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Apps results for Energy & Resources
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Aucerna PlanningSpace™AucernaCloud Planning Platform
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1 out of 60
ConOPTIUMConigitalReal-time, multi objective, decision-making optimisation and automation platform at scale.
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2 out of 60
Aucerna ExecuteAucernaCloud based well delivery and readiness workflows.
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
Wood ENVisionWoodENVision: Track and reduce emissions with real time data insight
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4 out of 60
Manapro SolucionesMANAPRO CONSULTORESArchitecture and Solutions Security
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5 out of 60
Network Monitoring / Niederspannungs-MonitoringRobotron Datenbank-Software GmbHA cloud based electricity network monitoring
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6 out of 60
HORNG YU ELECTRIC-Cloud Power Management System宏于電機有限公司Connect all your electricity devices to the Internet
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7 out of 60
Enersight by AucernaAucernaCLOUD PLANNING PLATFORM
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8 out of 60
ITVT Stadtwerk365ITVTIndustry-specific standard CRM for the energy industry with best practices for small and medium-size
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Customer Voice
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
9 out of 60
pecano-erp-facturacion-electronica-grifosPECANO SOFTWARE SACERP con facturación electrónica integrada y especializada en Grifos y Estaciones de servicio
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10 out of 60
PowerHubWAY2 SERVIÇOS DE TECNOLOGIA LTDAPlataforma de monitoramento e gerenciamento de energia
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11 out of 60
nos cuidamos v0.1HASAR SISTEMAS SRLControl del estado de salud. Trazabilidad de la salud de empleados
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12 out of 60
Group Accounting Anomaly Detection (SaaS)valantic Digital Finance GmbHComprehensive monitoring tool for all monthly subsidiary closings that are reported to the holding.
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13 out of 60
IONIX (formerly Cyberpion) - Attack Surface Management RedefinedCyberPionWidest Coverage, Sharpest Focus
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Harmony EnterpriseIHS MarkitReserves forecasting, physics-based reservoir analysis, rate-transient analysis and simulation
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15 out of 60
PentaTAX - platforma podatkowo-akcyzowaPENTACOMP SYSTEMY INFORMATYCZNE S AUłatwiamy przedsiębiorcom wypełnianie obowiązków ustawowych w zakresie SENT, e-DD i e-AD.
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
TezevaWebsym Solutions Private LimitedTezeva - Connected Products Platform
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17 out of 60
架空送電線の異常箇所検知AIテクノスデータサイエンス・エンジニアリング株式会社送電線を撮影した動画を用いて送電線のサビなどの異常箇所をAI技術(Deep Learning)によって検出するAIサービス
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
AXtension® 365 Enterprise ProjectsAXtensionThe ultimate solution for Manufacturing & PSA.
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
E-VigilantSynergy Advisors LLCE-Vigilant provides end user alerts, notifications, and response to security and productivity events
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20 out of 60
Cetegra HPCCegal ASBoost computing power to run simulations for seismic imaging, reservoir production or wind design
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21 out of 60
Kurvv Predictive Maintenance9 Dozen ML, IncKurvv's Predictive Maintenance solutions are a powerful way to solve unexpected machine failures.
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22 out of 60
SensorMineLAB3 SolutionsEnd-to-end IoT SaaS platform for industrial applications
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23 out of 60
Be:Mo : Better MobilityBEMOA SaaS platform providing APIs for connecting energy (fueling & charging) to mobility services
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24 out of 60
KnowledgeLake PlatformKnowledgeLakeKnowledgeLake is an intelligent automation platform helping organizations with document processes.
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25 out of 60
Solita's Semarchy XDM SaaS AzureSolita OyFully operated MDM environment powered by Azure.
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26 out of 60
INFOMOTION Azure Tailored Data Platform SpecialInfomotion GmbHAzure Data & AI platform accelerators for agile implementation to reduce your project cycle times
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27 out of 60
Wipro Data Discovery Platform (DDP)Wipro LtdDDP is an insights-as-a-service solution to conceptualize, build and deliver analytical apps
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28 out of 60
Process Operations AdvisorBeyond LimitsAI suite to increase oil refinery profitability and lubrication formulation times
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29 out of 60
cQuantcQuant.iocQuant is a SaaS Energy Analytics Platform to assess risk and manage complex energy portfolios
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30 out of 60
Moata GeospatialMott MacDonald LimitedMoata Geospatial enables users to rapidly access and collaborate on geospatial data.
