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Apps results for Geolocation
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Delivery Route Planner for Combined Whse ShipmentEOS SolutionsManage and optimize delivery routes for combined Warehouse Shipments
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Business Central
1 out of 60
GenRay ExplorerGenesis Ray Energy Pte LtdGIS platform powered by ESRI's ArcGIS Enterprise for addressing repowering and siting challenges
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2 out of 60
GeoIntelligence ServicesJAKALA SPAGeoIntelligence Services are API-based tools ensuring data accuracy
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3 out of 60 GmbHSYNTH3D is's Geospatial Metaverse platform built from generative AI
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4 out of 60
Delivery Route Planner for Transport CostsEOS SolutionsManage/optimize delivery routes and calculate transport costs for shipped goods
Applicable to:
Business Central
5 out of 60
RapidSOS PremiumRapidSOS, Inc.RapidSOS Premium is your one-stop solution for critical incident data.
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Clearly.ProjectsFuture Insight Group B.V.Hét online samenwerkingsplatform voor projecten in de leefomgeving
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7 out of 60
Zatisvy Sales and Field Worker OptimiserTrevor HolmesCreate customer engagement templates to standardise engagement, geolocate users and analyse output
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8 out of 60
UPWARD Sales Engagement ServiceUPWARD株式会社CRM内の顧客情報を地図上に可視化し、直感的な訪問活動とデータ登録を支援します!
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9 out of 60
One Tap Attendance Tracker AppCMC TECHNOLOGY AND SOLUTION COMPANY LIMITEDOne Tap Attendance Tracker App
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10 out of 60
gpsmobileAZ SMART TECHNOLOGY LTDAMobile and fixed asset location platform, vehicle fleet management
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11 out of 60
Taxi AddingAdding Technology, S. A.Conecta pasajeros con conductores
Acerca a tus clientes al servicio de traslado
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12 out of 60
CCH® SureAddress™Wolters KluwerThe CCH® SureTax® address validation solution
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13 out of 60
LOKASI IntelligencePT Bhumi Varta TechnologyHelps business to achieve continuous growth with geospatial technology & data Analytics
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14 out of 60
Customer Visit v24VinyaSales Visit Tracking Package For Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
15 out of 60
Mini-CRM for Sales & Marketing Team AppCMC TECHNOLOGY AND SOLUTION COMPANY LIMITEDMini CRM for Sales & Marketing Team App
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16 out of 60
Trimble Mapping, Mileage & Routing ServicesTrimble MAPSWeb Services API for commercial vehicle routing, geocoding, location search, and optimization
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17 out of 60
ShipRush Integration (GB)ERP Connect Consulting LLCIntegrate Business Central Directly with ShipRush
Applicable to:
Business Central
18 out of 60
GeoPoint Locator WidgetBusiness Analytics SACEl mejor componente gráfico embebible (App & Web) para Buscar, Normalizar y Geocodificar direcciones
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19 out of 60
GeoPoint CoordinateBusiness Analytics SACPlataforma propietaria que permite la gestión del personal en campo (Móvil & Web)
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20 out of 60
GeoPoint Locator BatchBusiness Analytics SACEs una solución de Normalización y Geocodificación (N&G) de Direcciones
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21 out of 60
GeoPoint Locator WebBusiness Analytics SACEs una plataforma de tecnología propietaria que permite ubicar direcciones actualizada y precisa
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22 out of 60
Dispatch Management (GB)ERP Connect Consulting LLCDispatch Mangement allows you to manage Delivery/Pick-Up of your Sales, Purchase, Transfer Documents
Applicable to:
Business Central
23 out of 60
OneMap SG PostcodesWinspire Solutions Pte. Ltd.Automates post code validation and address entry using Singapore's OneMap API
Applicable to:
Business Central
24 out of 60
Melissa Address Validation for Dataverse / Dynamics 365 / Power AppsSharp XRMValidate and Standardize Addresses for 240+ Countries
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Project Operations
Power Apps
25 out of 60
MMP: Easy Absence Manager for Small & Medium BusinessesManage My People CorporationFeature-rich, mobile-friendly HR solution that simplifies absence tracking and approvals for SMBs
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26 out of 60
Mapsly: Map, Routing, Field Sales & ServiceMapsly LLCMap. Multi-day routing, check-in, location tracking, calendar. AI. Territories. Geo-automation.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
27 out of 60
High Definition Map ServiceNavInfo North America CorpThe HDMS is a map distribution and service platform.
