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Apps results for Education
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QistasAl Qistas for Information TechnologiesThe smart solution for legal research and keeping abreast of legislative and judicial developments
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1 out of 60
ESchool ManagementMadatechManage your Microsoft 365 Edu tenant from a single hub.
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2 out of 60
Cue MeEcoLink Technology Co., Ltd.Setting reminders, organizing tasks, and staying on top of your schedule
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3 out of 60
Human Logic Integrated Academic LMSHuman Logic Software LLCHuman Logic offers Moodle LMS which is designed to create personalized virtual learning environment.
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4 out of 60
CassavaCassavarose LLCProvide highly engaging and retentive training programs to your org members.
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5 out of 60
PepTalkPepTalkThe PepTalk App provides access to 100+ learning sessions that can be watched on Microsoft Teams.
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6 out of 60
Read Easy for Outlook — Make text easy to readDigitaal Toegankelijk (Accessibility Desk)Make your text easy to read for people with low literacy skills.
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7 out of 60
Student Centraal2AT B.V.Het optimaal ondersteunen van de studentreis met datagedreven interactie.
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Customer Service
Power Apps
8 out of 60
Transact IDXTransact Campus Inc.SaaS solutions built for higher education
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9 out of 60
Go1 - Azure TransactableGo1 Pty. Ltd. GO1 makes learning easy
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10 out of 60
Scrinio appSCRINIO LLCPlataforma educativa
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11 out of 60
TIDWIT Ecosystem Enablement Platform as a Service (PaaS)Tidwit IncEcosystem platform for enablement, AI, learning, certification, marketing, content sharing at scale
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12 out of 60
SpikySpiky 3rd PublisherEmpower revenue teams with AI-driven customer insights for enhanced selling effectiveness
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13 out of 60
WinjigoITWorx Edu FZ LLCThe Learning Management System For Next Generation Education
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14 out of 60
Planning for EducatorsHaldor ABEasily plan and organise teaching resources in one place inside Microsoft Teams.
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15 out of 60
Virtual Training SuiteSerious FactoryDevelop and manage skills acquisition with Virtual Training Suite
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16 out of 60
KPMG State and Local Government IndustryKPMGKPMG and Microsoft offerings for State and Local Government
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17 out of 60
Trustii.ioTRUSTIIA fully managed data challenge platform.
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18 out of 60
Generative AI PilotANTARES INTERNATIONAL PTY LTDDevelop a high-level roadmap to onboard and adopt Open AI at scale
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19 out of 60
Eligo eVoting - Your way to voteID TECHNOLOGY SRLStill voting on paper, seriously? Eligo Voting Platform offers secure, easy-to-use online elections
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20 out of 60
SyncVR Improved Patient Care with Extended RealitySyncVR Medical Holding B.V.SyncVR Medical extended reality (XR/AR) for hospitals improves training and patient care.
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21 out of 60
MyQ XMyQ, spol. s r.o.MyQ X is your all-in-one solution for print and document management.
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22 out of 60
ToMateHuman TrendsAnswer emails based on previous emails and PDFs with Artificial Intelligence
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23 out of 60
Word to PDF ConverterSpot Solutions Ltd.Use Doc to PDF to automate Word conversion, preserve visual fidelity, and pair with SharePoint onlin
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24 out of 60
OmniMentorSambaash Pte. Ltd.Intelligent interventions to enhance learning outcomes
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25 out of 60
Alma Mater ePortfolioTechmien Corp.For Schools of Art & Design to host students' portfolios and showcase them in virtual exhibitions.
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26 out of 60
Aptero 3D SaaSApteroMetaverse within Microsoft Teams. Discover 3D virtual events inside your usual webinars.
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27 out of 60
LTAPPS BookingLTAPPS SOFTWARE CO.,LTDLTAPPS Booking is a software system that allows users to reserve and manage the booking requests
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28 out of 60
DIIMSA Extreme VocabularySectorWare LLCCreating Vocabulary Experiences across the Sciences for Today's Learner
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29 out of 60
NextAgency Email Add-In for OutlookTake 44, Inc.The product makes it easy to add emails to case records directly from within Outlook.
