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Apps results for Financial Services
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Innofalls ChartsInnofalls GmbHWaterfall and bar charts with new comparison features. Stacked, deviations, grouping and more!
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Power BI visuals
1 out of 60
Coefficient: Salesforce, Hubspot Data ConnectorCoefficient Works Inc.Connect any data source to Excel and pull data in a single click!
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2 out of 60
Ticket Desk 365 - Your Support Ticketing SystemOsmosys Software Solutions UK LimitedEasy-to-use support ticketing system, integrated with Microsoft D365 & Microsoft Power App Platforms
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Power Apps
3 out of 60
GuruFocus Add-in for ExcelGurufocus. LLCFully customizable investing research and analysis tools
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4 out of 60
Employee Onboarding 365Apps 365 & HR365Automate end-to-end HR365 Employee Onboarding and Offboarding process in Microsoft 365 SharePoint
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5 out of 60
Ultimate Waterfall (API) GmbHStart Value, Chart Orientation, Small Multiples, Sub Totals, Deviation, IBCS (R) Table
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Power BI visuals
6 out of 60
Drill Down Network PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsCreate beautiful, easy to explore networks from category-based data.
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Power BI visuals
7 out of 60
Power Reconcile For ExcelAppsense Inc.This Excel Add-In will help you create a reconciliation report automatically, with 3 easy steps.
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8 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Alpha Vantage Market DataAlpha Vantage, Inc.Import financial data directly into your spreadsheets. Get your free API key today!
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10 out of 60
KPI CircleCardCommunicatie in BedrijfDisplay your KPI's using Circles
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60 for for Word Add-In an AI-powered assistant designed to simplify legal document interaction.
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12 out of 60
BumpChart by iFouriFour Technolab Pvt. Ltd.The Bump Chart for Power BI tracks ranking changes over time, highlighting trends.
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Power BI visuals
13 out of 60
Cohort Analysis By Office SolutionOffice SolutionCohort Analysis in Power BI is a visual tool to analyze the behavior of groups (cohorts) over time.
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Power BI visuals
14 out of 60
Clerk SMSClerk ChatSend and receive text messages (SMS / MMS) and WhatsApp in Microsoft Teams
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15 out of 60
WeWrite MatrixSOLVEDA custom matrix visual with write-back capabilities
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
Ramp for ExcelRamp Business Corp.Query your Ramp data directly in Microsoft Excel.
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17 out of 60
Social AdvocacyOktopostEnhance internal communication and streamline employee advocacy.
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18 out of 60
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19 out of 60
iFinD 365杭州同花顺数据开发有限公司iFinD 365 是iFinD金融终端 基于office 365 开发的EXCEL数据接口,覆盖股票、债券、基金、期货、外汇等各金融品种,包括基础数据指标、丰富的经济数据指标和国内外市场行情数据。
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20 out of 60
Cryptocurrency Price TickerSharePinPöint Apps and IT ServicesBasic Cryptocurrency webpart to show more than 200 worldwide cryptocurrency prices & market info
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21 out of 60
Zebra BI Charts for OfficeZebra BIThe most powerful charting visual in Excel & PowerPoint with a complete set of advanced charts!
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22 out of 60
Line with Bubble ChartOffice SolutionChart with combination of Line & bubble in which both objects can be derive with a numerical measure
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
23 out of 60
X-Author™ ContractsAPTTUS CORPX-Author for Contracts is a cloud-based Word add-in that lets you work on contracts and templates.
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24 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Custom Functions in ExcelBetter Solutions LimitedThis add-in provides additional worksheet functions that will increase your productivity
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26 out of 60
Cirrus Insight for OutlookCirruspath, IncBe free from CRM friction and wasted opportunities.
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27 out of 60
VIES API - EU VAT ValidationNETCAT Systemy InformatyczneAutomatic checking and downloading company data from VAT Information and Exchange System (VIES)
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28 out of 60
Drill Down Waterfall PRO (Pin) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsControl column sequence, add subtotals and drill down into each category.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
29 out of 60
WorthMeetingQuantumRhinoAn Outlook extension to calculate a company's cost of a meeting using average hourly rate
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30 out of 60
AskHR Employee Support ChatbotAudsebProvide self-service HR support to employees using AI
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31 out of 60
Celebrations for SharePointDalikoo Inc.Celebrations: A SharePoint web part to celebrate your teammates' Birthdays and Anniversaries.