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TRASER DMS 365 x TrackunitTRASER Software GmbHConnector app to use Trackunit with TRASER DMS 365 in Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
29 out of 60
Portal web de Operaciones para Dynamics 365 Business CentralTécnicas Informática Pro.Serv. y Ases,SLHub de Operaciones: Solución Web para Profesionales No Usuarios del ERP
Applicable to:
Business Central
30 out of 60
Mapa de Bodega para VinoTEC | Visualización gráficaTécnicas Informática Pro.Serv. y Ases,SLVisualización gráfica de la nave de depósitos y barricas de VinoTEC
Applicable to:
Business Central
31 out of 60
GeoLibraryiDynamics AGSimplify and supercharge your location-based operations with GeoLibrary
Applicable to:
Business Central
32 out of 60
Zefix ConnectorKIINNO AGGleichen Sie Ihre Firmen und Accounts direkt mit ZEFIX ab.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
33 out of 60
dTIMS Map for Power BIDeighton Associates Ltd.Custom Asset Mapping: Seamlessly Visualize and Report on Your Network with Power BI
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34 out of 60
Routing/Dispatch/Last Mile Logistics OptimoRouteGOapps4BCIntegrates your OptimoRoute route planning software with Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
35 out of 60
ArcGIS Indoors MapsEsri, Inc.Indoor GIS for Smarter Building Management
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36 out of 60
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web AppEsri, Inc.Location-based Market Intelligence
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37 out of 60
Mobile Rescuersadesso SESmartphone-based alarming reduces the reanimation-free interval.
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38 out of 60
iTwin ExperienceBentley Systems, IncorporatedVisualize, Analyze, Manage, and Share Infrastructure Digital Twins
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39 out of 60
Wayfinding platform for people with disabilitiesLAZARILLO TEC SPAMobile maps platform to make your space and services more accessible for people with disabilities
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40 out of 60
Truck SchedulerCeteris AGVerfolgt, wo sich Ihre Sendungen befinden und alarmiert alle bei Verspätungen
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41 out of 60
EcoStruxure ArcFMSchneider ElectricUtility scale GIS solution that enables intuitive infrastructure design & management
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42 out of 60
PointlySupper & Supper GmbH3D point cloud classification made smart, fast and easy.
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43 out of 60
Routely - Route Optimisation ServiceFITTS LtdRoutely optimises logistics and distribution planning.
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44 out of 60
Altametris SuiteALTAMETRISComprehensive platform to acquire data on infrastructures and transform it in business knowledge
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45 out of 60
GeoData For BusinessGeo ITConjunto de datos enriquecidos, geo referenciados y listos para ser usados por tu organización.
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Cartografía NacionalGeo ITFuente información geográfica enriquecida, normada y estandarizada.
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
InfoDropsInfoBlocks LtdA location management solution for professionals on the move.
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48 out of 60
Logistia Route PlannerFESPORE IT SRLThe easy way to generate optimal routes for your drivers
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49 out of 60
Cloud4WiCloud4Wi Inc.Comprehensive location-based marketing platform for innovative companies
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50 out of 60
TomTom Traffic StatsTomTomTomTom Traffic Stats provides historical road traffic speeds and travel times in over 75 countries.
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51 out of 60
Florian3AM Innovations IncFlorian is the next generation in accountability software for the fire service.
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52 out of 60
HIPAA-Compliant GeocoderCybertech Systems & Software, Inc.Securely Geo-Enable patient data and clinical resources, Powered by a HIPAA-Compliant Azure Cloud
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53 out of 60
Migesa Easy LogisticsMIGESA, SA de CVAdministrar y monitorear tus procesos logísticos de tus camiones en tiempo real.
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
OpenGround CloudBentley Systems, IncorporatedBentley's enterprise cloud collaboration platform for geotechnical information management (GIM)
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55 out of 60
JESI Remote Worker Management SolutionJ.E.S.I. MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS PTY LTD.JESI helps businesses manage the safety of their remote and travelling workforce.
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56 out of 60
Orbit 3DMBentley Systems, IncorporatedManage, Analyze, and Share Unlimited Volumes of Reality Data
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57 out of 60
CGI NaviCareCGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o.Navigation and knowledge management system
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Sail Indoor PositioningCrowd ConnectedIndoor positioning and navigation for mobile apps that's free, and you can set up in a day.
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59 out of 60
ArcGIS OnlineEsri, Inc.Mapping, location intelligence and analysis for everyone
Applicable to:
60 out of 60