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30 out of 60
Academia by SerosoftSerosoft Solutions Pvt LtdAn Education ERP / Student Information System - Digitally transforms education institutes.
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31 out of 60
网梯互动直播北京网梯科技发展有限公司网梯科技发展有限公司提供的教育教学专用互动直播解决方案,融合Azure AI提供智能化教学直播服务,可帮助教育、出版领域客户实现在线开展会议、讲座、直播课堂等业务。
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32 out of 60
Skodel WellbeingSKODEL WELLBEING FOUNDATION LIMITEDManage your Skodel Wellbeing and CheckIns
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Office app
33 out of 60
EdTech365All e Technologies Pvt LtdManage Student Finance from Fee generation to Collection
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Business Central
34 out of 60
LTAPPS BookingLTAPPS SOFTWARE CO.,LTDLTAPPS Booking is a software system that allows users to reserve and manage the booking requests
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35 out of 60
Bella GPT GuardAI NetworksBella GPT Guard: AI-powered tool for detecting GPT-influenced texts.
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36 out of 60
Simulados SAEBTRIEDUC AVALIACAO ONLINE LTDAOferecemos simulados SAEB para a sua instituição de ensino
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37 out of 60
AI900TeraTeams Inc.Guiding students in learning the fundamentals of AI.
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38 out of 60
ZAP IN for CorporationIntegrate your calendar with ZAP IN Visitor Management to invite and expedite visitor check-ins.
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39 out of 60
Anthology RaiseAnthology Inc.Put your data to work to raise engagement and giving with a next-generation advancement CRM.
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40 out of 60
Velocity Learning For GamificationJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning for all industries.
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41 out of 60
Velocity Learning For AI & Cognitive ServicesJones Software Corp.The application is designed to provide online learning for AI & Cognitive Services
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42 out of 60
Velocity Learning For AR VRJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning
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43 out of 60
Velocity Learning For EsportsJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning for all Industries.
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44 out of 60
Velocity Learning Computer ScienceJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning for computer science pros and students.
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45 out of 60
Velocity Learning For AccessibilityJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning for K-12
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46 out of 60
LEADxLEADxA convenient and effective new way to learn and improve your leadership skills.
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47 out of 60
Forever FREESquid Software Technologies Pvt Ltd. Simple, Secured and Efficient eSign application
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48 out of 60
E-Visor for Viva ConnectionsSynergy Advisors LLCEnhancing employee interaction with high-level security and productivity
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49 out of 60
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50 out of 60
Criterion HCM for Dynamics 365 F&OCriterion Inc.Payroll and HR for Microsoft Dynamics 365
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51 out of 60
VioletLMSViolet InfoSystemsVioletLMS Application is a comprehensive solution addressing the users learning needs.
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52 out of 60
WittarioWittarioPlay, interact and educate! Make learning engaging and fun.
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53 out of 60
Velocity Learning MunicipalitiesJones Software Corp.This application is designed to provide online learning for Municipalities.
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54 out of 60
Velocity Learning United Nations ProcurementJones Software Corp.This Application is designed to provide online learning for United Nations Procurement
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55 out of 60
NumiatoNumiato GmbHDie Cloud-Geräteverwaltung für Bildungseinrichtungen von morgen
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56 out of 60
SpendBridge OfferBusiness Purchasing Solution dba SpendBridgeSpendBridge automates procurement to payment process
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57 out of 60
Anthology EngageAnthology Inc.Cultivate meaningful student connection and collect powerful data with a dynamic engagement platform
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58 out of 60
ResearchHub CitationsResearchHubResearchHub Citations is our tool accompanying our Reference Manager for easier publishing.
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59 out of 60
3DL3D Learning ASAn Engaging 3D app for better understanding EXPLORE-EXAMINE-EXPLAIN
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60 out of 60