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31 out of 60
Intelligent Insights for Energy & Utilities on DDPWipro LtdEnergy and Utilities analytics powered by Data Discovery Platform
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32 out of 60
BIM 溝通協作平台 WeBIMSync衛武資訊股份有限公司 WeBIM Services.有效討論協作與標駐議題的3D 模型資訊管理系統
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33 out of 60
Ambyint SmartStream Production AssuranceAmbyint Inc.Ensure oil/gas production meets or exceeds plan on all wells with Ambyint SmartStream
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34 out of 60
Ambyint InfinityRL Rod Lift OptimizationAmbyint Inc.Increase production, reduce operating expenditures, and reduce failure rates with Ambyint InfinityRL
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
ABB Ability™ SolutionsABBABB Ability™ solutions empower insights for safer, smarter and more resource efficient operations
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36 out of 60
Temeda - Industrial IoTTemedaTemeda integrates IoT data from remote industrial assets to improve your bottom line.
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37 out of 60
Val NavAucernaThe Energy Industry's Most Complete Cloud Engineering and Reserves Solution.
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novisto_softwareNovistoNovisto is an ESG data management and analytics SaaS Software for CSR/Sustainability functions
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39 out of 60
Gestión de Ideas de InnovaciónG&S Gestión y SistemasSolución que permite gestionar las Ideas de Innovación de todos los colaboradores de la Empresa.
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
ofsERP® Oilfield Service, Rental, ERPComputer Business SolutionsOptimize your oilfield service or equipment rental company for speed, visibility, control and growth
Applicable to:
Business Central
41 out of 60
Sentinelidata-4943029Modelo predictivo detector de alertas para lavado de activos
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42 out of 60
Ada PlatformClirioThe Ada Platform facilitates deeper understanding of project scope and scale for all stakeholders.
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43 out of 60
IVAAP Data Visualization PlatformInteractive Network Technologies IncIVAAP is a Subsurface Data Visualization Platform supporting OSDU standard on Azure Cloud.
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44 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Energy and Asset ManagerABBEnergy and asset management for commercial and industrial sites as well as smart buildings
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45 out of 60
Alarm AnalysisIntelligent Plant LtdDrill down reports and detailed analysis, quick identification of bad actors and other problem areas
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46 out of 60
Emerson Connected Services for Corrosion & ErosionEmerson Electric Co.Detailed insight into the impact of corrosion & erosion in your facility.
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47 out of 60
BE-terna Utilities CRMBE-ternaStreamline sales processes, improve customer retention and reach new customers.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
48 out of 60
FacitIntelligent Plant LtdAllows easy tracking, work flow management and automatic task auditing.
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49 out of 60
Emerson Connected Services for Control ValvesEmerson Electric Co.Detailed expert insight into the condition of your control valves.
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50 out of 60
Gestalt TrendIntelligent Plant LtdLook at multiple views of your real-time data for in-depth analysis.
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51 out of 60
Gestalt PnIDIntelligent Plant LtdCreate high resolution graphics with data-bound animations.
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52 out of 60
HxGN SDxHexagon Asset Lifecycle IntelligenceCreate a Safe and Efficient Operation in your Facility via the Power of Information
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53 out of 60
MVM Energy SuiteMVM INGENIERIA DE SOFTWARE S.ACloud-based platform supporting processes in the wholesale electricity market (WEM).
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54 out of 60
Renewable Energy Asset Management SoftwareQBi SolutionsAccelerating the Energy Transition with Digital Solutions
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55 out of 60
GO IntranetHabanero Consulting Inc.Create an intranet employees love with Microsoft 365 and GO Intranet.
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56 out of 60
Controller ConsultantIntelligent Plant LtdUnderstand how to best manage your controllers.
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57 out of 60
Intelligent Plant: Industrial ConnectorIntelligent Plant LtdAccess real-time and historical process data within Microsoft Power BI
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58 out of 60
Cerebra Digital Oil FieldFlutura Decision Sciences and AnalyticsAI Digital Assistants to reduce production deferment and enhance profitability of oil fields
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59 out of 60
Intelligent Plant: Industrial AutomatorIntelligent Plant LtdIAS enables Microsoft powerful analytics to be applied to real-time and historical process data
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60 out of 60