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Apps results for Financial Services
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Web Analytics ConnectoryaicoEasily integrate Google Analytics Data into your Spreadsheet
Applicable to:
1 out of 60
Nasdaq IR Insight: Office Add-InNASDAQ, Inc.IR Insight® content in the convenience of an Add-in. Use our templates or customize for your needs
Applicable to:
2 out of 60
ParaTaskCardParadigm BIThe ParaTaskCard Visual is designed to submit action items for task management.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
3 out of 60
Team PapersPervasent Software Inc.Make meetings easy and paperless with Team Papers from Pervasent.
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4 out of 60
MSCI Real Capital Analytics Add-In for ExcelMSCI Inc.Use MSCI’s RCAnalytics Trend Tracker & pull aggregated real estate trends into your spreadsheet
Applicable to:
5 out of 60
XakiaXakia TechnologiesXakia is an in-house legal department matter management platform.
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6 out of 60
Multiple RSS ViewerBEYOND KEY SYSTEMSMultiple RSS Feeds Viewer
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7 out of 60
Escrow as a ServiceNCC Group plcEmbrace the cloud with confidence with EaaS from NCC Group. Business continuity made simple.
Applicable to:
8 out of 60
T4A GeneratorWebSan Solutions Inc.Generate and send T4A documents for payee's that can be automatically submitted directly to the CRA
Applicable to:
Business Central
9 out of 60
iTimekeepAderantTrack your time by quickly converting calendar events and email into compliant timecards
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
Access ERP Fusion for officeThe Access Group ERPPowerful tool designed to enhance your financial management capabilities within the Office suite.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
AlphaSenseAlphasenseAlphaSense for Excel: Realtime analysis, data-rich models, dynamic tools and comprehensive templates
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
Alvaria Workforce Engagement ManagementAspect SoftwareUse the #1 rated contact center workforce management tool in North America to manage your workforce.
Applicable to:
13 out of 60
Flow Finder (Dependency Mapping)Excel Engineering Solutions IncorporatedAdvanced Dependency Mapping. Trace logic flows 100x faster with complete visual clarity.
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Retarus Fax for Outlook Add-Inretarus GmbHThe Enterprise Solution to send and receive faxes easily and securely via your email client.
Applicable to:
15 out of 60
Lara AISigma Engagement LLCAI-powered employee assistant for Microsoft Teams
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
World Currency RatesCONAIS.comReal-time forex global currency rates at your fingertips.
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
TreppInsights Add-In for ExcelTrepp IncAdd-in brings the power of Trepp Data and insights directly to your workbooks.
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18 out of 60
MIPA - My Intelligent Personal AssistantiGlobeMIPA is what we all dream about having, a Personal Assistant that will help you through your day.
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19 out of 60
Suralink Secure File SharingSuralink, Inc.Send and request files natively using the Suralink Secure File Sharing Add-In for Outlook.
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
UPI payments and BankingR&M TechUPI banking application enables seamless fund transfers, payment integration and Bank reconciliation
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Project Operations
Human Resources
21 out of 60
CelebrationsDalikooCelebrate your teammates’ birthdays and anniversaries!
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22 out of 60
EmailFlowgetNEXTCollaborative email review and approval add-in for Outlook
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23 out of 60
NICE CXone Agent for Microsoft DynamicsNICEIntegrate CRM and contact center controls for more efficient agents and exceptional experiences.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
24 out of 60
Keepit backup and recovery for Microsoft applicationsKeepit A/SYour strong weapon against data loss for M365, Entra ID, Dynamics, Azure DevOps and Power Platform
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25 out of 60
DATEV Connector for Dynamics 365Inway Systems GMBHAccounting with Dynamics 365 - annual financial statement with DATEV
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Supply Chain Management
26 out of 60
Petty Cash Management AppData Semantics Pvt LtdReal- Time Expense Tracking on Petty Cash App
Applicable to:
Power Apps
27 out of 60
Purchase Invoice ImportLighthouse Experts GroupBulk import of invoices and credit memos from an Excel file
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 60
Fuzzy search for excelSMALLPDF KENYAFuzzy Search for excel and fuzzy match excel using approximate matching and text
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29 out of 60
timegptNixtlaNixtla’s TimeGPT add-in is a generative pre-trained forecasting model for time series data
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30 out of 60
Formula ForgeStage One SoftwareEasily examine, analyze, and debug complicated spreadsheet formulas
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31 out of 60
E-Sign for Dynamics: The Leading eSignature SolutionE-Sign UK LtdAccelerate your business with a leading, secure, and user-friendly electronic signature solution.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
32 out of 60
Sprocket 365Sope Web TechnologiesPowerful Web Parts and tools to build better digital workplaces on SharePoint Online.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Smart Amazon Connect CTI For Microsoft Dynamics 365Maaz TechnologiesSmartConnect seamlessly integrates Amazon Connect with Dynamics 365, optimizing omnichannel contact.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
34 out of 60
PBI PortalDEVSCOPEPowerBI Portal hosts unlimited reports and dashboards, and lets you share them with anyone.