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32 out of 60
LiveFlow - Advanced Reporting & Consolidation for Microsoft ExcelLiveFlowConnect, analyze, and share QuickBooks Online data seamlessly and securely
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33 out of 60
TTS Turbo MacrosTraining The StreetTTS Turbo Macros will boost your productivity in Excel and enhance your workflow.
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34 out of 60
Power BI User Activity TrackerALTORO CONSULTING GROUP SLAnalyze how users interact with reports published in Power BI Online
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
35 out of 60
NetDocuments for OutlookNetDocuments IncUse NetDocuments for Outlook on any device for NetDocuments Email Management.
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Zabbix WebhookZabbixReact faster to monitoring alerts by integrating Zabbix with Microsoft Teams
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38 out of 60
Country MapAddinlyA powerful tool for displaying countries, regions or counties on 70+ different maps.
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39 out of 60
Voronoi Diagram By Office SolutionOffice SolutionA Voronoi diagram divides a plane into regions based on the distance to a specific set of points.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
40 out of 60
Drill Down Pie PRO (Pin) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsEnjoy interactive drilldowns, user friendly navigation and beautiful design.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
41 out of 60
RMail for OutlookRPost US Inc.Easy email encryption, Track & Prove email delivery and opening, Email Eavesdropping™ notifications
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42 out of 60
SharePoint Stock Ticker - Microsoft 365SharePinPöint Apps and IT ServicesMicrosoft 365 SharePoint Stock Ticker for companies listed in world stock exchanges
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43 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Cisco Devices for Microsoft Teams RoomsCisco Systems, Inc.Elevate your Microsoft Teams Rooms with Cisco devices
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45 out of 60
AI-Powered Reply GeneratorEMAILTREE AIAnswer customers' questions in seconds using AI
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46 out of 60
Power Slicer 高级切片器上北智信通过该组件可实现Power BI可视化的多种复杂数据筛选。
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
Infor Query and AnalysisInfor Global SolutionsThe Infor Query and Analysis Addin can be used to extract and drill down on SunSystems data.
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48 out of 60
Document Management SystemEVERTEAM-GSBuild a unified content repository with everteam.document
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49 out of 60
HRD 365 - Employee DirectoryBEYOND KEY SYSTEMSHR Directory 365 is employee directory SPFx with org chart to search & access your people's info .
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50 out of 60
ExcaliburIQZ Systems, LLCTrack patterns, classify data, work on clusters and perform many other types of analysis.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
51 out of 60
Multi-Entity Management (NA)Binary Stream Software Inc.Advanced intercompany transactions, real-time consolidated reporting, centralized entity management.
Applicable to:
Business Central
52 out of 60
IEX Cloud Stock DataIEX CloudConnect real-time and historical financial data for U.S. equities into Excel from IEX Cloud
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53 out of 60
Equation Builder Pro1990quebec.comBuild beautiful equations using the LaTeX syntax and render them as high quality images.
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54 out of 60
Excel Controller voor Exact OnlineExcel ControllerMaak eigen rapportages in MS Excel met de gegevens uit Exact Online met lijsten en functies.
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55 out of 60
LockSelfLockSelf365Transfert de fichiers sécurisés LockTransfer.
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56 out of 60
DealCloudIntappEmpower Your Firm To Source More Deals Through The Power Of Networks And Relationships.
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57 out of 60
HubSpot ConnectoriEnterprisesAn easy to use full featured integration between Outlook Mail, Calendar and HubSpot CRM
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58 out of 60
InperlyBillennium_S_AVerify identity and electronic signature in Microsoft Teams
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59 out of 60
Green Street Add-InGreen StreetEnhance your investment analyses with Green Street's industry leading commercial real estate data
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60 out of 60