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Apps results for Financial Services
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LEADY.CZ ConnectorInnovative Business s.r.o.It imports data about your website visitors directly into your CRM Leads.
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1 out of 60
Ares LiteInnovative Business s.r.o.Get data from register of economic subjects.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
2 out of 60
Datacastle REDDatacastle CorporationDatacastle protects enterprises from mobile data loss and data breach.
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
JBS Outbound MarketingJBSThe quick and inexpensive development of outbound marketing systems integrated with Dynamics Online
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
4 out of 60
Serbian Language for SerbiaLocalization Consortium for Serbia, Croatia and SloveniaSerbian Language for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users
Applicable to:
Business Central
5 out of 60
MERK.CZ ConnectorInnovative Business s.r.o.Get data about companies from service.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
6 out of 60
Search and Replacenavida Informationssystemenavida's Search and Replace allows to search and replace on all journals and on major master data
Applicable to:
Business Central
New Elements SiteProspector: The CRM ConnectorNew Elements GmbHGet more new leads and new customers with the SiteProspector & Dynamics 365 CRM!
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
8 out of 60
VerityRMSVerity PlatformShare and search VerityRMS content in Microsoft Teams and publish to VerityRMS from Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
9 out of 60
INETCO BullzAI Payment Fraud PreventionINETCO Systems LtdAdvanced ML payment fraud protection from fraud and cyber attacks, without false positives.
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
Cloud for LegalPricewaterhousecoopers LLPPwC’s legal industry capabilities, services, and technology experience with Microsoft’s Cloud
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Cloud Sensor for AzureCorelight Inc.Transform cloud traffic into evidence to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks.
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12 out of 60
M2P Card Issuance PlatformM2P Solution Private LimitedModern Card Platform for every Prepaid, Debit & Credit use cases
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13 out of 60
SilverDAT FastTrackAI®PROMETEIA SPADigitized expertise and computer vision for vehicle condition assessment
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Floqast EUFloqast, IncFloQast EU is a GDPR-compliant version of the EU-FloQast app for Microsoft Teams
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15 out of 60
FinSenseRecoSense Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.FinSense - Financial Content Intelligence Platform
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
UNFYD.WORKSSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdEnterprise DxP platform, omni-channel collaboration, powered by OpenAI & Cognitive services
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
Cloudware Business Addin for ExcelCloudware, S.A.Addin for integrating invoice and management software Cloudware Business with Excel.
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
Aranda Enterprise Mobility ManagementAranda Software CorporationIntegre funcionalidades avanzadas de gestión de dispositivos móviles, desde una sola plataforma.
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
Betterfront Add-inBetterfront Technologies GmbHThis add-in provides you access to your Betterfront content without interrupting your current work
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Origen SOLaaS/4 TAX Solution as a service powered by SAP & SynchroOrigen TechnologiesOrigen SOLaaS/4 TAX Solution as a service powered by SAP - all solution components inclusive
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21 out of 60
Automation HeroAutomation Hero, Inc.Intelligently automate any document-centric process with innovative AI technology.
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
UNFYD.LINKSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdEnterprise-grade ticketing/case management platform, ChatGPT powered intelligent process automation
Applicable to:
23 out of 60
Intelligent Communications ManagerMaaz TechnologiesICM AI hybrid chat provides contact centers a consistent Omni-channel customer experience
Applicable to:
Business Central
24 out of 60
TCS BaNCS Cloud for Global Banking PlatformTCS - BaNCSA cloud-native core banking platform with best-of-breed components
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
Confidencial for OutlookConfidencial, IncProtect your data inside and outside your enterprise, all within your Office apps.
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
ModelizyOUISOLStreamlines financial modelling within Excel, especially for project financed transactions
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27 out of 60
eG Enterprise Monitoring Service for Microsoft Azure Virtual DesktopseG InnovationsMonitoring for your Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktops - Simple setup, reports, analytics & diagnosis.
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
CaseworkiQ – Decision Intelligence for case-driven teamsActiveOps plcPredictive analytics to keep case work and SLAs on track. Real-time view, real-time decisions
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29 out of 60
VeriLink - Integration ConnectorsVeriParkFacilitating Integration to Core Banking Systems by out of the box ready to use adapters
Applicable to:
Customer Service
30 out of 60
Claims LettersClaims LettersSimplified communications, with improved efficiency, accuracy, and consistency.
