applications
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33 out of 60
Trade and Supply Chain Digitisation on BlockchainDLT LedgersBlockchain platform for automating supply chain operations, trade execution, and bank connectivity.
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34 out of 60
Dimonoff | SCMSDimonoffState-of-the-art IoT management platform for smart initiatives
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35 out of 60
The Hark PlatformHarkThe Hark Platform - Energy and Asset Analytics & Industrial IoT
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36 out of 60
Video Inteligencia para Seguridad y PrevenciónG&S Gestión y SistemasInteligencia Artificial aplicada a Video Cámaras para extraer información valiosa en tiempo real
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37 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions IoT Service HubHitachi SolutionsCreate a Data-Driven Service Business to Improve Operational Efficiencies
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38 out of 60
HMSWeb: Quality, Completions & CommissioningHMSWebSoftware Platform for the Quality, Completions & Commissioning for industrial projects
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39 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions Payroll AcceleratorHitachi Solutions India Pvt LtdHitachi Solutions Payroll built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
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40 out of 60
PipeFusion: AI-powered Data Intelligence for water utility networksInfoTilesCloud data and analytics for water supply and wastewater management
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41 out of 60
Intelecy no-code Industrial AIIntelecy ASLet the operational workforce harness the power of AI without the need of coding
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42 out of 60
Interica OneViewInterica LimitedInterica OneView (Including PARS) enables Discovery, Analysis and Action of Geoscience datasets
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43 out of 60
CargoValueKlaveness DigitalAn intelligent logistics platform for industrial companies sourcing raw materials by sea
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44 out of 60
Omnicontext™Hypersoft Information SystemsDigital workplace productivity and operations analytics
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45 out of 60
FULCRUMHQ - Intelligent Construction ManagementLeapThought NZ LtdAn integrated digital delivery (IDD) platform for large-scale construction and infrastructure.
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46 out of 60
AnaliticaMESAA new way of working for the «finance» team: collaborative, proactive, comfortable.
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47 out of 60
DictumPro AI Predictive Operation and MaintenanceNETGAS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SRLPredictive-prescriptive solution for improved industrial process and asset operability
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48 out of 60
AdmoduNet AI Optimal Pipeline Network OperationNETGAS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SRLDynamic multiphase simulation and real-time operation, monitoring, optimization and cost minimizatio
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49 out of 60
Journyx Project Time Tracking for DynamicsJournyxSmart time & expense tracking for projects, billing, and payroll that syncs data with Dynamics 365
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50 out of 60
MOLOS.CLOUDREDNT S.A.Complete framework for fast and automated building of IoT platforms.
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51 out of 60
Manage services to maximize the value of Microsoft 365 and Azure with SecuritySOFTENGBe more productive using, deploying , securing and adopting Microsoft 365 and Azure
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52 out of 60
Spotfire Custom OfferCloud Software GroupAugment Intelligence for your Business
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53 out of 60
Uptale Immersive Learning PlatformUptaleUpskill your employees at scale and reduce training time with Virtual Reality
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54 out of 60
IoT-TICKET®, Build Production-Grade IoT Apps FastWapice Ltd.The most complete, modern and easy to use tool suite to create Internet of Things applications.
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55 out of 60
WizataWizata S.A.The open architecture platform to optimize & automate the production process with AI in real time.
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56 out of 60
Connected Factory by ICONICSICONICSDelivers a contextualized view of global plant operations
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57 out of 60
SOMGROUP SALTÓLa gestión de operaciones inteligente para tu empresa de mantenimiento con técnicos de campo.
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58 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for powertrainsABBSuite of solutions - from devices, software to services for motors, drives, pumps, mounted bearings
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59 out of 60
RHINO: A Drilling IoT Sensor & Edge DeviceDataCloudHelping teams meet their production goals with real-time orebody analytics.
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60 out of 60