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
CMIE Prowess add-in for ExcelCMIE ProwessIQCMIE Prowess add-in for Excel to fetch Company Financial Reports.
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
DraftMateSpotDraftDraftMate is the easiest way to draft and assemble your legal documents
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37 out of 60
swUniaxialScatterPlot上北智信单轴散点图可以直观展示数据的分布 和聚合情况以及辅助制图等功能
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
NetDocuments for Microsoft WordNetDocuments IncUse NetDocuments to build automations that generate document sets and streamline internal workflows.
Applicable to:
39 out of 60
Accounting Rules Enginea-solutionsTransform business events and accelerate transaction posting
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
40 out of 60
Subscription Billing SuiteBinary Stream Software Inc.A powerful, all-in-one solution to streamline recurring billing, revenue recognition, and financial.
Applicable to:
Business Central
41 out of 60
ShareSimpleSafe Online ApSShare and request sensitive and personal data with encryption, consent and authentication.
Applicable to:
42 out of 60
Cloud Workspace for Azure Setup AppCloudJumperAutomate Cloud Workspace deployments with SSO and minimize your IaaS costs
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43 out of 60
K2 WorkflowSourcecode Technology Holdings IncK2 Workflow Platform
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44 out of 60
SafeToOpen for OutlookSafeToOpenSafeToOpen add-in for Microsoft Outlook protects you against phishing attacks.
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
Spinify - Gamification and RecognitionSpinifySales Gamification: Motivate, Engage, and Celebrate Your Team's Performance
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46 out of 60
Mural for PowerPointMURALSend PowerPoint slides to Mural to present slides and/or collect feedback in Mural.
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
Acterys Table Edit PreviewManagilityActerys Table Edit Visual with AAD Support
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
48 out of 60
Cisco CTI Connector for Microsoft DynamicsExpertflowCisco (UCCX,UCCE,PCCE) CTI Connector for integrating voice inside Unified Service Desk and Web CRM
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
49 out of 60
Print as-a-Service (PRAAS)Fulton Francis GroupPRAAS is ONE global platform, service, agreement and relationship to manage enterprise print & scan
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50 out of 60
KNOWLERNTT DATA EMEALMaking your Digital Workplace Smarter
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51 out of 60
TIBCO WebFOCUSCloud Software Group
Harness the power of data with TIBCO WebFOCUS.
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52 out of 60
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
CryptofinanceKraken ExchangeReturns the exchange rate and other data for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies.
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
SlideHub for M365nomorehoursSlideHub helps organizations win more business with an organized central slide library across M365
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55 out of 60
Cloud Hubatwork GmbHReceive important news from your Microsoft tenant.
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
Clarity AIClarity AI EuropeA full kit of sustainability capabilities powered by advanced technology, for financial institutions
Applicable to:
57 out of 60
Talkdesk connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365Talkdesk, Inc.Improve productivity and optimize operations by integrating Talkdesk with Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Power Virtual Agents
58 out of 60
Datarails FlexDatarails FlexDatarails is a financial planning and analysis solution for Excel users.
Applicable to:
59 out of 60
Seismic for Dynamics 365Seismic SoftwareElevate data-driven buying experience at scale
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
60 out of 60