Applicable to:
31 out of 60
Electronic Banking Extension DEIT.integro sp. z o.o.Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in Germany and streamline transaction processing
Applicable to:
Business Central
32 out of 60
FLW | E-Visor Teams App for frontline workersSynergy Advisors LLCMicrosoft 365 usage, profile, configuration, security, and more for frontline workers
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33 out of 60
InvestivaPredictivaAn autonmous trading platform utilising Deep Reinforcement Learning for financial analysis
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34 out of 60
ActivoXCode Development Indonesia, PTActivo X Fixed Asset Management System (SaaS)
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
Zetaris - Federated Query Engine (SaaS)Zetaris Pty LtdThe SaaS version includes real-time data to allow you to explore and test our platform for 30 days
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36 out of 60
QardQARD.Short your integration build time with a single API providing thousands of reliable data of SMEs
Applicable to:
37 out of 60
ULDD - Automate & Optimize Mortgage ProcessBrimma Tech IncAccelerate borrower engagement, cut costs & securely bulk upload loan documents to Fannie Mae
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
38 out of 60
BTO Enterprise Financial Planning SolutionBETTERTRADEOFF SOLUTIONS PTE. LTD.We bridge the financial advice gap- enabling the effective sale of financial products digitally.
Applicable to:
39 out of 60
Adaptive onVisit Visitor Management SystemAdaptive ASKeep track of visitors and contractors - pre registration from calendar - check in with QR
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
OrchestratorBot For Outlookhight.ioManage JD Edwards from the comfort of Microsoft Outlook with orchestrations.
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
Linedata Analytics Services (LAS)LinedataLAS provides investment managers with tools that are proven to reduce costs, complexity and risk.
Applicable to:
42 out of 60
Applicable to:
43 out of 60
vpc_electronic_invoice_argentinaVPC Dynamics SRLAutomatization of electronic invoicing on AFIP using API service
Applicable to:
Business Central
44 out of 60
EDSA VisionESTRATEGIAS DIFERENCIADAS S.A.EDSA Vision - Procesamiento automático de documentos digitales en la nube de Azure
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
UNFYD.SEEKSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdIntegrated Knowledge Base platform across enterprise engagements
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46 out of 60
UNFYD.SALESSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdUNFYD.SX ::: Revolutionise your Sales Automation (Assist - BOT - Cognitive - Analytics)
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
UNFYD.TALKSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdEnterprise-grade omni-channel chat platform
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48 out of 60
UNFYD.vRMSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdOmni-channel Relationship Management Framework - BFSI
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
Pisano Employee Experience Management PlatformPISANO LIMITEDAll-in-one Experience Management Platform that feeds Voice of Employee programs back into businesses
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50 out of 60
SoftServe Innovation PlatformSoftServe Inc.All-in-1 Corporate Innovation Management System with configurable workflow.
Applicable to:
51 out of 60
CKYC Search and DownloadTSS Consultancy Private LimitedDigital Customer Onboarding using CKYC in India with TrackWizz
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
Morphisec Threat PreventionMorphisecPrevention-first security that stops the most advanced and disruptive attacks that others don't
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
IDEMIA IDmanageIDEMIAProvisioning, storing and managing trusted identities.
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
DQS/tera FinanzasDynamics Quality Services Consulting Group S.L.La solución permite realizar un análisis detallado de las ventas desde diferentes perspectivas
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
55 out of 60
App42ShepHertz TechnologiesOmni Channel Marketing Automation using AI & Actionable BigData
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
IB ConfirmingIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIANConfirming servicio financiero
Applicable to:
Business Central
57 out of 60
Apty for Microsoft Dynamics 365Apty Digital Adoption for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
Customer Service
58 out of 60
Migrate Email + Data from Google to Microsoft 365Kloudify TechnologiesMigrate your Google workspace environment to Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
59 out of 60
Entity4 - Legal Entity Management for CorporatesTreasury 4, Inc.Entity4 allows corporations to securely and easily manage all legal entity and related data
Applicable to:
60 out of 60